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IGeoDataServer.ImportData Method (ArcObjects .NET 10.5 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabaseDistributed)  

IGeoDataServer.ImportData Method

Imports data into the workspace.

[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Sub ImportData ( _
    ByVal pData As IGDSData, _
    ByVal fmt As esriGDSImportFormat _
public void ImportData (
    IGDSData pData,
    esriGDSImportFormat fmt
HRESULT ImportData(
  IGDSData* pData,
  esriGDSImportFormat fmt

Parameters pData [in]
pData is a parameter of type IGDSData fmt [in]
fmt is a parameter of type esriGDSImportFormat

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


The ImportData method imports data into the geodatabase referenced by the GeoDataServer. The pData parameter takes a GDSData object which defines the data to import. The fmt parameter specifies the format of the data.

The data to import may be a XML workspace document or a FileGDB transport file generated from the IGeoDataServer::CreateReplica command. The process of importing these files completes the replica creation process and add a new child replica to the geodatabase.

The data may also be from a personal geodatabase, file geodatabase or an XML workspace document generated outside the context of replication. The IGeoDataServer::ExtractData method, for example, can also be used to generate these files. In these cases, the data is simply copied to the geodatabase.


The How to create a replica in a disconnected environment topic describes how to use this method to complete replica creation in a disconnected environment.

See Also

IGeoDataServer Interface

.NET Related Topics

How to create a replica in a disconnected environment