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ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > SpatialAnalyst > SpatialAnalyst Library Contents (ArcObjects .NET 10.5 SDK) |
The SpatialAnalyst library contains objects for performing spatial analyst on raster and vector data. A Spatial Analyst license is required to work with objects in this library.
Interface | Description |
IBitwiseOp | Provides access to members that control the bitwise operations. |
IConditionalFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that specify arguments to local raster functions. |
IConditionalOp | Provides access to members that control the conditional operations. |
IConditionalOp2 | Provides access to members that control the conditional operations. |
IDensityOp | Provides access to members that control the density operations. |
IDistanceOp | Provides access to members that control the distance operations. |
IDistanceOp2 | Provides access to members that control the distance operations. |
IExtractionOp | Provides access to members that control the extraction operations. |
IExtractionOp2 | Provides access to additional members that control the extraction operations. |
IGeneralizeOp | Provides access to members that control the generalization operations. |
IGeoAnalysisFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that specify arguments to local raster functions. |
IGPEvaluationScale | Provides access to EvaluationScale control for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPEvaluationScaleType | Provides access to IGPEvaluationScaleType for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPRasterCalculatorExpression | Provides access to the GPRasterCalculatorExpression object for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPRasterCalculatorExpressionType | Provides access to GPRasterCalculatorExpression for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPSACellSize | Provides access to cellszie control for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPSACellSizeType | Provides access to IGPSACellSizeType for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPSAExtractValues | Provides access to the GPSAExtractValues object for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPSAExtractValuesType | Provides access to IGPSAExtractValuesType for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPSAFuzzyFunction | Provides access to the fuzzy function object used for fuzzy function. |
IGPSAFuzzyFunctionType | Provides access to the fuzzy Function type object for fuzzy Function. |
IGPSAHorizontalFactor | Provides access to the horizontal factor object used for path distance. |
IGPSAHorizontalFactorType | Provides access to the horizontal factor type object for path distance. |
IGPSAMapAlgebraExp | Provides access to MapAlgebra control for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPSAMapAlgebraExpType | Provides access to IGPSAMapAlgebraExpType for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPSANameDomain | Provides access to The IGPSANameDomain Domain. |
IGPSANeighborhood | Provides access to IGPSANeighborhood interface. |
IGPSANeighborhood2 | Provides access to IGPSANeighborhood2 interface. |
IGPSANeighborhoodDomain | Provides access to The Neighborhood Domain. |
IGPSANeighborhoodType | Provides access to IGPSANeighborhoodType interface. |
IGPSANumberRemap | Provides access to NumberRemap control for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPSANumberRemapType | Provides access to IGPSANumberRemapType for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPSARadius | Provides access to IGPSARadius interface. |
IGPSARadiusType | Provides access to IGPSARadiusType interface. |
IGPSARemap | Provides access to Remap control for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPSARemapDomain | Provides access to the Remap Domain. |
IGPSARemapType | Provides access to IGPSARemapType for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPSASemiVariogram | Provides access to Interpolation semi-variogram control for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPSASemiVariogramType | Provides access to IGPSASemiVariogramType for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPSAStringRemap | Provides access to StringRemap control for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPSAStringRemapType | Provides access to IGPSAStringRemapType for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPSATextTableNameDomain | Provides access to The IGPSATextTableNameDomain Domain. |
IGPSATimeConfiguration | Provides access to the time configuration object used for solar radiation. |
IGPSATimeConfigurationType | Provides access to the time configuration type object for solar radiation. |
IGPSATopoFeatures | Provides access to TopoFeatures object for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPSATopoFeaturesType | Provides access to IGPSATopoFeaturesType for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPSATransformationFunction | Provides access to the transformation function object used for transformation function. |
IGPSATransformationFunctionType | Provides access to the transformation Function type object for transformation function. |
IGPSAUtil | Provides access to IGPSAUtil interface. |
IGPSAVerticalFactor | Provides access to the vertical factor object for path distance. |
IGPSAVerticalFactorType | Provides access to the vertical factor type object for path distance. |
IGPSAWeightedOverlayTable | Provides access to WeightedOverlayTable control for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPSAWeightedOverlayTableType | Provides access to IGPSAWeightedOverlayTableType for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPSAWeightedSum | Provides access to the WeightedSum object for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPSAWeightedSumType | Provides access to IGPSAWeightedSumType for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGroundwaterOp | Provides access to members that perform groundwater analysis on raster data. |
