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ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > CadastralUI > ESRI.ArcGIS.CadastralUI > Interfaces > IC > IConstructParcelFunctions Interface > IConstructParcelFunctions.ConstructParcelsFromLines Method (ArcObjects .NET 10.5 SDK) |
Creates parcels from a collection of IGSLines.
[Visual Basic .NET] Public Sub ConstructParcelsFromLines ( _ ByVal GSPlan As IGSPlan, _ ByVal pSourcePoints As ICadastralPoints, _ ByVal Lines As IEnumGSLines, _ ByVal pDestinationPacket As ICadastralPacket, _ ByVal group As Integer, _ ByRef ParcelsCreated As IEnumGSParcels, _ ByRef pErrorLinePointFrom As Integer, _ ByRef pErrorLinePointTo As Integer _ )
[C#] public void ConstructParcelsFromLines ( IGSPlan GSPlan, ICadastralPoints pSourcePoints, IEnumGSLines Lines, ICadastralPacket pDestinationPacket, int group, ref IEnumGSParcels ParcelsCreated, ref int pErrorLinePointFrom, ref int pErrorLinePointTo );
Use the ConstructParcelsFromLines method to create parcels from a series (Collection) of lines. The lines in the construction environment must be planar in order to form parcels.