The information in this topic is useful if you're trying to programmatically find a built-in command, menu, or toolbar. The ICommandBars.Find and ICommandBar.Find methods can be used to get a reference to a specific toolbar, menu, or command. Both of these methods require the unique identifier (UID) of the object you're trying to find.
This table contains the following information:
- Caption, name, and GUID of all the built-in toolbars in ArcGlobe.
- Caption, name, GUID, and parent of all the built-in menus in ArcGlobe.
- Caption, name, command category (category in the Customize dialog), GUID, SubType, parent, and description of all the built-in commands that appear on the toolbars and menus in ArcGlobe.
Type | Caption | Name | Command Category | GUID (CLSID / ProgID) | Sub Type | Parent | Description |
Toolbar | Main menu | GMx_MenuBar | none | {B461CDF0-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxMenuBar |
none | none | none |
Menu | File | GMx_FileMenu | none | {B461CDF1-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxFileMenu |
none | GMx_MenuBar | none |
Command | New | File_New | File | {B461CE05-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxFileMenu |
1 | GMx_FileMenu | Create a new globe document. |
Command | Open | File_Open | File | {B461CE05-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxFileMenu |
2 | GMx_FileMenu | Open an existing globe document. |
Command | Save | File_Save | File | {B461CE05-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxFileMenu |
3 | GMx_FileMenu | Save the current globe document. |
Command | Save As | File_SaveAs | File | {B461CE05-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxFileMenu |
4 | GMx_FileMenu | Save the current globe document with a new name. |
Command | Save A Copy | File_Save_A_Copy | File | {B461CE05-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxFileMenu |
8 | GMx_FileMenu | Save a copy of the current globe document with the option of saving to a previous version. |
Menu | Share As | ShareAs_Menu | none | {C92DC6EE-32B0-444A-8E50-40F783CAFF28} esriArcGlobe.GMxShareAsMenu |
none | GMx_FileMenu | none |
Command | Service | Tools_CreateGlobeService | Tools | {C3BF903D-BDA0-4695-9D70-409B820845BD} esriArcGlobe.GMxShareAsMenu |
none | ShareAs_Menu | Publish this map as a service on the web using either ArcGIS Server or ArcGIS Online. This command is disabled if you are currently in Layout view. |
Menu | Add Data | AddData_Menu | none | {615DF9AE-A7CC-4F82-AEE8-1BEEC77AEB79} esriArcGlobe.GMxAddDataMenu |
none | GMx_FileMenu | none |
Command | Add Data | File_AddData | File | {B461CE07-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxAddDataMenu |
none | AddData_Menu | Add new data to the globe. |
Command | Add Basemap | ESRI_BaseMap_BasemapCommand | ArcGIS Online | {76B26001-63CF-4CAC-A7E0-91CEE8686FAC} esriArcGlobe.GMxAddDataMenu |
none | AddData_Menu | Choose a basemap from ArcGIS Online. These basemaps are map services that require an Internet connection for them to draw in your map. |
Command | Add Data From ArcGIS Online | ESRI_MapCenter_MapCenterButton | ArcGIS Online | {DD82F2F1-B277-513D-5788-F89E518B126C} esriArcGlobe.GMxAddDataMenu |
none | AddData_Menu | Add data from ArcGIS Online into your map. The dialog that appears only shows data which can be added into your map as a layer. Sign in to ArcGIS Online to see data you've uploaded and data in groups you belong to. |
Command | Add XY Data | Tools_AddXYData | Tools | {55425B75-2CE4-4909-B40A-CFE50FAD1896} esriArcGlobe.GMxAddDataMenu |
none | AddData_Menu | Adds a new map layer based on XY events from a table. |
Command | { Sign in } | { File_AGOLSignin } | none | {C74C0031-9224-4EBB-9CA8-4D1D51986955} esriArcGlobe.GMxFileMenu |
none | GMx_FileMenu | none |
Command | ArcGIS Online | ESRI_MapCenter_MapCenterManageButton | ArcGIS Online | {47519610-33B8-8518-FB39-2A9A6CB4079A} esriArcGlobe.GMxFileMenu |
none | GMx_FileMenu | Launch the ArcGIS Online dialog so you can access data and open maps. Sign in to ArcGIS Online to see data and maps you've uploaded, as well as data and maps in groups you belong to |
Command | File_Print | File | {B461CE0D-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxFileMenu |
none | GMx_FileMenu | Print the current globe document. | |
Command | Export Globe | File_Properties | File | {B461CE05-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxFileMenu |
7 | GMx_FileMenu | Export Globe to 2D graphics file. |
Command | Globe Document Properties | File_Properties | File | {B461CE05-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxFileMenu |
6 | GMx_FileMenu | Display the properties of this globe document, such as description, author, credits, and specify whether its data sources will be referenced by relative pathnames. |
Command | { Recent files } | { File_RecentFiles } | none | {B461CE16-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxFileMenu |
none | GMx_FileMenu | none |
Command | Exit | File_Exit | File | {B461CE05-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxFileMenu |
5 | GMx_FileMenu | Exit the application. |
Menu | Edit | GMx_EditMenu | none | {B461CDF2-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxEditMenu |
none | GMx_MenuBar | none |
Command | Undo | Edit_Undo | Edit | {FBF8C3FB-0480-11D2-8D21-080009EE4E51} esriArcGlobe.GMxEditMenu |
1 | GMx_EditMenu | Undo the last action. |
Command | Redo | Edit_Redo | Edit | {FBF8C3FB-0480-11D2-8D21-080009EE4E51} esriArcGlobe.GMxEditMenu |
2 | GMx_EditMenu | Redo the previously undone action. |
Command | Cut | Edit_Cut | Edit | {B461CE06-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxEditMenu |
1 | GMx_EditMenu | Cut the selected element(s). |
Command | Copy | Edit_Copy | Edit | {B461CE06-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxEditMenu |
2 | GMx_EditMenu | Copy the selected element(s). |
Command | Paste | Edit_Paste | Edit | {B461CE06-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxEditMenu |
3 | GMx_EditMenu | Paste the clipboard contents into your globe. |
Command | Delete | Edit_Delete | Edit | {B461CE06-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxEditMenu |
4 | GMx_EditMenu | Delete the selected element(s). |
Command | Copy Globe To Clipboard | Edit_CopyGlobe | Edit | {B461CE15-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxEditMenu |
none | GMx_EditMenu | Copy the current display to the clipboard as an image that you can paste into another application. |
Command | Select All Graphics | Edit_SelectAll | Edit | {B461CE06-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxEditMenu |
5 | GMx_EditMenu | Select all graphics. |
Command | Unselect All Graphics | Edit_UnselectAll | Edit | {B461CE06-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxEditMenu |
6 | GMx_EditMenu | Clear graphic selection. |
Command | Zoom To Selected Graphics | Edit_ZoomToSelected | Edit | {B461CE06-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxEditMenu |
7 | GMx_EditMenu | Zoom to selected graphics. |
Menu | View | GMx_ViewMenu | none | {B461CDF3-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxViewMenu |
none | GMx_MenuBar | none |
Command | View Settings | View_ViewSettings | View | {B461CDF4-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxViewMenu |
