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esriRasterColorInterpretation Constants (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (DataSourcesRaster)  

esriRasterColorInterpretation Constants

The color interpretation.

Constant Value Description
esriRasterCIUnknown 0 The Unknwon color interpretation.
esriRasterCIGrayIndex 1 The Greyscale (mono).
esriRasterCIPaletteIndex 2 The Paletted (see associated color table).
esriRasterCIRedBand 3 The Red band of RGBA image.
esriRasterCIGreenBand 4 The Green band of RGBA image.
esriRasterCIBlueBand 5 Blue band of RGBA image.
esriRasterCIAlphaBand 6 The Alpha band of RGBA image.
esriRasterCIHueBand 7 The Hue band of HLS image.
esriRasterCISaturationBand 8 The Saturation band of HLS image.
esriRasterCILightnessBand 9 Lightness band of HLS image.
esriRasterCICyanBand 10 The Cyan band of CMYK image.
esriRasterCIMagentaBand 11 The Magenta band of CMYK image.
esriRasterCIYellowBand 12 Yellow band of CMYK image.
esriRasterCIBlackBand 13 The Black band of CMYK image.
esriRasterCIYCbCrYBand 14 The Y Luminance.
esriRasterCIYCbCrCbBand 15 The Cb Chroma.
esriRasterCIYCbCrCrBand 16 The Cr Chroma.
esriRasterCIRGB32 32 The Packed RGB32.
esriRasterCISAI32 33 The packed Slope-Aspect Index (SAI).

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.