Provides access to members that control Screen Display. Note: the IScreenDisplay interface has been superseded byIScreenDisplay2. Please consider using the more recent version.
Product Availability
Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.
When To Use
The IScreenDisplay interface manages the display attributes of a screen. IScreenDisplay also handles other issues specific to windows including the backing store, scrolling, and invalidation.
Two objects currently implement IScreenDisplay, AppDisplay and ScreenDisplay. Each object's implementation of IScreenDisplay is slightly different; look at the help for a particular member for more details.
Creates a new cache and return its ID. The ID can be specified to StartDrawing to direct output to the cache. It can also be used with a number of other methods such as DrawCache and Invalidate.
Indicates if the contents of the screen scale when a resize occurs. True means scale contents to fit new window size. False means contents stays the same with more or less of it showing.
Prepare the display for drawing. Specify the device context and the cache to draw to (normally esriNoScreenCache). The ScreenDisplay coclass will automatically create a window device context if you specify hdc=0.
Indicates if display resizing is suppressed. True means the display doesn't resize with the window. False ensures that the display is the same size as the window.