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ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > EditorExt > ESRI.ArcGIS.EditorExt > Interfaces > IO > IObjectLoader2 Interface > IObjectLoader2.LoadObjectsTemplate Method (ArcObjects .NET 10.5 SDK) |
Loads an object into an existing object class.
[Visual Basic .NET] Public Function LoadObjectsTemplate ( _ ByVal Editor As IEditor, _ ByVal inputTable As ITable, _ ByVal inputQueryFilter As IQueryFilter, _ ByVal editTemplate As IEditTemplate, _ ByVal outputTable As ITable, _ ByVal OutputFields As IFields, _ ByVal snapToFeatures As Boolean, _ ByVal applyValidation As Boolean, _ ByVal flushInterval As Integer, _ ByRef ppInvalidObjectEnum As IEnumInvalidObject _ ) As ISelectionSet
[C#] public ISelectionSet LoadObjectsTemplate ( IEditor Editor, ITable inputTable, IQueryFilter inputQueryFilter, IEditTemplate editTemplate, ITable outputTable, IFields OutputFields, bool snapToFeatures, bool applyValidation, int flushInterval, ref IEnumInvalidObject ppInvalidObjectEnum );