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ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > GeoAnalyst > ESRI.ArcGIS.GeoAnalyst > Interfaces > IR > IRasterAnalysisEnvironment Interface > IRasterAnalysisEnvironment.Mask Property (ArcObjects .NET 10.5 SDK) |
Mask allows processing to occur only for a selected set of cells.
[Visual Basic .NET] Public Property Mask As IGeoDataset
[C#] public IGeoDataset Mask {get; set;}
HRESULT get_Mask(
IGeoDataset** Mask
HRESULT putref_Mask(
IGeoDataset* Mask
Parameters Mask [out, retval]
Mask is a parameter of type IGeoDataset Mask [in]
Mask is a parameter of type IGeoDataset
The mask can be a reference to a Raster, RasterDataset, RasterBand, or RasterDescriptor object or FeatureClass, FeatureClassDescriptor object.
The mask identifies only those cells within the analysis extent that will be considered when performing an action. Only the identified cells will be processed in subsequent output raster datasets. All other cells are characterized as nodata.