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ILatLonFormat.IsLatitude Property (ArcObjects .NET 10.5 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (System)  

ILatLonFormat.IsLatitude Property

Indicates if a formatted number is a latitude or not.

[Visual Basic .NET]
Public WriteOnly Property IsLatitude
public void IsLatitude {set;}
HRESULT put_IsLatitude(

Parameters [in] is a parameter of type VARIANT_BOOL

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


The IsLatitude property sets an indicator that tells whether the curvature of the coordinate system causes latitude labels to be placed on top or below the dataframe border, or for longitude labels that appear to the right or left of the dataframe border. It also determines the directional label appended to the format when the ValueToString method in the associated INumberFormat interface formats numbers.

The settings for ShowDirections are:

Setting Description


(Default) Latitude labels are placed on top of the dataframe border. Longitude labels are placed to the left of the dataframe border.

If ShowDirections is True, a directional letter designation of either E or W is appended to the format, for example, 23�E.


Latitude labels are placed below the dataframe border. Longitude labels are placed to the right of the dataframe border.

If ShowDirections is True, a directional letter designation of either N or S is appended to the format, for example, 17�N.



When used with the IDMSGridLabel interface, it sets an indicator to specify that latitude labels will be placed on top of the data frame border, and longitude labels will be placed to the left of the data frame border. If True, the directional letter will be either N or S; with IDMSGridLabel, latitude labels are placed below the data frame border and longitude labels are placed to the right.

See Also

ILatLonFormat Interface | CurrencyFormat Class | IScientificNumberFormat Interface | FractionFormat Class | IPercentageFormat Interface | INumericFormat Interface | IFractionFormat Interface | NumericFormat Class | IAngleFormat Interface | LatLonFormat Class | ICustomNumberFormat Interface | PercentageFormat Class | ILatLonFormat2 Interface | ILatLonFormat Interface | RateFormat Class | IRateFormat Interface | CustomNumberFormat Class | INumberFormat Interface | ScientificFormat Class | AngleFormat Class | esriDMSGridLabelType Constants | IDMSGridLabel Interface | IDMSGridLabel.LabelType Property | ILatLonFormat2 Interface | ILatLonFormat Interface