In this topic
Using the geoprocessing tool
Use the GeocodeAddresses geoprocessing tool when the geocoding properties or additional output fields do not need updating. For more complex workflows and flexibility, see the Using ArcObjects section in this topic.
See the following parameter descriptions:
- in_table parameter—Reference to the address table that gets geocoded.
- address_locator parameter—Reference to the address locator used to geocode the table of addresses.
- in_address_fields parameter—String that maps the locator field name to the address table field name.
- out_feature_class—Contains the geocoded features.
- out_relationship_type—Specifies if the relationship between the address table and geocoded feature class is a static geocoded feature class or a dynamically updated feature class.
See the following code example:
[C#] public void GeocodeAddressesTool()
Geoprocessor GP=new Geoprocessor();
GeocodeAddresses geocodeAddresses=new GeocodeAddresses();
geocodeAddresses.in_address_fields="Street Address VISIBLE NONE;" +
"City City VISIBLE NONE;" + "State State VISIBLE NONE;" +
IGeoProcessorResult result=GP.Execute(geocodeAddresses, null)as
if (result != null)
if (result.Status != esriJobStatus.esriJobSucceeded)
Console.WriteLine("Failed to geocode the address table: ");
Console.WriteLine("Geocoded the address table successfully. ");
if (GP.MessageCount != 0)
for (int i=0; i < GP.MessageCount; i++)
Console.WriteLine("GP Message " + i + " " + GP.GetMessage(i));
Console.WriteLine("Execution failed with no status. ");
catch (Exception e)
"An Exception occured while executing the GeocodeAddresses Tool: " + e);
[VB.NET] Public Sub GeocodeAddressesTool_Test()
Dim GP As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geoprocessor.Geoprocessor=New ESRI.ArcGIS.Geoprocessor.Geoprocessor
Dim geocodeAddresses As GeocodeAddresses=New GeocodeAddresses()
geocodeAddresses.in_address_fields="Street Address VISIBLE NONE;" & "City City VISIBLE NONE;" & "State State VISIBLE NONE;" & "ZIP ZIP VISIBLE NONE"
Dim result As IGeoProcessorResult=GP.Execute(geocodeAddresses, Nothing)
If (Not result Is Nothing) Then
If (Not result.Status=esriJobStatus.esriJobSucceeded) Then
Console.WriteLine("Failed to geocode the address table: ")
Console.WriteLine("Geocoded the address table successfully. ")
End If
If (Not GP.MessageCount=0) Then
For i As Integer=0 To GP.MessageCount - 1
Console.WriteLine("GP Message " & i & " " + GP.GetMessage(i))
Console.WriteLine("Execution failed with no status. ")
End If
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Console.WriteLine("An Exception occured while executing the GeocodeAddresses Tool: " & ex.ToString())
End Try
End Sub
Using ArcObjects
Use the MatchTable method to geocode a table of addresses. The AddressTable parameter is a reference to the table object that contains the addresses to geocode. The addressFieldNames parameter is a comma-delimited string containing the field names in the address table that contains the address information. See the following:
- Specify the field names in this string in the same order as the Field objects in the Field collections returned by the AddressFields property on the IAddressInputs interface.
- When geocoding a table of addresses, create the feature class that contains the geocoded features and pass it to the MatchTable method using the outputFeatureClass parameter. At a minimum, the geocoded feature class must contain an ObjectID field and the match fields defined by the MatchFields property, as well as a copy of all fields from the address table that contains the address information.
- The outputFieldNames parameter is a comma-delimited string that contains the match field names in the geocoded feature class. Specify the field names in this string in the same order as the Field objects in the Field collections returned by the MatchFields property. The fieldsToCopy parameter is a PropertySet defining the fields from the address table to copy to the output feature class. The property names are the field names in the output feature class, and the property names are the corresponding field names in the address table.
- When you use the MatchTable method to geocode a table of addresses, use the AttachLocator method on ILocatorAttach2 on the LocatorWorkspace to attach a copy of the locator to the geocoded feature class. The geocoded feature class can be rematched when a copy of the locator is attached.
See the following code example:
Sub AddressGeocodingMatchTable()
' Open a file geodatabase.
