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This document is archived and information here might be outdated. Recommended version. |
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > GeoprocessingUI > GeoprocessingUI Library Contents (ArcObjects .NET 10.5 SDK) |
Interface | Description |
IArcQuery | Provides access to the methods on an Arc Info Query object. |
IArcQueryBuilder | Provides access to the methods on an Arc Info Query Builder object. |
IArcQuerys | Provides access to the methods on a collection of Arc Info Query objects. |
IArcToolbox | Provides access to methods on the ArcToolbox object. |
IArcToolbox2 | Provides access to methods on the ArcToolbox object. |
IArcToolboxExtension | Provides access to methods on the ArcToolbox extension object. |
IConnectionPoint | Supports connection points for connectable objects |
IConnectionPointContainer | Supports connection points for connectable objects. |
IEnumConnectionPoints | Enumerates connection points. |
IEnumConnections | Enumerates the current connections for a connectable object. |
IEnumMDControls | MD Control Enumeration Interface. |
IGPToolCommand | Provides access to toolbox's tool. |
ILreEventPropertiesCtrl | Provides access to route event property control. |
IMdArcInfoItemCtrl | Provides access to Arc Info item control. |
IMdArcInfoItemListCtrl | Provides access to Arc Info item list control. |
IMdAreaUnitCtrl | Provides access to the area unit control. |
IMdAssignFieldAlias2Ctrl | Provides access to assign field alias control. |
IMdAssignFieldAliasCtrl | Provides access to assign field alias control. |
IMdAttributeMapCtrl | Provides access to the attribute map control. |
IMdBatchCtrl | Provides access to the batch control. |
IMdBooleanCtrl | Provides access to boolean control. |
IMdCalculatorCtrl | Provides access to the calculator control. |
IMdCellSizeXYCtrl | Provides access to cellsize control. |
IMdCLFieldMapCtrl | IMdCLFieldMapCtrl Interface |
IMdCLSelectionCriteriaCtrl | IMdSelectionCriteriaCtrl Interface |
IMdCompositeCtrl | Provides access to composite control. |
IMdControlSupport | Provides access to the support methods on an element control object. |
IMdDatasetCtrl | Provides access to dataset control. |
IMdDateCtrl | Provides access to date control. |
IMdDoubleCtrl | Provides access to double control. |
IMdDynamicListCtrl | Provides access to dynamic list control. |
IMdElementCtrl | Provides access to the methods on an element control object. |
IMdElementCtrl2 | Provides access to the methods on an element control object. |
IMdElementDialog | Provides access to the methods on an element dialog object. |
IMdElementDialogEvents | Provides access to element dialog events. |
IMdElementEditor | Provides access to the methods on an element editor object. |
IMdElementEditorCallback | Provides access to the methods on an element editor callback object. |
IMdEnvelopeCtrl | Provides access to envelope control. |
IMdEnvSpatRefCtrl | Provides access to environment spatial reference control. |
IMdExtent2Ctrl | Provides access to the Extent2 control |
IMdExtentCtrl | Provides access to extent control. |
IMdFeatureClassCtrl | Provides access to Arc Info feature class control. |
IMdFieldCtrl | Provides access to field control. |
IMdFieldInfoCtrl | Provides access to field info control. |
IMdFieldListCtrl | Provides access to field list control. |
IMdFieldMapCtrl | Provides access to the field map control. |
IMdFileCtrl | Provides access to file control. |
IMdFRSCtrl | Provides access to feature record set control. |
IMdGeoTransformationCtrl | Provides access to the geotransformation control |
IMdGraphDataCtrl | Provides access to the graph data control. |
IMdInfoQueryCtrl | Provides access to Arc Info query control. |
IMdLinearUnitCtrl | Provides access to linear unit control. |
IMdLineSimplifyCtrl | Provides access to line simplify control. |
IMdListCtrl | Provides access to list control. |
IMdLocaleIDCtrl | Provides access to locale ID control. |
IMdLocatorStyleCtrl | Provides access to locator style control. |
IMdLongCtrl | Provides access to long control. |
IMdMakeQueryTableCtrl | Provides access to the make query table control. |
