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esriNetworkErrorType Constants (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabase)  

esriNetworkErrorType Constants

Geometric network geometry and connectivity error types.

Constant Value Description
esriNETAll 0 All network connectivity and geometry errors.
esriNETConnectivity 1 Network features and network elements whose connectivity is corrupt.
esriNETAssociatedElements 2 Network features whose associated elements are inconsistent with their network connectivity.
esriNETMissingAllElements 3 All of the network elements associated with the network feature are missing.
esriNETMissingAnyElements 4 Any of the network elements associated with the network feature are missing.
esriNETDuplicateElements 5 Some of the elements associated with the network feature are duplicates.
esriNETAssociatedWithInvalidElements 6 The network feature is associated with invalid network elements.
esriNETAssociatedFeatures 7 Network elements whose associated features are inconsistent with their network connectivity.
esriNETAssociatedWithMissingFeatures 8 The network element is associated with a feature that does not exist.
esriNETGeometry 9 Network feature geometry errors.
esriNETEmptyGeometry 10 The network feature has an empty geometry.
esriNETMultipartGeometry 11 The network feature's geometry has multiple parts.
esriNETIdenticalStartStopVertex 12 The network edge feature's geometry has the same start and stop vertex (it is a loop).
esriNETZeroLengthGeometry 13 The network edge feature's geometry has zero length.
esriNETAssociatedWithSameFromToJunction 14 Edge feature associated with same from to junction feature.
esriNETMismatchedZValue 15 The junction is coincident with an edge-feature vertex having a different Z value.
esriNETStandaloneJunction 16 The junction is not connected to any other edge feature.
esriNETEdgeTooSmall 17 The edge feature is too small to participate in snapping and may not be connected to other features.
esriNETInvalidSubtypeValue 18 The feature has an invalid subtype value.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.