Dim obj As System.Object=Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromProgID("esriDataSourcesGDB.FileGDBWorkspaceFactory"))
Dim workspaceFactory As IWorkspaceFactory=obj
Dim workspace As IWorkspace=workspaceFactory.OpenFromFile("C:\UnitedStates.gdb", 0)
' Open the locator workspace.
Dim locatorManager As ILocatorManager=obj
Dim locatorWorkspace As ILocatorWorkspace=locatorManager.GetLocatorWorkspace(workspace)
' Get a locator.
Dim locator As ILocator=locatorWorkspace.GetLocator("USLocator")
Dim addressGeocoding As IAddressGeocoding=locator
' Open the table to geocode.
Dim featureWorkspace As IFeatureWorkspace=workspace
Dim addressTable As ITable=featureWorkspace.OpenTable("addresses")
' Create a feature class to contain the geocoding results.
' The feature xlass must contain an ObjectID Field, all of the MatchFields returned by the locator,
' and fields that contain the address input values.
Dim fieldsEdit As IFieldsEdit=New Fields
Dim fieldEdit As IFieldEdit=New Field
' Add the match fields that were returned by the locator to the fieldsEdit object.
' This object will be added to a new feature class that will be created later.
Dim matchFields As IFields=addressGeocoding.MatchFields
Dim fieldCount As Integer=matchFields.FieldCount
Dim outputFieldNames As String=""
For i As Integer=0 To fieldCount - 1
' Create a comma delimited string of the output fields for MatchTable and AttachLocator.
If (outputFieldNames.Length <> 0) Then
outputFieldNames=outputFieldNames + ","
End If
outputFieldNames=outputFieldNames + matchFields.Field(i).Name
' Add fields that will be copied over during geocoding.
' In this case, you are copying all of the fields from the address table except the OID field.
Dim addressTableFields As IFields=addressTable.Fields
Dim fieldsToCopy As IPropertySet=New PropertySet
Dim fieldName As String=""
For i As Integer=0 To fieldCount - 1
Dim field As IField=addressTableFields.Field(i)
If field.Type <> esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeOID Then
fieldsToCopy.SetProperty(field.Name, field.Name)
End If
Dim uidField As New UID
' Create the new feature class that will contain all of the geocoded addresses.
Dim featureClass As IFeatureClass=featureWorkspace.CreateFeatureClass("Locations", fieldsEdit, uidField, _
Nothing, esriFeatureType.esriFTSimple, "Shape", "")
' Get address inputs.
' This is an automated way to get the address inputs from the address table and may not always
' get all of the correct field names from the table. You can also specify the address inputs
' manually by creating a string, but make sure you have the right amount of fields or the
' call to MatchTable will throw an exception.
' ex. String addressFieldNames="ADDRESS,CITY,STATE,ZIP";
Dim addressInputs As IAddressInputs=locator
Dim addressFields As IFields=addressInputs.AddressFields
Dim addressFieldNames As String=""
For i As Integer=0 To fieldCount - 1
If addressFieldNames <> "" Then
addressFieldNames +=","
End If
' If the address field from the locator can't be found in the table, loop through the default input
' field names to see if one of the other names exists in the address table.
Dim defaultInputFieldNames() As String=addressInputs.DefaultInputFieldNames(fieldName)
If addressTable.Fields.FindField(fieldName)=-1 Then ' FindField returns -1 if the field is not found
For j As Integer=0 To defaultInputFieldNames.Length - 1
If addressTable.Fields.FindField(defaultInputFieldNames(j)) <> -1 Then
Exit For
End If
End If
addressFieldNames +=fieldName
' Geocode the table into the feature class.
addressGeocoding.MatchTable(addressTable, addressFieldNames, "", featureClass, outputFieldNames, fieldsToCopy, Nothing)
' Attach the locator to the geocoded feature class.
Dim locatorAttach As ILocatorAttach2=locatorWorkspace
Dim table_FeatureClass As ITable=featureClass
locatorAttach.AttachLocator(locator, table_FeatureClass, addressFieldNames, outputFieldNames)
'Dim ds As IDataset=featureClass
End Sub
[C#] public void geocodeAddressTable()
// Open the file geodatabase.
System.Object obj=Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromProgID(
IWorkspaceFactory2 workspaceFactory=obj as IWorkspaceFactory2;
IWorkspace workspace=workspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(@"C:\UnitedStates.gdb", 0);
// Get the locator workspace.
