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esriAnchorPointEnum Constants (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Carto)  

esriAnchorPointEnum Constants

Element anchor points.

Constant Value Description
esriTopLeftCorner 0 Anchor to the top left corner.
esriTopMidPoint 1 Anchor to the top mid point.
esriTopRightCorner 2 Anchor to the top right corner.
esriLeftMidPoint 3 Anchor to the left mid point.
esriCenterPoint 4 Anchor to the center point.
esriRightMidPoint 5 Anchor to the right mid point.
esriBottomLeftCorner 6 Anchor to the bottom left corner.
esriBottomMidPoint 7 Anchor to the bottom mid point.
esriBottomRightCorner 8 Anchor to the botton right corner.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.

.NET Samples

Triangle graphic element (Code Files: TriangleElementClass)

.NET Related Topics

Implementing persistence