none | GMx_ViewMenu | Specify your current view of the globe, such as observer and target positions, viewing characteristics , roll angle and pitch. |
Menu | Graphs | DataGraphOptions_Menu | none | {4C6E6A2B-DD8A-11D3-A661-0008C7DF88DB} esriArcMapUI.DataGraphOptionsMenu |
none | GMx_ViewMenu | none |
Command | Create Graph | DataGraph_Create | DataGraph | {4C6E6A2C-DD8A-11D3-A661-0008C7DF88DB} esriArcMapUI.DataGraphOptionsMenu |
1 | DataGraphOptions_Menu | Create a new graph. The dialog that appears lets you choose the layer or table containing the data you want to graph. After creating a graph, right-click inside the window it appears in to get more options, such as adding it to the map layout or saving it to a file. |
Command | Create Scatterplot Matrix Graph | DataGraph_CreateScatterplotMatrix | DataGraph | {4C6E6A2C-DD8A-11D3-A661-0008C7DF88DB} esriArcMapUI.DataGraphOptionsMenu |
4 | DataGraphOptions_Menu | Create a new scatterplot matrix graph. A scatterplot matrix graph is a data exploration tool that allows you to compare several datasets to look for patterns and relationships. |
Command | Manage Graphs | DataGraph_Manage | DataGraph | {4C6E6A2C-DD8A-11D3-A661-0008C7DF88DB} esriArcMapUI.DataGraphOptionsMenu |
2 | DataGraphOptions_Menu | Open the Graph Manager window. This dockable window makes it easy to work with your graphs. In the window you can right-click a graph to get more options. |
Command | Load Graph | DataGraph_Load | DataGraph | {4C6E6A2C-DD8A-11D3-A661-0008C7DF88DB} esriArcMapUI.DataGraphOptionsMenu |
3 | DataGraphOptions_Menu | Load graph that has been previously saved out as a graph file (.grf). |
Command | { Graphs } | { Tools_DataGraphMenu } | none | {809868AF-DF2A-11D3-A664-0008C7DF88DB} esriArcMapUI.DataGraphOptionsMenu |
none | DataGraphOptions_Menu | none |
Command | Full Screen | View_FullScreen | View | {A23B88E9-129A-46BF-8912-402E5218F54C} esriArcGlobe.GMxViewMenu |
none | GMx_ViewMenu | Set display window to full screen mode. |
Command | Status Bar | View_GMxStatusBar | View | {B461CDF5-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxViewMenu |
none | GMx_ViewMenu | Toggle the status bar at the bottom of the ArcGlobe window on or off. |
Command | Globe Properties | Globe_GlobeProperties | Globe | {B461CE30-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxViewMenu |
1 | GMx_ViewMenu | Change the properties of the globe, such as background color and sun position. |
Menu | Bookmarks | BookMarks_Menu | none | {B461CE37-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxBookmarksMenu |
none | GMx_MenuBar | none |
Command | Create Bookmark | View_CreateBookmark | View | {720E21DF-2199-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxBookmarksMenu |
none | BookMarks_Menu | Create a spatial bookmark. |
Command | Manage Bookmarks | View_ManageBookmarks | View | {720E21E0-2199-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxBookmarksMenu |
none | BookMarks_Menu | Manage spatial bookmarks. |
Command | { Bookmarks } | { Tools_BookMarkMenu } | none | {B461CE36-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxBookmarksMenu |
none | BookMarks_Menu | none |
Menu | Selection | Selection_Menu | none | {98819836-6A9B-4F59-A44D-A50296A185A5} esriArcGlobe.GMxSelectionMenu |
none | GMx_MenuBar | none |
Command | Select By Attributes | Selection_AttributeSelect | Selection | {D4DCC23F-664D-4860-A82B-619A10295563} esriArcGlobe.GMxSelectionMenu |
none | Selection_Menu | Select features by their attribute values. |
Command | Select By Location | Selection_SelectByLayer | Selection | {73DE2744-4F47-46CE-A94D-F25C905F2F84} esriArcGlobe.GMxSelectionMenu |
none | Selection_Menu | Select features using the location of features in another layer. |
Command | Zoom To Selected Features | Query_ZoomToSelected | Selection | {B461CE38-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxSelectionMenu |
none | Selection_Menu | Zoom to the selected features in all layers. |
Command | Statistics | Selection_SelectionStatistics | Selection | {00D18E65-A317-4679-8761-BFB2CF81F2ED} esriArcGlobe.GMxSelectionMenu |
none | Selection_Menu | Display statistics for the selected features. |
Command | Set Selectable Layers | Query_SelectableLayers | Selection | {06C532B2-051E-43C3-A3B7-4C9DE569373A} esriArcGlobe.GMxSelectionMenu |
none | Selection_Menu | Choose which layers the interactive selection tools, like the Select Features tool, will select features from. |
Command | Clear Selected Features | Selection_ClearSelection | Selection | {AF988F5C-A789-4EE3-A6BB-3EA4A3637760} esriArcGlobe.GMxSelectionMenu |
none | Selection_Menu | Unselect the currently selected features in all layers. |
Menu | Interactive Selection Method | SelectionType_Menu | none | {E8790438-D28B-4646-9958-F206DF2D2AE4} esriArcGlobe.GMxSelectionTypeMenu |
none | Selection_Menu | none |
Command | Create New Selection | Selection_SelectFeatures | Selection | {80DA3FB9-F099-45D2-9ACF-02F656AD2AB9} esriArcGlobe.GMxSelectionTypeMenu |
1 | SelectionType_Menu | Create a new selection. |
Command | Add to Current Selection | Selection_AddToCurrentSelection | Selection | {80DA3FB9-F099-45D2-9ACF-02F656AD2AB9} esriArcGlobe.GMxSelectionTypeMenu |
2 | SelectionType_Menu | Add to the current selection. |
Command | Remove From Current Selection | Selection_RemoveFromCurrentSelection | Selection | {80DA3FB9-F099-45D2-9ACF-02F656AD2AB9} esriArcGlobe.GMxSelectionTypeMenu |
3 | SelectionType_Menu | Remove from the current selection. |
Command | Select From Current Selection | Selection_SelectFromCurrentSelection | Selection | {80DA3FB9-F099-45D2-9ACF-02F656AD2AB9} esriArcGlobe.GMxSelectionTypeMenu |
4 | SelectionType_Menu | Select from the current selection. |
Command | Selection Options | Selection_SelectionOptions | Selection | {887C51BD-D559-41E2-AD09-9B92CFF4EB6A} esriArcGlobe.GMxSelectionMenu |
none | Selection_Menu | Choose selection options such as highlight color. |
Menu | Geoprocessing | Geoprocessing_Menu | none | {F830D42D-806D-4A30-B560-67469B9FF3AB} esriGeoprocessingUI.GeoprocessingMenu |
none | GMx_MenuBar | none |
Command | Buffer | Analysis Tools_Buffer | Analysis Tools | {80F581B8-FF06-44EE-B6C5-4AC6E5727AC6} esriGeoprocessingUI.GeoprocessingMenu |
84 | Geoprocessing_Menu | Geoprocessing tool that creates buffer polygons around input features to a specified distance. |
Command | Clip | Analysis Tools_Clip | Analysis Tools | {80F581B8-FF06-44EE-B6C5-4AC6E5727AC6} esriGeoprocessingUI.GeoprocessingMenu |
85 | Geoprocessing_Menu | Geoprocessing tool that extracts input features that overlay the clip features. |
Command | Intersect | Analysis Tools_Intersect | Analysis Tools | {80F581B8-FF06-44EE-B6C5-4AC6E5727AC6} esriGeoprocessingUI.GeoprocessingMenu |
88 | Geoprocessing_Menu | Geoprocessing tool that computes a geometric intersection of the input features. Features or portions of features which overlap in all layers and/or feature classes will be written to the output feature class. |
Command | Union | Analysis Tools_Union | Analysis Tools | {80F581B8-FF06-44EE-B6C5-4AC6E5727AC6} esriGeoprocessingUI.GeoprocessingMenu |
90 | Geoprocessing_Menu | Geoprocessing tool computes a geometric union of the input features. |
Command | Merge | Data Management Tools_Merge | Data Management Tools | {80F581B8-FF06-44EE-B6C5-4AC6E5727AC6} esriGeoprocessingUI.GeoprocessingMenu |