ILocatorManager2 locatorManager=obj as ILocatorManager2;
ILocatorWorkspace locatorWorkspace=locatorManager.GetLocatorWorkspace
// Get the locator for the locator workspace.
ILocator locator=locatorWorkspace.GetLocator("USLocator");
IAddressGeocoding addressGeocoding=locator as IAddressGeocoding;
IFeatureWorkspace featureWorkspace=workspace as IFeatureWorkspace;
ITable tableOfAddresses=featureWorkspace.OpenTable("Addresses");
// Create a feature class to contain the geocoding results.
// The feature class must contain an ObjectID field, all of the match fields returned by the locator,
// and fields that contain the address input values.
IFieldsEdit fieldsEdit=new FieldsClass();
IFieldEdit fieldEdit=new FieldClass();
// Add the match fields that were returned by the locator to the fieldsEdit object.
// This object will be added to a new feature class that will be created later.
IFields matchFields=addressGeocoding.MatchFields;
int matchFieldCount=matchFields.FieldCount;
String outputFieldNames="";
for (int i=0; i < matchFieldCount; i++)
IField field=matchFields.get_Field(i);
//Create a comma delimited string of the output fields for MatchTable and AttachLocator.
if (outputFieldNames != "")
outputFieldNames += ",";
outputFieldNames += field.Name;
// Add fields that will be copied over during geocoding.
// In this case, you are copying all of the fields from the address table except the OID field.
IFields addressTableFields=tableOfAddresses.Fields;
IPropertySet fieldsToCopy=new PropertySetClass();
int fieldCount=addressTableFields.FieldCount;
String fieldName="";
for (int i=0; i < fieldCount; i++)
IField field=addressTableFields.get_Field(i);
if (field.Type != esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeOID)
fieldsToCopy.SetProperty(field.Name, field.Name);
UID pUID=new UIDClass();
// Create the feature class to geocode the addresses into.
IFeatureClass featureClass=featureWorkspace.CreateFeatureClass("Locations",
fieldsEdit, pUID, null, esriFeatureType.esriFTSimple, "Shape", "");
// Get address inputs.
// This is an automated way to get the address inputs from the address table and may not always
// get all of the correct field names from the table. You can also specify the address inputs
// manually by creating a string, but make sure you have the right amount of fields or the
// call to MatchTable will throw an exception.
// ex. String addressFieldNames="ADDRESS,CITY,STATE,ZIP";
IAddressInputs addressInputs=locator as IAddressInputs;
IFields addressFields=addressInputs.AddressFields;
String addressFieldNames="";
for (int i=0; i < fieldCount; i++)
if (addressFieldNames != "")
addressFieldNames += ",";
// If the address field from the locator can't be found in the table, loop through the default input
// field names to see if one of the other names exists in the address table.
String[] defaultInputFieldNames=addressInputs.get_DefaultInputFieldNames
(fieldName)as String[];
if (tableOfAddresses.Fields.FindField(fieldName) == - 1)
// FindField returns -1 if the field is not found
for (int j=0; j < defaultInputFieldNames.Length; j++)
if (tableOfAddresses.Fields.FindField(defaultInputFieldNames[j]) !=
- 1)
addressFieldNames += fieldName;
// Geocode the table into the feature class.
addressGeocoding.MatchTable(tableOfAddresses, addressFieldNames, "",
featureClass, outputFieldNames, fieldsToCopy, null);
// Attach the locator to the geocoded feature class.
ILocatorAttach2 locatorAttach2=locatorWorkspace as ILocatorAttach2;
ITable table_FeatureClass=featureClass as ITable;
locatorAttach2.AttachLocator(locator, table_FeatureClass, addressFieldNames,
//IDataset ds=featureClass as IDataset;
See Also:
Location library overviewHow to geocode a single address
To use the code in this topic, reference the following assemblies in your Visual Studio project. In the code files, you will need using (C#) or Imports (VB .NET) directives for the corresponding namespaces (given in parenthesis below if different from the assembly name):
- ESRI.ArcGIS.DataSourcesGDB
- ESRI.ArcGIS.System (ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem)
- ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase
- ESRI.ArcGIS.Location
- ESRI.ArcGIS.GeocodingTools
- ESRI.ArcGIS.Geoprocessing
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