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ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > Geometry > ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry > Interfaces > IC > ICurve3D Interface > ICurve3D.Length3D Property (ArcObjects .NET 10.5 SDK) |
The length of the curve.
[Visual Basic .NET] Public ReadOnly Property Length3D As Double
[C#] public double Length3D {get;}
HRESULT get_Length3D(
double* pLength
Parameters pLength [out, retval] pLength is a parameter of type double
Returns the 3D length of the entire curve. The length of the curve is the sum of the lengths along each parameterized Segment between vertices along the curve.
public static void GetLength3D()
IGeometry polylineGeometry=GetPolylineGeometry();
ICurve3D curve3D=polylineGeometry as ICurve3D;
double length3D=curve3D.Length3D;
//length3D = 60.761