262 | Geoprocessing_Menu | Geoprocessing tool that combines multiple input datasets of the same data type into a single, new output dataset. |
Command | Dissolve | Data Management Tools_Dissolve | Data Management Tools | {80F581B8-FF06-44EE-B6C5-4AC6E5727AC6} esriGeoprocessingUI.GeoprocessingMenu |
168 | Geoprocessing_Menu | Geoprocessing tool used to aggregate features based on specified attributes. |
Command | Search For Tools | GP Search Window | Geoprocessing | {A395E075-78EE-4D01-847C-773667634BF6} esriGeoprocessingUI.GeoprocessingMenu |
none | Geoprocessing_Menu | Open the Search window so you can search for geoprocessing tools. |
Command | ArcToolbox | ArcToolbox_ShowToolbox | ArcToolbox | {85980C3A-652A-47ED-8CD2-1B99DD060AAB} esriGeoprocessingUI.GeoprocessingMenu |
none | Geoprocessing_Menu | Open the ArcToolbox window so you can access geoprocessing tools and toolboxes. |
Command | Environments | GP Environments Window | Geoprocessing | {67EFF682-3AAB-4301-B7F6-46A4178FC923} esriGeoprocessingUI.GeoprocessingMenu |
none | Geoprocessing_Menu | Open the Geoprocessing Environments Dialog |
Command | Results | GP Search Window | Geoprocessing | {9899A86C-A077-4DF4-A178-77B64AE50690} esriGeoprocessingUI.GeoprocessingMenu |
none | Geoprocessing_Menu | Open the Results window so you can track and review the geoprocessing steps you have performed. In this window you can also share your geoprocessing results with others as packages or services. |
Command | ModelBuilder | ArcToolbox_ShowModelBuilder | ArcToolbox | {F6F97AA5-40F2-4C96-8A52-09CF68B30C06} esriGeoprocessingUI.GeoprocessingMenu |
none | Geoprocessing_Menu | Open the ModelBuilder window so you can make a geoprocessing model. |
Command | Python | ArcToolbox_ShowCommandLine | ArcToolbox | {1A7E7146-BDFB-4755-93DE-100171382BFF} esriGeoprocessingUI.GeoprocessingMenu |
none | Geoprocessing_Menu | Open the Python window so you can execute geoprocessing commands and scripts. |
Command | Geoprocessing Options | GP Options Window | Geoprocessing | {9B927F22-E7A1-4E46-90FD-151569D0E9D2} esriGeoprocessingUI.GeoprocessingMenu |
none | Geoprocessing_Menu | Open the Geoprocessing Options Dialog |
Menu | Customize | GMx_CustomizeMenu | none | {46A97BFF-2F30-4CAD-8FC9-E35125E45D2D} esriArcGlobe.GMxCustomizeMenu |
none | GMx_MenuBar | none |
Menu | Toolbars | none | {10BAA9F9-1C2F-11D2-94B6-080009EEBECB} esriFramework.ToolbarContextMenu |
none | GMx_CustomizeMenu | none | |
Command | { } | { } | none | {2AE639DD-1C2F-11D2-94B6-080009EEBECB} esriFramework.ToolbarContextMenu |
none | none | |
Command | Customize Mode | Untitled | Tools | {8807BD31-6947-11D2-8D4C-080009EE4E51} esriFramework.ToolbarContextMenu |
none | Customize the user interface. While the Customize dialog is open, you can drag and drop controls between menus and toolbars to rearrange them. You can also find commands in the Customize dialog and drag them into menus and toolbars. | |
Command | View Source | Untitled | none | {1B2D63B1-12A9-11D2-AA21-000000000000} esriFramework.ToolbarContextMenu |
9 | Displays the VBA source code for the selected control | |
Command | Extensions | ExtensionsCommand | Tools | {F647BE13-ECCF-4D32-8B04-72CB28CEAE7C} esriArcGlobe.GMxCustomizeMenu |
none | GMx_CustomizeMenu | Select the ArcGIS Desktop extensions you want to use. Extensions provide extended capabilities and usually require that you have a license to use them. The dialog lists the extensions that are currently installed on your system and which work with the application you are currently using. |
Command | Add-In Manager | AddInManager | Tools | {EC9C5C3E-A5B5-4EE5-A7C0-D029044F89C4} esriArcGlobe.GMxCustomizeMenu |
none | GMx_CustomizeMenu | Review and manage the ArcGIS Desktop add-ins currently installed on your system. Add-ins make it easy to develop, distribute and use additional functionality. To install an add-in, choose Customize > Customize Mode, click Add From File, then drag and drop the commands from the add-in into your menus or toolbars. |
Menu | VBA Macros | GMx_MacrosMenu | none | {B461CDFB-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxMacrosMenu |
none | GMx_CustomizeMenu | none |
Command | Macros | Tools_Macros | Tools | {B461CDFC-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxMacrosMenu |
none | GMx_MacrosMenu | Create, edit or execute a Visual Basic macro. |
Command | Visual Basic Editor | Tools_VisualBasicEditor | Tools | {B461CDFD-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxMacrosMenu |
none | GMx_MacrosMenu | Display the Visual Basic editor so you can edit the source code for macros. |
Command | Customize Mode | Untitled | Tools | {8807BD31-6947-11D2-8D4C-080009EE4E51} esriArcGlobe.GMxCustomizeMenu |
none | GMx_CustomizeMenu | Customize the user interface. While the Customize dialog is open, you can drag and drop controls between menus and toolbars to rearrange them. You can also find commands in the Customize dialog and drag them into menus and toolbars. |
Command | Style Manager | Tools_StyleManager | Tools | {C155DC40-B7EA-4E8C-A8F7-79D57A8C6113} esriArcGlobe.GMxCustomizeMenu |
2 | GMx_CustomizeMenu | Browse and manage the contents of styles. |
Command | ArcGlobe Options | Tools_Options | Tools | {B461CDF7-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxCustomizeMenu |
none | GMx_CustomizeMenu | Modify ArcGlobe settings. |
Menu | Windows | Window_Menu | none | {B461CE17-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxWindowMenu |
none | GMx_MenuBar | none |
Command | Add Viewer | Window_SubView | Window | {B461CE09-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxWindowMenu |
none | Window_Menu | Add a secondary viewer to the globe so you can look at the same data from different directions. Tools that operate in the main viewer also work in secondary viewers. |
Command | Viewer Manager | Window_Windows | Window | {B461CE19-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxWindowMenu |
1 | Window_Menu | Show all sub viewers. |
Command | Table Of Contents | Tools_SceneTreeView | View | {B461CE08-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxWindowMenu |
none | Window_Menu | Open the Table Of Contents window so you can work with your globe's contents. |
Command | Catalog | File_CatalogWindow | File | {79D6A9E5-C3C3-4F47-9E7F-4ABE329EAA67} esriArcGlobe.GMxWindowMenu |
none | Window_Menu | Open the Catalog window to access and manage your data. |
Command | Search | File_ArcGISSearchCommand | File | {3E206C92-5576-46F2-9C96-209B81D229C2} esriArcGlobe.GMxWindowMenu |
none | Window_Menu | Open the Search window to search for data, maps, tools, etc. |
Menu | Help | GMx_HelpMenu | none | {B461CDF8-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxHelpMenu |
none | GMx_MenuBar | none |
Command | ArcGIS Desktop Help | Help_Contents | Help | {B461CDF9-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxHelpMenu |
none | GMx_HelpMenu | Launch the help system for ArcGIS Desktop. This help system is installed with the product and doesn't require an Internet connection. |
Command | ArcGIS Desktop Web Help | Help_ArcGISResourceCenter | Help | {4B6B8DA1-19B0-4289-AF9D-16FB23647D5D} esriArcGlobe.GMxHelpMenu |
7 | GMx_HelpMenu | Launch the ArcGIS Desktop Web Help website on the Internet. This website features online help, blogs, forums and other useful resources about ArcGIS. |
