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ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > SystemUI > ESRI.ArcGIS.SystemUI > Interfaces > IC > ICompletionNotify Interface > ICompletionNotify.SetComplete Method (ArcObjects .NET 10.5 SDK) |
Advises the framework that the control user has indicated completion.
[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Sub SetComplete ( _
[C#] public void SetComplete ( );
HRESULT SetComplete(
When a ToolControl object gains focus, an ICompletionNotify object is passed to the ToolControl in the IToolControl::OnFocus method. The ToolControl needs to call the SetComplete method when it's finished to let the application know that the control should lose focus.
For example, a combobox control should lose focus after a user selects an item in the combobox. In this case in you would call SetComplete in the Click event of the combobox control.