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ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > Controls > ESRI ArcGIS Controls > Interfaces > IT > IToolbarPalette Interface > IToolbarPalette.AlignLeft Property (ArcObjects .NET 10.5 SDK) |
Indicates if the ToolbarPalette displays aligned to the left or right.
[Visual Basic .NET] Public Property AlignLeft As Boolean
[C#] public bool AlignLeft {get; set;}
HRESULT get_AlignLeft(
HRESULT put_AlignLeft(
Parameters pVal [out, retval] pVal is a parameter of type VARIANT_BOOL pVal [in] pVal is a parameter of type VARIANT_BOOL
Determines whether a ToolbarPalette (and any sub menus it contains) when displayed using the IToolbarPalette::PopupPalette method displays in a position aligned to the left of the users mouse click. This property is true by default.
If the ToolbarPalette has also been added to the ToolbarControl, the ToolbarControl will override the AlignLeft property with the IToolbarControl2::AlignLeft property, before the ToolbarPalette is displayed with the IToolbarPalette::PopupPalette method.
If a ToolbarPalette is to popup in a position so close to edge of a screen display, that it will not be fully visible, the AlignLeft property will be ignored. The ToolbarPalette will popup aligned in a direction that will ensure it is fully visible.
AlignLeft does not affect the alignment of an ICommand::Caption or an IToolbarPalette::Caption displayed on a ToolbarItem . In order to change the direction text is displayed the RTL (right to left) display environment variable needs changing. The AlignLeft property will override any RTL (right to left) display environment variables that affect the position of drop down palettes.