Command | About ArcGlobe | Help_About | Help | {B461CDFA-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxHelpMenu |
none | GMx_HelpMenu | Get version, build, and other information about this application. |
Toolbar | 3D Editor | 3DEditor_3DEditorToolbar | none | {96C65A87-25EF-4021-B905-5616FAD6F92A} esri3DAnalystUI.Editor3DToolBar |
none | none | none |
Menu | 3D Editor | 3DEditor_3DEditorMenu | none | {458A61DD-611A-4339-BE87-BA7E8F82A861} esri3DAnalystUI.Editor3DMenu |
none | 3DEditor_3DEditorToolbar | none |
Command | Start Editing | Editor_StartEditing | Editor | {59D2AFD0-9EA2-11D1-9165-0080C718DF97} esri3DAnalystUI.Editor3DMenu |
none | 3DEditor_3DEditorMenu | Start an edit session so you can edit features or attributes. |
Command | Stop Editing | Editor_StopEditing | Editor | {59D2AFD1-9EA2-11D1-9165-0080C718DF97} esri3DAnalystUI.Editor3DMenu |
none | 3DEditor_3DEditorMenu | Stop the edit session. If you have any unsaved edits, you are prompted to save them. |
Command | Save Edits | Editor_SaveEdits | Editor | {59D2AFD2-9EA2-11D1-9165-0080C718DF97} esri3DAnalystUI.Editor3DMenu |
none | 3DEditor_3DEditorMenu | Save all edits made since the last save. After saving, you cannot undo previous editing operations. |
Command | Move | 3DEditor_Move | Editor | {D1684EF0-4A06-4551-BFAE-CAB3421EF482} esri3DAnalystUI.Editor3DMenu |
none | 3DEditor_3DEditorMenu | Move the selected features by typing a precise offset distance.Shortcut: Press M after selecting the feature to open the coordinate box. You can interactively drag selected features in x, y using the Edit Placement tool by holding the left mouse button. (Left mouse button + SHIFT to drag in z only). |
Command | Rotate | 3DEditor_Rotate | Editor | {37E3D6FD-BAF3-454D-8A91-34C349DA3815} esri3DAnalystUI.Editor3DMenu |
none | 3DEditor_3DEditorMenu | Rotate the selected features by an angular measurement.Shortcut: Press R after selecting the feature to open the Direction box. To interactively rotate, use the Edit Placement tool and click and hold the middle mouse button to rotate the selected feature. |
Command | Scale | 3DEditor_Scale | Editor | {47485AFF-A44E-4314-9BE6-B28AF856BB0E} esri3DAnalystUI.Editor3DMenu |
none | 3DEditor_3DEditorMenu | Resize the selected features.Shortcut: Press C after selecting the feature to open the Scale box. To interactively scale, use the Edit Placement tool + SHIFT + right-click and drag to scale directly in the 3D view. |
Command | Split | Editor_SplitCommand | Editor | {8F85D79C-2A81-11D3-9F37-00C04F6BC979} esri3DAnalystUI.Editor3DMenu |
none | 3DEditor_3DEditorMenu | Split a selected line feature using a specified distance value, a percentage of total length, or a measure value from either the start or end point of the feature. |
Command | Copy Parallel | Editor_CopyParallel | Editor | {26032FF0-0F84-11D2-84A6-0000F875B9C6} esri3DAnalystUI.Editor3DMenu |
none | 3DEditor_3DEditorMenu | Create new line features at an offset from selected lines. |
Command | Merge | Editor_Merge | Editor | {DB56FE71-F74D-11D1-849A-0000F875B9C6} esri3DAnalystUI.Editor3DMenu |
none | 3DEditor_3DEditorMenu | Merge two or more selected features from the same layer into one feature. |
Command | Union | Editor_Union | Editor | {DB56FE73-F74D-11D1-849A-0000F875B9C6} esri3DAnalystUI.Editor3DMenu |
none | 3DEditor_3DEditorMenu | Create a new feature from two or more selected features of the same shape type. |
Command | Intersect | Editor_Intersection | Editor | {DB56FE72-F74D-11D1-849A-0000F875B9C6} esri3DAnalystUI.Editor3DMenu |
none | 3DEditor_3DEditorMenu | Create a new feature from the common parts of any two selected features of the same shape type. |
Command | Duplicate Vertical | 3DEditor_DuplicateFeatures | Editor | {636D1F4C-1AF4-4CA1-88E7-ABCF2F73F893} esri3DAnalystUI.Editor3DMenu |
none | 3DEditor_3DEditorMenu | Duplicate the selected features in z by typing a specified offset. Positive values place the copy above the source features, and negative values are below. |
Command | Replace With Model | 3DEditor_ReplaceModel | Editor | {DAC65641-FFD7-4706-A9F2-D0568B9990A9} esri3DAnalystUI.Editor3DMenu |
none | 3DEditor_3DEditorMenu | Replace the selected multipatch features with a new 3D model. |
Menu | Snapping | 3DEditor_Snapping3DMenu | none | {707703EC-57F8-460C-9513-4FF7E0B8FBC5} esri3DAnalystUI.EditorSnapping3DMenu |
none | 3DEditor_3DEditorMenu | none |
Command | { Snapping } | { 3DEditor_SnappingMenuItem } | none | {9BAAA1C2-A86A-4754-A4AE-E9F36516D3E4} esri3DAnalystUI.EditorSnapping3DMenu |
none | 3DEditor_Snapping3DMenu | none |
Command | Options | 3DEditor_Properties | Editor | {761F303A-F141-4695-89E0-53F26876DA2F} esri3DAnalystUI.Editor3DMenu |
none | 3DEditor_3DEditorMenu | Open the Editing Options dialog box so you can specify various options related to editing. |
Command | Edit Placement | 3DEditor_EditTool | Editor | {539B890B-9265-4558-B3C4-FFC94CEA636D} esri3DAnalystUI.Edit3DTool |
none | 3DEditor_3DEditorToolbar | Select and edit entire features in an edit session. You can select features within the 3D view and interactively move, rotate and scale their geometries. |
Command | Edit Vertices | 3DEditor_FeatureEditVertices | Editor | {2561EA46-4022-4DCE-8C57-EC2EC20A89FC} esri3DAnalystUI.FeatureEditVertices3DCommand |
none | 3DEditor_3DEditorToolbar | View and modify the vertices and segments that make up the shape of the selected feature. |
Command | Cut Polygons | 3DEditor_CutPolygons3DTool | Editor | {3DABFC8F-893A-4DB7-8372-D52F25D9CEED} esri3DAnalystUI.CutPolygons3DTool |
none | 3DEditor_3DEditorToolbar | Split one or more selected polygons based on a line you digitize. Newly created vertices interpolate their z-values from the surrounding vertices defined in the feature. |
Command | Split | 3DEditor_Split3DTool | Editor | {1650B942-2608-46C6-A692-ED87F7628B02} esri3DAnalystUI.Split3DTool |
none | 3DEditor_3DEditorToolbar | Split a selected line feature into two features at a location you click. The two new line features maintain the z-value at the split location. |
Command | Attributes | Editor_Attribution | Editor | {44276914-98C1-11D1-8464-0000F875B9C6} esriEditor.AttributionCommand |
none | 3DEditor_3DEditorToolbar | Open the Attributes window so you can modify the attribute values of selected features in the layers you are editing. You can also edit relationships among features in this window. |
Command | Sketch Properties | Editor_SketchProperties | Editor | {50F9A8E5-A820-4D00-8369-E35832141356} esriEditor.SketchPropertiesCommand |
none | 3DEditor_3DEditorToolbar | Open the Edit Sketch Properties window so you can view and modify the properties of the sketch geometry that makes up a feature. To populate this window, use the Edit tool to double-click a feature. |
Command | Create Features | CreateFeatureDockWinCommand | Advanced Edit Tools | {B18ED544-C8B1-49F3-9F7A-F83CBE793CDB} esriEditor.CreateFeatureDockWinCommand |
none | 3DEditor_3DEditorToolbar | Open the Create Features window so you can add new features. Click a feature template to set up the editing environment with those properties, then click a construction tool on the window to digitize features. |
Toolbar | 3D Effects | GMxEffects_ToolBar | none | {4100B485-EE96-4D14-B564-25BAA5A50ED9} esriArcGlobe.GMxEffectsToolBar |
none | none | none |