IMdMDFuncNamesCtrl | Provides access to mosaic dataset location control. |
IMdMDomainCtrl | Provides access to the M domain control. |
IMdMultiCtrl | Provides access to multi value control. |
IMdPasswordCtrl | Provides access to the password control. |
IMdPointCtrl | Provides access to point control. |
IMdRadioCtrl | Provides access to the radio control. |
IMdRandomDistributionCtrl | IMdRandomDistributionCtrl Interface |
IMdRandomGeneratorCtrl | IMdRandomGeneratorCtrl Interface |
IMdRasterGDBEnvCompressionCtrl | Provides access to raster environment GDB compression control. |
IMdRasterGDBEnvPyramidCtrl | Provides access to raster environment GDB pyramid control. |
IMdRasterGDBEnvStatisticsCtrl | Provides access to raster environment GDB statistics control. |
IMdRasterGDBEnvTileSizeCtrl | Provides access to raster environment GDB tile size control. |
IMdRasterInputCtrl | Provides access to the raster type control. |
IMdRasterTypeCtrl | Provides access to the raster type control. |
IMdRSCtrl | Provides access to record set control. |
IMdSimpleTableCtrl | Provides access to a simple table control. |
IMdSliderCtrl | Provides access to the slider control. |
IMdSpatialReferenceCtrl | Provides access to spatial reference control. |
IMdStaticTextCtrl | Provides access to the static text control. |
IMdStringCtrl | Provides access to string control. |
IMdStringHiddenCtrl | Provides access to hidden string control. |
IMdTableCtrl | Provides access to value table control. |
IMdTextEditorCtrl | Provides access to the TextEditor control |
IMdTimeFormatCtrl | Provides access to time format control. |
IMdTimeZoneCtrl | Provides access to time zone control. |
IMdValueTableCtrl | Provides access to the value table control. |
IMdWhereClauseCtrl | Provides access to where clause control. |
IMdXYDomainCtrl | Provides access to the XY domain control. |
IMdZDomainCtrl | Provides access to the Z domain control. |
IProtectNameGeoprocessingUI | Provides access to dummy methods protecting name correctness. |
CoClass or Class | Description |
ArcToolbox | |
ArcToolboxDockWnd | |
ArcToolboxExtension | |
EditMetadataToolMenuItem | Edit Metadata Tool Menu Item. |
ExportScriptToolMenuItems | Export Script Tool Menu Item. |
GPBooleanPropertyPage | Geoprocessing Boolean Property Page. |
GPCommandWindow | |
GPConstantPropertyPage | Geoprocessing Constant Property Page. |
GPCoverageToolCommand | The Geoprocessoring coverage tool command. |
GPDatePropertyPage | Geoprocessing Date Property Page. |
GPDoublePropertyPage | Geoprocessing Double Property Page. |
GPFeatureSetPropertyPage | Geoprocessing Feature Set Property Page. |
GPFilePropertyPage | Geoprocessing File Property Page. |
GPGenericParameterPropertyPage | Geoprocessing Parameter Property Page. |
GpkEditorCommand | Command to launch the Gpk Editor. |
GPLayerPropertyPage | Geoprocessing Layer Property Page. |
GPLinearUnitPropertyPage | Geoprocessing Linear Unit Property Page. |
GPLongPropertyPage | Geoprocessing Long Property Page. |
GPOutputPropertyPage | Geoprocessing Output Property Page. |
GPServiceParametersPropertyPage | Geoprocessing Service Property Page. |
GPStringPropertyPage | Geoprocessing String Property Page. |
GPSystemToolCommand | The Geoprocessoring system tool command. |
GPTaskPropertiesPropertyPage | Geoprocessing Task Properties Property Page. |
GPToolCommand | The Geoprocessoring custom tool command. |
GPToolCommandHelper | |
GPToolCommandManager | The Geoprocessoring tool command manager. |
ImportScriptToolMenuItems | Import Script Tool Menu Item. |
LreEventPropertiesCtrl | Control for setting route event properties. |
MdArcInfoItemCtrl | Control for selecting a coverage item. |
MdArcInfoItemListCtrl | Control for selecting multiple coverage items. |
MdAreaUnitCtrl | Control for setting area unit properties. |
MdAssignFieldAlias2Ctrl | Control for setting field alias properties. |
MdAssignFieldAliasCtrl | Control for setting field alias properties. |
MdAttributeMapCtrl | Control for an attribute map |
MdBatchCtrl | MdBatchCtrl Class |
MdBooleanCtrl | Control for setting a boolean value. |
MdCalculatorCtrl | Control for calculating field values. |
