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ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > Geometry > ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry > Interfaces > IC > IConversionNotation Interface > IConversionNotation.GetDDMFromCoords Method (ArcObjects .NET 10.5 SDK) |
Returns the degrees decimal minutes description of a point.
[Visual Basic .NET] Public Function GetDDMFromCoords ( _ ByVal precision As Integer _ ) As String
[C#] public string GetDDMFromCoords ( int precision );
long precision,
Parameters precision precision is a parameter of type long DDMString [out, retval] DDMString is a parameter of type BSTR
The GetDDMFromCoords method returns a formatted string from a Point that has either geographic or projected coordinates. The Point must have a spatial reference that has a defined coordinate system. The returned values are in degrees and decimal minutes and have direction (hemisphere) information. The precision parameter controls the number of decimal places used in the output decimal minute values. The sample output below has a precision of 4.
output="40 00.0000N 100 00.0000W"