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ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > Geometry > ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry > Interfaces > IE > IEllipticArc Interface > IEllipticArc.ToAngle Property (ArcObjects .NET 10.5 SDK) |
The end angle (measured from a horizontal line through the center point) defining where the arc ends.
[Visual Basic .NET] Public Function get_ToAngle ( _ ByVal ellipseStd As Boolean _ ) As Double
[Visual Basic .NET] Public Sub set_ToAngle ( _ ByVal ellipseStd As Boolean, _ ByVal ToAngle As Double _ )
[C#] public double get_ToAngle ( bool ellipseStd );
[C#] public void set_ToAngle ( bool ellipseStd, double ToAngle );
HRESULT get_ToAngle(
VARIANT_BOOL ellipseStd,
double* ToAngle
HRESULT put_ToAngle(
VARIANT_BOOL ellipseStd,
double ToAngle
Parameters ellipseStd ellipseStd is a parameter of type VARIANT_BOOL ToAngle [out, retval] ToAngle is a parameter of type double ellipseStd ellipseStd is a parameter of type VARIANT_BOOL ToAngle ToAngle is a parameter of type double
The To Angle is the angle of the Line defined by the Center Point and the To Point of the Elliptic Arc. Setting the To Angle changes the To Point of the Elliptic Arc without altering the embedded geometry. The To Angle is measured in radians (there are 2*pi radians in a full ellipse). If EllipseStd=TRUE, the To Angle is relative to the rotated semi-Major Axis rather than the X-Axis.