MdCellSizeXYCtrl | Control for setting cellsize properties. |
MdCLFieldMapCtrl | Control for editing input field mapping for a Composite Locator |
MdCLSelectionCriteriaCtrl | Control for setting selection criteria for a Composite Locator |
MdCompositeCtrl | Control for setting composite value properties. |
MdDatasetCtrl | Control for selecting a dataset. |
MdDateCtrl | Control for setting a date. |
MdDefaultElementDialog | Default Geoprocessing Element Dialog. |
MdDoubleCtrl | Control for setting a double value. |
MdDynamicListCtrl | Control for selecting an item from a dynamic list. |
MdElementDialogEventsHelper | Helper for working with IMdElementDialogEvents. |
MdEnvelopeCtrl | Control for setting enevelope properties. |
MdEnvSpatRefCtrl | Control for setting environment spatial reference properties. |
MdExtent2Ctrl | Control for setting extent properties. |
MdExtentCtrl | Control for setting extent properties. |
MdFeatureClassCtrl | Control for setting a coverage feature class. |
MdFieldCtrl | Control for selecting a field. |
MdFieldInfoCtrl | Control for setting field map properties. |
MdFieldListCtrl | Control for selecting multiple fields. |
MdFieldMapCtrl | Control for setting field map properties. |
MdFileCtrl | Control for selecting a file. |
MdFRSCtrl | Control for setting feature record set properties. |
MdGeoTransformationCtrl | Control for setting geographic transformation methods/parameters |
MdGraphDataCtrl | Control for setting graph data and parameters. |
MdInfoQueryCtrl | Control for setting a coverage query. |
MdLinearUnitCtrl | Control for setting linear unit properties. |
MdLineSimplifyCtrl | Control for setting line simplify properties. |
MdListCtrl | Control for selecting an item from a list. |
MdLocaleIDCtrl | Control for locale ID. |
MdLocatorStyleCtrl | Control for setting locator style. |
MdLongCtrl | Control for setting a long value. |
MdMakeQueryTableCtrl | Control for selecting specific fields to generate the query table, and setting their alias. |
MdMDFuncNamesCtrl | Control for mosaic dataset function location. |
MdMDomainCtrl | Control for setting M Domain extent and precision. |
MdMultiCtrl | Control for setting multi values. |
MdPasswordCtrl | Control for providing password protection. |
MdPointCtrl | Control for setting point properties. |
MdRadioCtrl | Control for making a unique choice. |
MdRandomDistributionCtrl | MdRandomDistributionCtrl Class |
MdRandomGeneratorCtrl | MdRandomGeneratorCtrl Class |
MdRasterGDBEnvCompressionCtrl | Control for setting environment GDB compression properties. |
MdRasterGDBEnvPyramidCtrl | Control for setting environment GDB pyramid properties. |
MdRasterGDBEnvStatisticsCtrl | Control for setting environment GDB statistics properties. |
MdRasterGDBEnvTileSizeCtrl | Control for setting environment GDB tile size properties. |
MdRasterInputCtrl | Control for setting raster type properties. |
MdRasterTypeCtrl | Control for setting raster type properties. |
MdRSCtrl | Control for setting record set properties. |
MdSimpleTableCtrl | Control for setting band definition properties. |
MdSliderCtrl | Control for displaying range domain values. |
MdSpatialReferenceCtrl | Control for setting spatial reference properties. |
MdStaticTextCtrl | Control for displaying static text. |
MdStringCtrl | Control for setting a string. |
MdStringHiddenCtrl | Control for setting a hidden string. |
MdTableCtrl | Control for setting value table properties. |
MdTextEditorCtrl | Texteditor control to allow user modify, copy and paste multiple string line |
MdTimeFormatCtrl | Control for time format properties. |
MdTimeZoneCtrl | Control for time zone. |
MdValueTableCtrl | Control for a value table. |
MdWhereClauseCtrl | Control for setting where clause expression. |
MdXYDomainCtrl | Control for setting XY Domain extent and precision. |
MdZDomainCtrl | Control for setting Z Domain extent and precision. |
SetScriptPasswordToolMenuItems | Set Script Password Tool Menu Item. |
ViewMetadataToolMenuItem | View Metadata Tool Menu Item. |
Structure | Description |
Enumeration | Description |
esriElementDialogButtonType | Type that describes the buttons visible on the element dialog. |