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ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > Geometry > ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry > Interfaces > IP > IPolycurveGeodetic Interface > IPolycurveGeodetic.DensifyGeodetic Method (ArcObjects .NET 10.5 SDK) |
Constructs different types of geodetic curves. The 'by length' and 'by deviation' densification methods are supported.
[Visual Basic .NET] Public Sub DensifyGeodetic ( _ ByVal geodeticLineType As esriGeodeticType, _ ByVal pLU As ILinearUnit, _ ByVal densifyMethod As esriCurveDensifyMethod, _ ByVal densifyParameter As Double _ )
[C#] public void DensifyGeodetic ( esriGeodeticType geodeticLineType, ILinearUnit pLU, esriCurveDensifyMethod densifyMethod, double densifyParameter );
HRESULT DensifyGeodetic(
esriGeodeticType geodeticLineType,
ILinearUnit* pLU,
esriCurveDensifyMethod densifyMethod,
double densifyParameter
Parameters geodeticLineType
geodeticLineType is a parameter of type esriGeodeticType pLU
pLU is a parameter of type ILinearUnit densifyMethod
densifyMethod is a parameter of type esriCurveDensifyMethod densifyParameter densifyParameter is a parameter of type double
Densifies the polycurve by connecting its existing vertices with geodetic curves of the specified type.
enum esriGeodeticType
esriGeodeticTypeGeodesic =0,
esriGeodeticTypeLoxodrome =1,
esriGeodeticTypeGreatElliptic =2,
esriGeodeticTypeNormalSection =3