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IPictureElement3 Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.5 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Carto)  

IPictureElement3 Interface

Provides access to members that control the Picture element.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Read-only property Filter Filter used in CFileDialog.
Read-only property Handle The picture handle as a HBITMAP for bitmap pictures or an HENHMETAFILE for vector pictures.
Method ImportPictureFromFile File to be imported.
Read-only property IsVector Indicates whether picture is a vector format as opposed to raster.
Read/write property MaintainAspectRatio Indicates if the resize box will maintain the picture's aspect ratio.
Read-only property PictureAspectRatio Filter used in CFileDialog.
Read-only property PictureDescription Description of the Picture Element.
Method QueryIntrinsicSize Get the intrinsic size of the picture in points.
Read/write property SavePictureInDocument Indicates if the Picture will be stored in the Document.

CoClasses that implement IPictureElement3

CoClasses and Classes Description
BmpPictureElement The Graphic Element to display BMP Pictures.
EmfPictureElement The Graphic Element to display Emf Pictures.
GifPictureElement Graphic Element to display GIF Pictures.
Jp2PictureElement Graphic Element to display JPEG2000 Pictures.
JpgPictureElement Graphic Element to display JPG Pictures.
PictureElement Picture Graphic Element.
PngPictureElement Graphic Element to display PNG Pictures.
TifPictureElement Graphic Element to display TIF Pictures.