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IMarkerFillSymbol Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.5 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Display)  

IMarkerFillSymbol Interface

Provides access to members that control the marker fill symbol.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


IMarkerFillSymbol can be used to create a fill pattern that is composed of any marker supported by the IMarkerSymbol interface. These include: ICharacterMarkerSymbol, ISimpleMarkerSymbol, IArrowMarkerSymbol, and IPictureMarkerSymbol. Use the Style enumeration to display the markers in a grid, esriMFSGrid, or random, esriMFSRandom, pattern. Use the IFillSymbol interface to set additional properties for IMarkerFillSymbols.


Read/write property Color Fill color.
Read/write property GridAngle Angle of marker position grid.
Read/write property MarkerSymbol Marker symbol used for fill.
Read/write property Outline Line symbol of fill outline.
Read/write property Style Fill style.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IFillSymbol Provides access to members that control fill symbols.

CoClasses that implement IMarkerFillSymbol

CoClasses and Classes Description
MarkerFillSymbol A fill symbol comprised of any of the supported marker symbols.


You can use any MarkerSymbol for your fill, but note that the PictureFillSymbol may be more appropriate for your needs than using a PictureMarkerSymbol as the MarkerSymbol.

If the esriMFSGrid style is chosen, then the Marker objects will be aligned on a grid starting at the origin of the container's coordinate system, with the center of a marker at (0,0); therefore, if the same fill is applied to many shapes in one container, the markers within every shape will align together.

.NET Samples

Use an AlgorithmicColorRamp to color a ClassBreaksRenderer (Code Files: AlgorithmicColorRamp)