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ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > Geodatabase > ESRI.ArcGIS.GeoDatabase > Interfaces > IG > IGeometricNetworkReconcileProperties Interface > IGeometricNetworkReconcileProperties.ReduceNetworkConflicts Property (ArcObjects .NET 10.5 SDK) |
Indicates if the reconcile plan for the network reduces network conflicts.
[Visual Basic .NET] Public Property ReduceNetworkConflicts As Boolean
[C#] public bool ReduceNetworkConflicts {get; set;}
HRESULT get_ReduceNetworkConflicts(
VARIANT_BOOL* ReduceNetworkConflicts
HRESULT put_ReduceNetworkConflicts(
VARIANT_BOOL ReduceNetworkConflicts
Parameters ReduceNetworkConflicts [out, retval] ReduceNetworkConflicts is a parameter of type VARIANT_BOOL ReduceNetworkConflicts [in] ReduceNetworkConflicts is a parameter of type VARIANT_BOOL
FDO_E_INVALID_RELEASE: The release of the Geodatabase is pre-9.0, the ReduceNetworkConflicts property can only be used on geometric networks stored in Geodatabases that were created or upgraded to 9.0
ReduceNetworkConflicts will return a boolean value indicating the reconcile strategy applied to the geometric network. The default value is false, indicating that the standard reconcile strategy will be applied. An exclusive schema lock must be obtained before changing the ReduceNetworkConflicts property. See the ISchemaLock interface for information on listing existing schema locks and obtaining an exclusive schema lock.
This property is set at the geometric network level, which means that all clients will reconcile using the same strategy.