Command | 3D Effects Layer List Control | 3DEffects_LayerListControl | 3D Effects | {30BB848D-B01D-4874-9887-3B1AB401436A} esriArcGlobe.GMxEffectsLayerListControl |
none | GMxEffects_ToolBar | Choose the layer that 3D effects will be applied to. |
Command | Contrast | GMxEffects_ContrastCommand | 3D Effects | {67053929-2A00-43D9-A2DE-DA7328E4E826} esriArcGlobe.GMxEffectsContrastCommand |
none | GMxEffects_ToolBar | Adjust the contrast of the layer. |
Command | Brightness | GMxEffects_BrightnessCommand | 3D Effects | {7A5D7A2D-2406-4410-86E9-B827EF6F9BA0} esriArcGlobe.GMxEffectsBrightnessCommand |
none | GMxEffects_ToolBar | Adjust the brightness of the layer. |
Command | Transparency | GMxEffects_TransparencyCommand | 3D Effects | {3E6A1EE9-29F3-4D84-907C-A1401CC8F916} esriArcGlobe.GMxEffectsTransparencyCommand |
none | GMxEffects_ToolBar | Change the transparency of the layer interactively. |
Command | Change Face Culling | GMxEffects_FaceCullingCommand | 3D Effects | {EFCAC8C8-3503-4524-AA5E-CA47270036A8} esriArcGlobe.GMxEffectsFaceCullingCommand |
none | GMxEffects_ToolBar | Change the culling options for the layer to show both sides or hide either the front or back face of a 3D object. |
Command | Change Layer Lighting | GMxEffects_LightingCommand | 3D Effects | {23D888DD-6FBA-40BE-9DD9-9F132CCF23AA} esriArcGlobe.GMxEffectsLightingCommand |
none | GMxEffects_ToolBar | Toggle on/off the layer lighting. |
Command | Change Shading Mode | GMxEffects_ShadingCommand | 3D Effects | {EDB044DF-E320-467C-9131-5A418C0141F8} esriArcGlobe.GMxEffectsShadingCommand |
none | GMxEffects_ToolBar | Set the shading mode of the layer. |
Command | Globe Swipe | ControlToolsGlobeInquiry_Swipe | Globe Inquiry | {790854A7-33E5-4E35-8DBB-926FCCD83189} esriControls.ControlsGlobeSwipeTool |
none | GMxEffects_ToolBar | Click and drag to reveal what is beneath the chosen layer. Shortcut: CTRL + click to swipe the entire display. |
Command | Flicker | ControlToolsGlobeInquiry_Flicker | Globe Inquiry | {B90E6188-654F-48A9-903F-9B0E7234E99C} esriControls.ControlsGlobeFlickerCommand |
none | GMxEffects_ToolBar | Flicker the chosen layer on/off at the specified rate to reveal the layers beneath it.Disabled in layout view. |
Command | Flicker Rate | ControlToolsGeneric_FlickerRate | Generic | {9532F137-EECA-4158-8690-1DD93B286B73} esriControls.ControlsFlickerRateToolControl |
none | GMxEffects_ToolBar | Specify the rate of flicker in milliseconds. |
Toolbar | Animation | Animation_ToolBar | none | {9A00FF78-85FA-47DA-A63B-ABEC2268627F} esriAnimationUI.AnimationToolBar |
none | none | none |
Menu | Animation | Animation_Menu | none | {9D800203-79C0-4AA5-A5AB-50A42D26816E} esriAnimationUI.AnimationMenu |
none | Animation_ToolBar | none |
Command | Clear Animation | Animation_Delete | Animation | {57BC2C2D-5FE4-4DDF-8518-7E24A41C46F6} esriAnimationUI.AnimationMenu |
none | Animation_Menu | Remove the animation tracks. This cannot be undone. |
Command | Create Keyframe | Animation_CreateKeyframe | Animation | {950CC4B4-2865-4477-BC90-B47BEC787B1E} esriAnimationUI.AnimationMenu |
none | Animation_Menu | Create a new animation keyframe. |
Command | Create Group Animation | Animation_LayerGroup | Animation | {773AB9A8-41D1-48C2-9334-C6610D658696} esriAnimationUI.AnimationMenu |
none | Animation_Menu | Create a group animation from selected layers. |
Command | Create Time Animation | Animation_CreateTimeTrack | Animation | {EF68A828-5453-4133-8831-47CD216EA8F3} esriAnimationUI.AnimationMenu |
none | Animation_Menu | Create a time animation track. |
Command | Create Flyby From Path | Animation_CreateFromPath | Animation | {7C5325EC-B37F-4E7C-B9A3-740CF8A75F8A} esriAnimationUI.AnimationMenu |
none | Animation_Menu | Create animation along a linear path defined by a selected line feature or line graphic.Enable by selecting a line feature or graphic. |
Command | Load Animation File | Animation_Open | Animation | {70E7F641-1589-4D13-9FC2-C341FA8FF4C0} esriAnimationUI.AnimationMenu |
none | Animation_Menu | Load a saved animation file so that you can play or edit it. |
Command | Save Animation File | Animation_Save | Animation | {C1264170-89B1-48B2-B3AD-D7CF65E23D62} esriAnimationUI.AnimationMenu |
none | Animation_Menu | Save the animation tracks to a file. |
Command | Export Animation | Animation_ExportAnimation | Animation | {3B30EABC-B9A8-453C-9D43-E980C726196A} esriAnimationUI.AnimationMenu |
none | Animation_Menu | Export the animation to a video file or as sequential images. |
Command | Animation Manager | Animation_Manage | Animation | {CB9F62CD-1DCC-4AAC-BCB2-57FCCB7D94CB} esriAnimationUI.AnimationMenu |
none | Animation_Menu | Open the Animation Manager dialog. |
Command | Capture View | Animation_CaptureView | Animation | {4FCB51A6-22E2-4D1D-95C6-DC49BB27651C} esriAnimationUI.AnimationCaptureViewCommand |
none | Animation_ToolBar | Capture the active view into a flyby animation. |
Command | Animation Controls | Animation_Controls | Animation | {4DBEE091-195D-4915-9221-062AE949AAA7} esriAnimationUI.AnimationControlsCommand |
none | Animation_ToolBar | Open animation playing and recording controls. |
Toolbar | Globe 3D Graphics | GMxGraphics_Toolbar | none | {2E1DF4A9-0ED0-4A5C-9B7D-647600829144} esriArcGlobe.GMxGraphicsToolBar |
none | none | none |
Menu | Graphics | Graphics_GlobeGraphicsMenu | none | {D1EF4FD9-0F57-4082-AD42-79646D15CF9D} esriArcGlobe.GMxGraphicsMenu |
none | GMxGraphics_Toolbar | none |
Command | New Graphics Layer | Graphics_NewGraphicsLayer | Graphics | {D881A710-BA11-4049-86B3-2D3241393177} esriArcGlobe.GMxGraphicsMenu |
none | Graphics_GlobeGraphicsMenu | Create a new graphics layer in which to store text and graphics. |
Menu | Active Graphics Layer Target | Graphics_ActiveGraphicsLayersMenu | none | {45B08174-EC7C-4E1D-9590-664297E2E2FC} esriArcGlobe.GMxActiveGraphicsLayerMenu |
none | Graphics_GlobeGraphicsMenu | none |
Command | { Graphic Layer Targets } | { Graphics_GraphicsLayersListMenu } | none | {6A7CDE3B-0880-40BE-8CAB-32E63213E711} esriArcGlobe.GMxActiveGraphicsLayerMenu |
none | Graphics_ActiveGraphicsLayersMenu | none |
Command | Default Element Properties | Graphics_DefaultElementProperties | Graphics | {8190AD06-42B6-4711-AD98-352663088AF2} esriArcGlobe.GMxGraphicsMenu |
none | Graphics_GlobeGraphicsMenu | Set the default symbols used for new graphics and text drawn with this toolbar. |
Command | Select Graphics | Edit_Select | Edit | {F428652A-0156-445E-A2DC-100931B41BF2} esriArcGlobe.GMxSelectTool |
none | GMxGraphics_Toolbar | Select graphics drawn on the globe. Click on a graphic to select it. Hold down SHIFT while you click to select multiple graphics. |
Command | Marker | Graphics_NewMarkerElement | Graphics | {25436DAE-E297-447D-8FFA-B210E505094E} esriArcGlobe.GMxNewMarkerTool |
none | GMxGraphics_Toolbar | Draw a marker graphic. |
Command | Line | Graphics_NewLineElement | Graphics | {CC4E57C5-61F8-4FFD-889B-FDED93547910} esriArcGlobe.GMxNewLineTool |
none | GMxGraphics_Toolbar | Draw a line. |
Command | Polygon | Graphics_NewPolygonElement | Graphics | {99846FF1-94ED-4093-AADB-3BE337B25D81} esriArcGlobe.GMxNewPolygonTool |
none | GMxGraphics_Toolbar | Draw a polygon. |
Menu | Text tools | Graphics_TextTools | none | {772DB8EF-5605-4D16-A62C-E0780711E625} esriArcGlobe.GMxTextToolsPalette |
