The maximum segment length value as a factor of each incoming dataset fooprint's average dimension. Footprint polygon is densified only if the spatial reference of the footprint geometry differs form the spatial reference of the geometry column of the mosaic c
The maximum allowed computed value for the high pixel size for the function raster dataset associated with a synchronized item. Lower values in this property indicate fewer pyramid levels. A value of zero indicates an absence of any constraints on the resultin
The maximum number of pyramid levels to use from the function raster dataset associated with a synchronized item. A value of -1 indicates all available levels.
The minimum number of pixel columnns allowed at the top-most pyramid level in the function raster dataset associated with a synchronized item. Higher values in this property indicate fewer pyramid levels. A value of zero indicates an absence of any constraints
The minimum number of pixel rows allowed at the top-most pyramid level in the function raster dataset associated with a synchronized item. Higher values in this property indicate fewer pyramid levels. A value of zero indicates an absence of any constraints on
Indicates whether items with category set to 'Incomplete' or items that cannot be rebuilt using their corresponding data sources are removed from the mosaic dataset.
Indicates whether mosaic dataset items are updated as part of the synchronization operation. Setting this property to false would ensure that no item is updated regardless of whether it is rebuilt. This property can be used in conjunction with the 'RemoveInval