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ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > Geodatabase > ESRI.ArcGIS.GeoDatabase > Interfaces > IT > ITinNode Interface > ITinNode.GetVoronoiRegion Method (ArcObjects .NET 10.5 SDK) |
Returns the Voronoi-polygon region of the specified node.
[Visual Basic .NET] Public Function GetVoronoiRegion ( _ ByVal pClippingPolygon As IPolygon _ ) As IPolygon
[C#] public IPolygon GetVoronoiRegion ( IPolygon pClippingPolygon );
HRESULT GetVoronoiRegion(
IPolygon* pClippingPolygon,
IPolygon** ppRegion
Parameters pClippingPolygon [in]
pClippingPolygon is a parameter of type IPolygon ppRegion [out, retval]
ppRegion is a parameter of type IPolygon
The Voronoi region (also known as Thiessen or proximal polygon) that is returned encloses an area that is closer to the source node than to any other node in the triangulation.
'Nothing' (a null pointer) can be passed as the clip polygon. In this case, a default rectangle will be used to clip the voronoi region. The rectangle is set to be somewhat larger than the FullExtent of the TIN.
GetVoronoiRegion used on a super node will return Nothing (a null pointer). Super nodes are added by the software when the TIN is initially created and reside far outside the declared data extent.
If you wish to process the entire TIN and write the output to a feature class consider ITinNodeCollection.ConvertToVoronoiRegions.