none | GMxGraphics_Toolbar | none |
Command | Text | Graphics_NewTextElement | Graphics | {1CF2000D-7BDB-445A-AB04-EE297EB8DE5F} esriArcGlobe.GMxTextToolsPalette |
none | Graphics_TextTools | Add a 2D text graphic. |
Command | 3D Text | Graphics_NewText3DElement | Graphics | {775F4A41-489A-46ED-B070-E5B49C1338BC} esriArcGlobe.GMxTextToolsPalette |
none | Graphics_TextTools | Add a 3D text graphic. |
Command | Marker Properties/Color | Marker_Color | Graphics | {0D5B738E-633E-4E14-B4E2-2D0793173135} esriArcGlobe.GMxMarkerColorToolControl |
none | GMxGraphics_Toolbar | Change the marker graphic element properties or just the color. |
Command | Line Properties/Color | Line_Color | Graphics | {C94F6FC4-766A-43B8-97D7-15024A8E08A2} esriArcGlobe.GMxLineColorToolControl |
none | GMxGraphics_Toolbar | Change the line graphic element properties or just the color. |
Command | Polygon Properties/Color | Fill_Color | Graphics | {2968566D-65C9-4779-B50B-3ACEC1126051} esriArcGlobe.GMxFillColorToolControl |
none | GMxGraphics_Toolbar | Change the polygon graphic element properties or just the color. |
Command | Text Properties/Color | Text3D_Color | Graphics | {BC363826-D641-4C47-9133-F4EBE2E23AE3} esriArcGlobe.GMxText3DColorToolControl |
none | GMxGraphics_Toolbar | Change the text graphic element properties or just the color. |
Toolbar | KML | GMx_KmlToolbar | none | {F808B50D-7188-45BA-BE43-D2B32729F21E} esriArcGlobe.GmxKmlToolbar |
none | none | none |
Command | Add KML Data | KML_AddKmlData | KML | {CCD5A678-E3DD-4071-8110-1964F76BE2CB} esriArcGlobe.GmxAddKmlCommand |
none | GMx_KmlToolbar | Add Keyhole Markup Language (KML) *.kml or *.kmz files into the globe. |
Command | Add KML Network Link | ControlsToolsGlobe_KMLNetworkLink | KML | {DB93041D-4BB3-4844-BE00-80F843029D5D} esriControls.ControlsGlobeKMLNetworkLinkCommand |
none | GMx_KmlToolbar | Add KML data from the Internet by specifying its URL or server location. This requires you to enter in the connection information, and in some case additional parameters, for connecting to a KML Server source. |
Command | KML Contents | KML_ShowKmlData | KML | {061161F5-9006-46B6-8F98-0A13FD674029} esriArcGlobe.GmxShowKmlCommand |
none | GMx_KmlToolbar | Open the KML Contents window which shows you the contents of any KML-based layers in this globe. Right-click a KML element in the window for additional options. |
Toolbar | Publisher | Publisher_PublisherGlobeToolbar | none | {361E19B5-3D00-4DEE-9005-7327894EC376} esriPublisherUI.PublishGlobeToolbar |
none | none | none |
Menu | Publisher | Publish_PublishMenu | none | {4912E7AB-AFD3-4A66-A2AF-F39385D73D43} esriPublisherUI.PublishMenu |
none | Publisher_PublisherGlobeToolbar | none |
Command | Publisher Map Title | Publisher_Dynamic Title | Publisher | {9AD38AB2-F1BD-4546-940B-B84CD50866DC} esriPublisherUI.PublishMenu |
none | Publish_PublishMenu | Add a title which can be changed when printing/viewing in ArcReader |
Command | Import ArcReader Markup | Publisher_Import Markup | Publisher | {B497C711-DF2E-4F72-ADB8-0CB7D5D9CB5D} esriPublisherUI.PublishMenu |
none | Publish_PublishMenu | Import one or more ArcReader markup files (.pmfinkx files) into ArcMap as markup graphics. If the markup was created in ArcReader in Layout view, you have to be in Layout view in ArcMap in order to import it. |
Command | Create Data Package | Publisher_Data Packaging | Publisher | {B3791413-3D17-4307-A240-DE44E69C3407} esriPublisherUI.PublishMenu |
none | Publish_PublishMenu | Create a data package for the selected PMF file(s). |
Command | Map Contents Summary | Publisher_Data Analysis | Publisher | {97AE9120-EA9F-4C18-AD18-8877D0811CCB} esriPublisherUI.PublishMenu |
none | Publish_PublishMenu | Analyze the contents of the the map and report findings |
Command | Publish Map | Publisher_Publish Map | Publisher | {CEFED3B7-5F2E-45E2-BC3F-3EDEB4587E69} esriPublisherUI.PublishMenu |
none | Publish_PublishMenu | Publish current Map for use with ArcReader |
Command | Settings | Publisher_Publish Options | Publisher | {8849FD12-9ABE-441E-8A72-9AAB513AF0C5} esriPublisherUI.PublishMenu |
none | Publish_PublishMenu | Specify settings for how the published map will work in ArcReader |
Command | Publish Map | Publisher_Publish Map | Publisher | {CEFED3B7-5F2E-45E2-BC3F-3EDEB4587E69} esriPublisherUI.PublishPMFCommand |
none | Publisher_PublisherGlobeToolbar | Publish current Map for use with ArcReader |
Toolbar | Spin | Spin_Toolbar | none | {66C3F828-9F88-498F-A94A-AD9AABCE721A} esriArcGlobe.RotateToolBar |
none | none | none |
Command | Spin Viewer and Speed | SpinRotate_Speed | Spin/Rotate | {DE53977D-8EA6-490E-A439-318448008DF1} esriArcGlobe.SpinViewerAndSpeedControls |
none | Spin_Toolbar | Specify which viewer the spin commands affect and control the speed of spinning globe. |
Command | Spin Clockwise | SpinRotate_SpinClockwise | Spin/Rotate | {10DCD688-3734-4FB6-AC80-3ECF86F003AE} esriArcGlobe.SpinClockwiseCommand |
none | Spin_Toolbar | Spin globe in a clockwise direction. |
Command | Spin Counter Clockwise | SpinRotate_RotateCounterClockwise | Spin/Rotate | {8815391A-FAFD-4CEE-B1BC-C593CE6DFFCC} esriArcGlobe.SpinCounterClockwiseCommand |
none | Spin_Toolbar | Spin globe in a counter clockwise direction. |
Command | Stop Spin | SpinRotate_RotateStop | Spin/Rotate | {3544E79E-A901-45DF-A5AB-D7A7EF02BD44} esriArcGlobe.SpinStopCommand |
none | Spin_Toolbar | Stop the globe from further spinning. |
Toolbar | Standard | Standard_Toolbar | none | {B461CE00-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxDefaultTools |
none | none | none |
Command | New | File_New | Tools | {B461CE0A-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxFileNewCommand |
none | Standard_Toolbar | Create a new globe document. |
Command | Open | File_Open | Tools | {B461CE0B-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxFileOpenCommand |
none | Standard_Toolbar | Open an existing globe document. |
Command | Save | File_Save | Tools | {B461CE0C-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxFileSaveCommand |
none | Standard_Toolbar | Save the current globe document. |
Command | File_Print | File | {B461CE0D-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxFilePrintCommand |
none | Standard_Toolbar | Print the current globe document. | |
Command | Cut | Edit_Cut | Edit | {B461CE11-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxEditCutCommand |
none | Standard_Toolbar | Cut the selected element(s). |
Command | Copy | Edit_Copy | Edit | {B461CE12-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxEditCopyCommand |
none | Standard_Toolbar | Copy the selected element(s). |
Command | Paste | Edit_Paste | Edit | {B461CE13-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxEditPasteCommand |
none | Standard_Toolbar | Paste the clipboard contents into your globe. |
Command | Delete | Edit_Delete | Edit | {B461CE14-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxEditDeleteCommand |
none | Standard_Toolbar | Delete the selected element(s). |
Command | Undo | Edit_Undo | Edit | {FBF8C3FB-0480-11D2-8D21-080009EE4E51} esriArcMapUI.MxEditMenuItem |
1 | Standard_Toolbar | Undo the last action. |
Command | Redo | Edit_Redo | Edit | {FBF8C3FB-0480-11D2-8D21-080009EE4E51} esriArcMapUI.MxEditMenuItem |
2 | Standard_Toolbar | Redo the previously undone action. |
