Provides access to members that conrtrol the scene viewer.
Product Availability
Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server. Requires 3D Analyst Extension.
Description |
Camera |
The scene viewer's camera. |
Caption |
The scene viewer's caption. |
ClearGesture |
Clears the last gesture. |
DrawToMetafile |
Draws the contents of the viewer to a device. |
GestureEnabled |
Indicates if gesturing is enabled. |
GestureSensitivity |
The gesture sensitivity as indicated by number of pixels. |
GetScreenShot |
Saves the content of the scene viewer and any windows superimposed on the scene viewer as an image. |
GetSnapshot |
Saves the content of the scene viewer as an image. |
hDC |
The associated device context. |
hWnd |
The associated window handle. |
OverrideDefaultHandler |
Supersedes the default event handler. |
Redraw |
Redraws the scene viewer. |
SceneGraph |
The scene viewer's scene graph. |
.NET Snippets
Navigate Scene to Bookmark3D |
Create Animation from Keyframes |
Toggle Between Surface and Global Navigation Mode |
Get SceneViewer from SceneControl |
Zoom to Globe Layer |
Zoom to Selected Globe Features |
Zoom to 3D Bookmark
.NET Samples
3D dynamic element tracking (Code Files:
TrackDynamicObject) |
Set sun position tool (Code Files:
SunPositionTool) |
Navigating around the GlobeControl (Code Files:
Navigation) |
Effects in the GlobeControl (Code Files:
Effects) |
Multiple globe viewers (Code Files:
MultipleGlobeViewers) |
Creating a toolbar of globe tools (Code Files:
GeographicCoordinates) |
Custom scene navigation commands (Code Files:
ExpandFOV Fly NarrowFOV Pan ZoomIn ZoomInOut ZoomOut)
.NET Related Topics
3DAnalyst |
How to wire ArcObjects .NET events |
How to zoom to a layer in globe |
How to zoom to selected features in globe