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IGSParcel Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.5 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoSurvey)  

IGSParcel Interface

Provides access to IGSParcel Interface

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop.


Read/write property Accuracy Parcel Accuracy class.
Method AddRadialLines Add radial lines to center points of arcs.
Read-only property AngularMisclose Compute the parcel angle misclose for the first loop if in angles mode.
Read/write property Area Get Parcel Area.
Read/write property BacksightBearing Parcel backsight bearing for first line in angles mode.
Method CalcAcrossRoadConnection Calculate the across road connection at this point.
Method CalcEasementLines Calculate parallel offset lines on both sides of the easement centerline.
Method CalcLoopMisclose Scale the distance units for a parcel.
Method CalcParcelLines Calculate parallel offset lines on both sides of the easement centerline.
Method CalcRoadLines Calculate the across road connection at this point.
Read/write property CentroidX Parcel centroid X value.
Read/write property CentroidY Parcel centroid Y value.
Read/write property ChangedStatus Indicates if the Parcel has changed status.
Method CheckParcelStructure Checks the parcel for a range of structural errors.
Read/write property Compiled Indicates if the parcel is compiled rather than measured.
Read/write property Construction Indicates if the Parcel is under construction.
Read/write property DatabaseId The database object ID is the unique ID allocated when a parcel is inserted into the Survey database.
Method DeleteAllLines Delete all Parcel lines.
Method DeleteLine Delete nth Parcel line.
Method GetExtent Get Parcel extents.
Method GetLine Get nth Parcel line.
Method GetLinePoints Get a Set of Line Points in parcel.
Method GetParcelLines Get a Set of Lines in parcel.
Read/write property Group Parcel group number.
Read/write property Historical Indicates if the Parcel is Historical rather than Current.
Read-only property Id Each parcel has a unique parcel id in the packet which can be used to search for a parcticular parcel.
Method InsertLine Get nth Parcel line.
Read/write property Joined Indicates if the Parcel is joined.
Read/write property Joining Indicates if the Parcel is being joined.
Read/write property LegalEndDate Date parcel ceased to be the legal definition of the land.
Read/write property LegalStartDate Date of parcel became the legal definition of the land.
Read/write property LockedStatus Indicates if the Parcel is Locked.
Read/write property Lot Each parcel on a plan(plat) is usually allocated a unique lot number, often 1-N.
Method MergeMasterParcel Merge a master parcel into this edit parcel.
Read-only property MiscloseAngle Anglular Misclose when in angles mode.
Read-only property MiscloseBearing Get Misclose bearing.
Read-only property MiscloseDistance Misclose distance error.
Read-only property MiscloseRatio Ratio of misclose distance error to total parcel perimeter.
Method Modified Set Parcel modfied status.
Read/write property Plan Retrieves the Plan for this parcel.
Read/write property Rotation Parcel Rotation.
Read/write property Scale Get Parcel Scale.
Method ScaleUnits Scale the distance units for a parcel.
Method SelectForEditing Select the parcel for editing in EDIT_JOB.
Read-only property ShapeStandardError Parcel shape standard error.
Read-only property Show Indicates if the Parcel is to be displayed.
Read/write property Type Get Parcel Type.
Read/write property Unclosed Indicates if the Parcel is not closed.
Method UnjoinParcel Unjoin a Parcel.

CoClasses that implement IGSParcel

CoClasses and Classes Description
CEParcelFeature (esriCadastralUI) CE Parcel feature.
GSParcel GSParcel Get/Set Class