Menu | Add Data | AddData_Palette | none | {4A4370ED-0904-4CF0-A791-AFA0C74583F2} esriArcGlobe.GMxAddDataPalette |
none | Standard_Toolbar | none |
Command | Add Data | File_AddData | File | {B461CE07-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxAddDataPalette |
none | AddData_Palette | Add new data to the globe. |
Command | Add Basemap | ESRI_BaseMap_BasemapCommand | ArcGIS Online | {76B26001-63CF-4CAC-A7E0-91CEE8686FAC} esriArcGlobe.GMxAddDataPalette |
none | AddData_Palette | Choose a basemap from ArcGIS Online. These basemaps are map services that require an Internet connection for them to draw in your map. |
Command | Add Data From ArcGIS Online | ESRI_MapCenter_MapCenterButton | ArcGIS Online | {DD82F2F1-B277-513D-5788-F89E518B126C} esriArcGlobe.GMxAddDataPalette |
none | AddData_Palette | Add data from ArcGIS Online into your map. The dialog that appears only shows data which can be added into your map as a layer. Sign in to ArcGIS Online to see data you've uploaded and data in groups you belong to. |
Command | Add Viewer | Window_SubView | Window | {B461CE09-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxSubViewCommand |
none | Standard_Toolbar | Add a secondary viewer to the globe so you can look at the same data from different directions. Tools that operate in the main viewer also work in secondary viewers. |
Command | Table Of Contents | Tools_SceneTreeView | View | {B461CE08-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GlobeTreeViewCommand |
none | Standard_Toolbar | Open the Table Of Contents window so you can work with your globe's contents. |
Command | Catalog | File_CatalogWindow | File | {79D6A9E5-C3C3-4F47-9E7F-4ABE329EAA67} esriArcMapUI.CatalogWindowCommand |
none | Standard_Toolbar | Open the Catalog window to access and manage your data. |
Command | Search | File_ArcGISSearchCommand | File | {3E206C92-5576-46F2-9C96-209B81D229C2} esriArcMapUI.ArcGISSearchCommand |
none | Standard_Toolbar | Open the Search window to search for data, maps, tools, etc. |
Command | ArcToolbox | ArcToolbox_ShowToolbox | ArcToolbox | {85980C3A-652A-47ED-8CD2-1B99DD060AAB} esriGeoprocessingUI.ArcToolboxCmd |
none | Standard_Toolbar | Open the ArcToolbox window so you can access geoprocessing tools and toolboxes. |
Command | Python | ArcToolbox_ShowCommandLine | ArcToolbox | {1A7E7146-BDFB-4755-93DE-100171382BFF} esriGeoprocessingUI.GPCommandLineCmd |
none | Standard_Toolbar | Open the Python window so you can execute geoprocessing commands and scripts. |
Command | ModelBuilder | ArcToolbox_ShowModelBuilder | ArcToolbox | {F6F97AA5-40F2-4C96-8A52-09CF68B30C06} esriGeoprocessingUI.GPModelBuilderCmd |
none | Standard_Toolbar | Open the ModelBuilder window so you can make a geoprocessing model. |
Toolbar | Tools | GMx_ViewerTools | none | {B461CE1B-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxViewerTools |
none | none | none |
Command | Navigate Tool | Viewer_Navigate | Viewer | {B461CE1C-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxNavigateTool |
none | GMx_ViewerTools | Navigate the globe. Functionality from several other navigation tools is incorporated into one to make this your most commonly used navigation tool. |
Command | Pan Tool | Viewer_Pan | Viewer | {B461CE28-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxPanTool |
none | GMx_ViewerTools | Pan the globe.Shortcut: Hold the middle mouse button or scroll wheel when using the Navigate tool to drag around the globe. |
Command | Fly Tool | Viewer_Fly | Viewer | {B461CE1D-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxFlyTool |
none | GMx_ViewerTools | Fly through the globe in any direction and at different speeds. You can hold SHIFT while flying to maintain a constant elevation and press ESC at any time to immediately stop movement. |
Command | Set Observer Tool | Viewer_Observer | Viewer | {B461CE2B-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxObserverTool |
none | GMx_ViewerTools | Set observer position to the selected point. |
Command | Full Extent | Viewer_FullExtent | Viewer | {B461CE22-216D-11D6-B2B3-00508BCDDE28} esriArcGlobe.GMxFullExtentCommand |
none | GMx_ViewerTools | Zoom to the full extent of the globe. To customize where Full Extent takes you, choose Customize > ArcGlobe Options and adjust the Full View Observer Position on the General tab. |
Command | Navigation Mode | Viewer_ToggleNavigationMode | Viewer | {F264E338-C38B-40EE-BBD4-939F9A2E6E25} esriArcGlobe.GMxNavigationModeCommand |
none | GMx_ViewerTools | Toggle between global and surface navigation mode. |
Menu | Selection Tools Palette | SxSelectionToolsPalette | none | {B976D03E-E784-4D6F-ABA5-F7B661D97C76} esriArcGlobe.GMxSelectByToolsPalette |
none | GMx_ViewerTools | none |
Command | Select By Screen Rectangle | Viewer_SelectFeatures | Viewer | {C770A43C-39D9-4C59-A5A8-434131E9872C} esriArcGlobe.GMxSelectByToolsPalette |
none | SxSelectionToolsPalette | Select features from selectable layers by clicking on them or dragging a rectangle. Press SHIFT to add multiple features to the selection. Dragging gestures are honored for this tool: left-to-right selects features within the rectangle, right-to-left selects features within, or partially within the rectangle. |
Command | Select By Draped Envelope | Viewer_SelectFeatures | Viewer | {9DB5E47C-8602-4948-9355-23FF405CC5AA} esriArcGlobe.GMxSelectByToolsPalette |
none | SxSelectionToolsPalette | Select features from selectable layers by clicking on them or dragging a draped envelope over a surface. |
Command | Select By 3D Box | Viewer_SelectFeatures | Viewer | {393E50A3-B201-4428-9CBB-19722F82C88C} esriArcGlobe.GMxSelectByToolsPalette |
none | SxSelectionToolsPalette | Select features from selectable layers by drawing a 3D box around them. Drag a box in x,y, then press Z to expand a 3D volume in the z-direction. |
Command | Clear Selected Features | Selection_ClearSelection | Selection | {AF988F5C-A789-4EE3-A6BB-3EA4A3637760} esriArcGlobe.GMxClearSelectionCommand |
none | GMx_ViewerTools | Unselect the currently selected features in all layers. |
Command | Select Graphics | Edit_Select | Edit | {F428652A-0156-445E-A2DC-100931B41BF2} esriArcGlobe.GMxSelectTool |
none | GMx_ViewerTools | Select graphics drawn on the globe. Click on a graphic to select it. Hold down SHIFT while you click to select multiple graphics. |
Command | Identify | ControlToolsGlobeInquiry_Identify | Globe Inquiry | {DFAA725E-E8D4-4F61-97B4-E560378337EA} esriControls.ControlsGlobeIdentifyTool |
none | GMx_ViewerTools | Identify a geographic feature by clicking on it. |
Command | Hyperlink | Query_Hyperlink | Viewer | {42F0E437-9E39-46A8-98DE-6D875A471DAE} esriArcGlobe.GMxHyperlinkTool |
none | GMx_ViewerTools | Launch a hyperlink to a website, document or script by clicking on a feature. |
Command | HTML Popup | Query_HTMLPopup | Viewer | {144D3D4A-20A1-456A-8887-7FEB58BA4BCE} esriArcGlobe.GMxHTMLPopupInfoTool |
none | GMx_ViewerTools | Launch an HTML popup by clicking on a feature. |
Command | Find | ControlToolsGlobeInquiry_Find | Globe Inquiry | {79527CB7-EAD2-4FE0-82CA-77A2CABBC64A} esriControls.ControlsGlobeFindCommand |
none | GMx_ViewerTools | Find features, places and addresses on the globe. |
Command | Go To XY | ControlToolsGlobe_GoTo | Globe | {DF96F6AE-C716-4803-961F-5CAF047D36F2} esriControls.ControlsGlobeGoToCommand |
