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esriRouteEventError Constants (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Location)  

esriRouteEventError Constants

Error codes used by route event classes.

Constant Value Description
ROUTEEVENT_E_NOT_FEATURECLASSNAME -2147220991 The name must be a feature class name object.
ROUTEEVENT_E_LOCATORNAME_NOT_CORRECTLY_SETUP -2147220990 The RouteLocatorName object has not been correctly setup. Can't create the RouteLocator object.
ROUTEEVENT_E_NOT_POLYLINE_FEATURECLASS -2147220989 The route feature class is not a Polyline feature class.
ROUTEEVENT_E_CANT_FIND_RIDFIELD -2147220988 The route identifer field does not exist in the route feature class.
ROUTEEVENT_E_INVALID_RIDFIELD -2147220987 Invalid route identifier field type.
ROUTEEVENT_E_NOT_POLYLINEM_FEATURECLASS -2147220986 The route feature class is not a Polyline with M's feature class.
ROUTEEVENT_E_INVALID_EVENTPROPERTY_OBJECT -2147220985 The route event property object is invalid.
ROUTEEVENT_E_CANT_FIND_EVT_RIDFIELD -2147220984 The event route identifier field does not exist in the source table.
ROUTEEVENT_E_INVALID_EVT_RIDFIELD -2147220983 Invalid event route identifier field type.
ROUTEEVENT_E_CANT_FIND_EVT_MFIELD -2147220982 The measure field does not exist in the source table.
ROUTEEVENT_E_CANT_FIND_EVT_FMFIELD -2147220981 The from-measure field does not exist in the source table.
ROUTEEVENT_E_INVALID_EVT_MFIELD -2147220980 Invalid measure field type.
ROUTEEVENT_E_INVALID_EVT_FMFIELD -2147220979 Invalid from-measure field type.
ROUTEEVENT_E_CANT_FIND_EVT_TMFIELD -2147220978 The to-measure field does not exist in the source table.
ROUTEEVENT_E_INVALID_EVT_TMFIELD -2147220977 Invalid to-measure field type.
ROUTEEVENT_E_CANT_FIND_EVT_LOFIELD -2147220976 The lateral offset field does not exist in the source table.
ROUTEEVENT_E_INVALID_EVT_LOFIELD -2147220975 Invalid lateral offset field type.
ROUTEEVENT_E_CANT_CONVERT_RID_STRING -2147220974 The route identifier value could not be converted to a string.
ROUTEEVENT_E_SOURCENAME_NOT_CORRECTLY_SETUP -2147220973 The RouteSourceName object has not been correctly setup.
ROUTEEVENT_E_NOT_DATASETNAME -2147220972 The Name must be a dataset name object.
ROUTEEVENT_E_EVENTPROPERTY_NOT_CORRECTLY_SETUP -2147220971 One or more missing event properties.
ROUTEEVENT_E_CANT_SELECT -2147220970 The RouteEventSource doesn't have an OID column.
ROUTEEVENT_E_CANT_CREATE_ROUTECURSOR -2147220969 Cannot open a cursor on the route feature class.
ROUTEEVENT_E_ROUTEFEATURECLASS_TOO_LARGE -2147220968 The route feature class is too large.
ROUTEEVENT_E_CANT_DELETE_FIELD -2147220967 Can't delete a route location field.
ROUTEEVENT_E_CANT_CREATE_TMP_FILE -2147220966 Can't create a temporary file.
ROUTEEVENT_E_CANT_READ_TMP_FILE -2147220965 Can't read from a temporary file.
ROUTEEVENT_E_INVALID_OUTPUT_FIELD -2147220964 An output field is in conlict with a source field or is invalid.
ROUTEEVENT_E_OBJECTCLASS_EXISTS -2147220963 The output object class or feature class already exists.
ROUTEEVENT_E_DUPLICATED_FIELDS -2147220962 The output object class or feature class already exists.
ROUTEEVENT_E_NO_OIDFIELD -2147220961 The input doesn't have an OID field, can't process.
ROUTEEVENT_E_NOT_POINTFEATURE -2147220960 The input is not a multipoint or a point feature class.
ROUTEEVENT_E_NOT_POLYLINEFEATURE -2147220959 The input is not a polyline feature class.
ROUTEEVENT_E_NOT_POLYGONEFEATURE -2147220958 The input is not a polygon feature class.
ROUTEEVENT_E_NOT_RESFC -2147220957 The input is a route event source feature class.
ROUTEEVENT_E_NOT_LICENSED -2147220956 Incorrect license for this operation.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.