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ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > Geometry > ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry > Interfaces > IS > ISpatialReferenceFactory Interface > ISpatialReferenceFactory.ExportESRISpatialReferenceToPRJFile Method (ArcObjects .NET 10.5 SDK) |
Exports a spatial reference to a PRJ file.
[Visual Basic .NET] Public Sub ExportESRISpatialReferenceToPRJFile ( _ ByVal prjFile As String, _ ByVal SpatialReference As ISpatialReference _ )
[C#] public void ExportESRISpatialReferenceToPRJFile ( string prjFile, ISpatialReference SpatialReference );
HRESULT ExportESRISpatialReferenceToPRJFile(
BSTR prjFile,
ISpatialReference* SpatialReference
Parameters prjFile prjFile is a parameter of type BSTR SpatialReference
SpatialReference is a parameter of type ISpatialReference
ExportESRISpatialReferenceToPRJFile converts an ArcGIS style spatial reference into the well-known text string. Here is an example (reformatted):
To convert a spatialreference into an ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced workstation format (for TINs, GRIDs, or coverages), use IPRJSpatialReferenceGEN_ExportSpatialReferenceToPRJ.
public void ExportESRISpatialReferenceToPRJFileExample()
//The ISpatialReferenceFactory::ExportESRISpatialReferenceToPRJFile
//method requires that you specify the path and filename of the output
//PRJ file you wish to create with the export. A valid spatial reference
//object containing spatial reference information is also required.
// use activator class with SpatialReferenceEnvironment singleton
Type factoryType=Type.GetTypeFromProgID("esriGeometry.SpatialReferenceEnvironment");
System.Object obj=Activator.CreateInstance(factoryType);
ISpatialReferenceFactory3 spatialReferenceFactory=obj as ISpatialReferenceFactory3;
IProjectedCoordinateSystem projectedCoordinateSystem=spatialReferenceFactory.CreateProjectedCoordinateSystem((int)esriSRProjCSType.esriSRProjCS_WGS1984UTM_10N);
//Export the pcs to a prj file
String fileName="c:\\temp\\utm10.prj";
spatialReferenceFactory.ExportESRISpatialReferenceToPRJFile(fileName, projectedCoordinateSystem);
'The ISpatialReferenceFactory::ExportESRISpatialReferenceToPRJFile
'method requires that you specify the path and filename of the output
'PRJ file you wish to create with the export. A valid spatial reference
'object containing spatial reference information is also required.
'pSpatRefFact represents an ISpatialReferenceFactory object
'pSpatRef represents an ISpatialReference object
pSpatRefFact.ExportESRISpatialReferenceToPRJFile("c:\geodata\prj_export", pSpatRef)