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esriStatusBarPanes Constants (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Framework)  

esriStatusBarPanes Constants

Status bar panes.

Constant Value Description
esriStatusMain 0 Leftmost pane where application messages are displayed.
esriStatusAnimation 1 Pane showing an animated icon.
esriStatusPosition 2 Pane showing mouse position in map coordinates.
esriStatusPagePosition 4 Pane showing mouse position in page coordinates.
esriStatusSize 8 Pane showing object size.
esriStatusCapsLock 16 Pane showing caps lock indicator.
esriStatusNumLock 32 Pane showing num lock indicator.
esriStatusScrollLock 64 Pane showing scroll lock indicator.
esriStatusClock 128 Pane showing clock.
esriStatusSwitchButtons 256 Pane showing switch buttons.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop.


The status bar is divided into sections called panes. The IStatusBar::Panes property specifies which panes of the status bar are currently visible.

The esriStatusBarPanes constants define which panes are shown. The IStatusBar::Panes property is a bit field; this means that you can use a combination of the esriStatusBarPanes constants. Add up the values of the panes you want shown and set the Panes property to the total.

The default value of Panes is 7; this means that the main (0), animation (1), position (2), and page position (4) panes are visible (0 + 1 + 2 + 4=7). You can set the Panes property to 255 to show all panes.

See Also

IStatusBar.Panes Property