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esriCurveIteratorEnum Constants (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Geometry)  

esriCurveIteratorEnum Constants

Identifies different stop options for an IEnumCurve iterator.

Constant Value Description
esriCurveIteratorNoStop 0 GetAtDistance will not stop at any endpoints of parts.
esriCurveIteratorStopAtPartFrom 1 GetAtDistance will stop at 'from' points of parts.
esriCurveIteratorStopAtPartTo 2 GetAtDistance will stop at 'to' points of parts.
esriCurveIteratorStopAtPartEndPoints 3 GetAtDistance will stop at 'from' and 'to' points of parts.
esriCurveIteratorStopAtCurveEnd 4 GetAtDistance stopped at the end of the curve (only used for output).

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Note: These options are only used for multipart polyline/polygon.

esriCurveIteratorNoStop: With this option the enumerator will not stop at end points of parts.

esriCurveIteratorStopAtPartFrom: With this option the enumerator will stop at part fromPoints if the it crosses those points while enumerating.

esriCurveIteratorStopAtPartTo: With this option the enumerator will stop at part toPoints if the it crosses those points while enumerating.

esriCurveIteratorStopAtPartEndPoints: With this option the enumerator will stop at part fromPoints and toPoints if the it crosses those points while enumerating.

esriCurveIteratorStopAtCurveEnd: Option not currently used