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ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > Geometry > ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry > Interfaces > IB > IBufferConstructionProperties Interface > IBufferConstructionProperties.UnionOverlappingBuffers Property (ArcObjects .NET 10.5 SDK) |
Specifies whether or not overlaps are preserved in the set of output buffers (default is false).
[Visual Basic .NET] Public Property UnionOverlappingBuffers As Boolean
[C#] public bool UnionOverlappingBuffers {get; set;}
HRESULT get_UnionOverlappingBuffers(
VARIANT_BOOL* pbUnionOverlapping
HRESULT put_UnionOverlappingBuffers(
VARIANT_BOOL pbUnionOverlapping
Parameters pbUnionOverlapping [out, retval] pbUnionOverlapping is a parameter of type VARIANT_BOOL pbUnionOverlapping pbUnionOverlapping is a parameter of type VARIANT_BOOL
When buffering multiple input geometries, you can request that overlaps between individual buffers be unioned (or dissolved) together. The graphic below shows how this property and the ExplodeBuffers property work together.
How the union and explode options determine the output geometries. There are two input geometries, each with two parts.
a. union overlaps =false, explode=false. There is one output geometry for each input geometry. Overlaps are preserved.
b. union overlaps =true, explode=false. One output geometry is produced for all input geometries and overlaps are dissolved.
c. union overlaps =true, explode=true. Overlaps are dissolved and one output geometry per separate area.
d. union overlaps =false, explode= true. One output geometry is produced for each input part. Overlaps are preserved.