none | GMx_ViewerTools | Open a dialog box to type an x,y location and navigate to it. You can click on different tools within the dialog box to interact with the location including flash, draw a point, label a point, or create a callout. |
Command | Measure | ControlToolsGlobeInquiry_Measure | Globe Inquiry | {AA217001-E9B7-4C21-A7A4-375160322887} esriControls.ControlsGlobeMeasureTool |
none | GMx_ViewerTools | Measure distance, height, and area on the globe. |
Command | Pause Data Caching | Viewer_PauseDrawing | Viewer | {16BA6FDB-3BF0-49CF-BCCC-C636F6B333E4} esriArcGlobe.GMxPauseDrawingCommand |
none | GMx_ViewerTools | Pause the caching of new data tiles. |
Command | Draft Mode | Viewer_DraftMode | Viewer | {03AC8951-C798-410B-8852-584B22E7A61F} esriArcGlobe.GMxDraftModeCommand |
none | GMx_ViewerTools | Toggle Draft Mode on/off which will quickly activate overrides to address rendering and navigation performance. Improvement in rendering speed will vary depending on the layer types and symbology properties in the document. |
Command | Time Slider | Window_TimeSliderWindow | Window | {5A4BF67B-34AA-4F78-A62B-238DB984995E} esriArcGlobe.GMxTimeSliderWindowCommand |
none | GMx_ViewerTools | Open the Time Slider window so you can control the time period represented by the data in this globe. Disabled if none of the layers in your globe have time properties enabled. |
Toolbar | Tracking Analyst | Tracking Analyst Toolbar | none | {D53BF211-24FB-11D4-B34C-00104BA2ABCC} esriTrackingAnalystUI.TAToolBar |
none | none | none |
Menu | Tracking Analyst | Tracking Analyst Menubar | none | {08850889-5B9F-45D4-AC60-3400F7676CA9} esriTrackingAnalystUI.TAMenuBar |
none | Tracking Analyst Toolbar | none |
Command | Animation Tool | Tracking Analyst_Animation Tool | Tracking Analyst | {D53BF1F3-24FB-11D4-B34C-00104BA2ABCC} esriTrackingAnalystUI.TAMenuBar |
none | Tracking Analyst Menubar | Open Animation Tool to create animations of tracking layers playing back in ArcMap. |
Menu | Data Clock | data clock menu name | none | {5CE06D1A-1BEC-11D6-B831-00010265ADC5} esriTrackingAnalystUI.TemporalChartMenu |
none | Tracking Analyst Menubar | none |
Command | Create Data Clock | TrackingAnalyst_CreateDataClock | Tracking Analyst | {2A9429C8-1A4E-11D6-B831-00010265ADC5} esriTrackingAnalystUI.TemporalChartMenu |
none | data clock menu name | Create a new data clock chart to analyze the temporal distribution of features in a tracking layer. |
Command | Manage Data Clocks | Tracking Analyst_&Manage... | Tracking Analyst | {BC3D9EF0-D307-11D5-B811-00010265ADC5} esriTrackingAnalystUI.TemporalChartMenu |
none | data clock menu name | Manage the data clock charts you have created. |
Command | Options | Tracking Analyst_Settings | Tracking Analyst | {10FA821D-ECC7-4330-B724-FBEAEF195B30} esriTrackingAnalystUI.TAMenuBar |
none | Tracking Analyst Menubar | Specify settings for Tracking Analyst, such as look up table configuration and global tracking layer properties. |
Command | Add Temporal Data Wizard | Add Temporal Data Wizard | Tracking Analyst | {D53BF1F2-24FB-11D4-B34C-00104BA2ABCC} esriTrackingAnalystUI.TemporalEventWizard |
none | Tracking Analyst Toolbar | Add historical temporal data to the active data frame as a tracking layer. |
Command | Playback Manager | TrackingAnalyst_PlaybackManager | Tracking Analyst | {06107E62-D0A0-4C15-813D-4FCB325D0921} esriTrackingAnalystUI.PlaybackTool |
none | Tracking Analyst Toolbar | Open Playback Manager to interactively play back real-time and historical tracking layers. |
Command | Track Manager | TrackingAnalyst_TrackManagerWindowCmd | Tracking Analyst | {AA5C94BF-D1EF-40BB-A977-694A8E41531A} esriTrackingAnalystUI.TrackManagerWindowCmd |
none | Tracking Analyst Toolbar | Open Track Manager to view and interact with the tracks and tracking features contained in your map. |
Command | Tracking Services Monitor | TrackingAnalyst_TxServicesWindowCmd | Tracking Analyst | {B04DA63E-D881-4675-839C-8F5665D575DF} esriTrackingAnalystUI.TxServicesWindowCmd |
none | Tracking Analyst Toolbar | Open the Tracking Services Monitor to view the status of your real-time tracking services. |
Toolbar | Versioning | Versioning_VersionToolbar | none | {8E8F4C7D-ACA7-11D2-9F19-00C04F6BC979} esriEditor.VersionToolBar |
none | none | none |
Command | Version Manager | Versioning_VersionManager | Versioning | {2818B7C1-E9D2-11D1-8490-0000F875B9C6} esriEditor.VersionManagerCommand |
none | Versioning_VersionToolbar | Open the Version Manager window to create new versions, rename existing versions, delete versions, and alter version properties. Requires a Standard or Advanced license and is read-only with a Basic license. |
Command | Create New Version | Versioning_NewVersion | Versioning | {8E8F4C7F-ACA7-11D2-9F19-00C04F6BC979} esriEditor.NewVersionCommand |
none | Versioning_VersionToolbar | Create a new child version of the database where the parent version is the current version. At the time the new version is created, it is identical to the version in which it is derived. Requires a Standard or an Advanced license and is disabled with a Basic license. |
Command | Refresh | Versioning_Refresh | Versioning | {8E8F4C7E-ACA7-11D2-9F19-00C04F6BC979} esriEditor.RefreshVersionCommand |
none | Versioning_VersionToolbar | Refresh the database connection for all versions and redraw the map so you can see any changes that may have been recently reconciled and posted. |
Command | Change Version | Workspace_ChangeVersion | Versioning | {5ADB1DBC-DCBC-11D2-9F26-00C04F6BC979} esriArcMapUI.ChangeVersionCommand |
none | Versioning_VersionToolbar | Change to a different geodatabase version. |
Command | Reconcile | Versioning_Reconcile | Versioning | {D90B1760-95FF-11D2-8526-0000F875B9C6} esriEditor.ReconcileCommand |
none | Versioning_VersionToolbar | Pull changes from the parent version into the child version by merging all modified datasets, feature classes, and tables between the current version being edited and a target version. Requires a Standard or an Advanced license and is disabled with a Basic license. |
Command | Post | Versioning_Post | Versioning | {BA47F54C-B4B0-11D2-9F1A-00C04F6BC979} esriEditor.PostCommand |
none | Versioning_VersionToolbar | Push changes from child version into its parent version by applying the current edit session to the reconciled target version. You need to use the Reconcile Version to choose a target version before you can post. Requires a Standard or an Advanced license and is disabled with a Basic license. |
Command | Conflicts | Versioning_Conflicts | Versioning | {D90B1761-95FF-11D2-8526-0000F875B9C6} esriEditor.ConflictsCommand |
none | Versioning_VersionToolbar | Identify and resolve conflicts between the current edit version and the target version it has been reconciled against. If a feature has been edited in both versions, the feature is in conflict. Requires a Standard or an Advanced license and is disabled with a Basic license. |
Command | Version Changes | Versioning_Changes | Versioning | {D6358D8C-7887-4DD9-AB7F-9F2B2A755E9D} esriEditor.VersionChangesCommand |
none | Versioning_VersionToolbar | See how one version has changed with respect to another ancestor version in the geodatabase. Requires a Standard or an Advanced license and is disabled with a Basic license. |