IHydrologyOp | Provides access to members that control the hydrological operations. |
IHydrologyOp2 | Provides access to additional members that control the hydrological operations. |
ILocalFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that specify arguments to local raster functions. |
ILocalOp | Provides access to members that control the local statistical analysis operations. |
ILogicalOp | Provides access to members that control the logical operations. |
ILogicalOp2 | Provides access to members that control the logical operations. |
ILogicalOperatorOp | Provides access to members that control the logical operator operations. |
ILogicalOperatorOp2 | Provides access to members that control the logical operator operations. |
IMapAlgebraOp | Provides access to members that control the MapAlgebra operations. |
IMathFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that specify arguments to local raster functions. |
IMathOp | Provides access to members that control the mathematical operations. |
IMultivariateOp | Provides access to members that perform multivariate analysis on raster data. |
INeighborhoodOp | Provides access to members that control the neighborhood operations. |
IPathDistanceHorizontalFactor | Provides access to members that control the horizontal facors used when performing path distance. |
IPathDistanceVerticalFactor | Provides access to members that control the vertical factors used when performing path distance. |
ITrigOp | Provides access to members that control the trigonometry operations. |
IWeightedOverlayFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that setup a weighted overlay raster reduction. |
IWeightedSumFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that setup a weighted sum raster reduction. |
IZonalOp | Provides access to members that control the zonal analysis operations. |
CoClass or Class | Description |
ConditionalFunction | A class for a local conditional function. |
ConditionalFunctionArguments | A class for local conditional function arguments. |
GPEvaluationScale | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst EvaluationScale object. |
GPEvaluationScaleType | GeoProcessor EvaluationScale Type object. |
GPRasterCalculatorExpression | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst GPRasterCalculatorExpression object. |
GPRasterCalculatorExpressionType | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst GPRasterCalculatorExpression Type object. |
GPSACellSize | GeoProcessor Spatial CellSize object. |
GPSACellSizeType | GeoProcessor Spatial CellSize Type object. |
GPSAExtractValues | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst GPSAExtractValues object. |
GPSAExtractValuesType | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst GPSAExtractValues Type object. |
GPSAFuzzyFunction | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst fuzzy function object. |
GPSAFuzzyFunctionType | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst fuzzy function type object. |
GPSAHorizontalFactor | GeoProcessor path distance horizontal function object. |
GPSAHorizontalFactorType | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst HorizontalFactor type object. |
GPSAMapAlgebraExp | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst MapAlgebra object. |
GPSAMapAlgebraExpType | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst MapAlgebra Type object. |
GPSANameDomain | GPSAName Domain in geo-processing. |
GPSANeighborhood | GeoProcessor Spatial Neighborhood object. |
GPSANeighborhoodDomain | Neighborhood Domain in geo-processing. |
GPSANeighborhoodType | GeoProcessor Spatial Neighborhood Type object. |
GPSANumberRemap | GeoProcessor Spatial NumberRemap object. |
GPSANumberRemapType | GeoProcessor Spatial NumberRemap Type object. |
GPSARadius | GeoProcessor Spatial Radius object. |
GPSARadiusType | GeoProcessor Spatial Radius Type object. |
GPSARemapDomain | Remap Domain in geo-processing. |
GPSASemiVariogram | GeoProcessor Spatial SemiVariogram object. |
GPSASemiVariogramType | GeoProcessor Spatial SemiVariogram Type object. |
GPSAStringRemap | GeoProcessor Spatial StringRemap object. |
GPSAStringRemapType | GeoProcessor Spatial StringRemap Type object. |
GPSATextTableNameDomain | GPSAName Domain in geo-processing. |
GPSATimeConfiguration | GeoProcessor solar-radiation time configuration object. |
GPSATimeConfigurationType | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst TimeConfiguration type object. |
GPSATopoFeatures | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst TopoFeatures object. |
GPSATopoFeaturesType | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst TopoFeatures Type object. |
GPSATopoFeaturesTypeName | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst TopoFeatures Type Name object. |
GPSATransformationFunction | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst transformation function object. |
GPSATransformationFunctionType | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst transformation function type object. |
GPSAUtil | GeoProcessor Spatial SpatialUtil object. |
GPSAVerticalFactor | GeoProcessor path distance vertical function object. |
GPSAVerticalFactorType | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst VerticalFactor type object. |
GPSAWeightedOverlayTable | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst WeightedOverlayTable object. |
GPSAWeightedOverlayTableType | GeoProcessor WeightedOverlayTable Type object. |
GPSAWeightedSum | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst WeightedSum object. |
GPSAWeightedSumType | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst WeightedSum Type object. |
LocalFunction | A class for a local raster function. |
LocalFunctionArguments | A class for local function arguments. |
MathFunction | A class for a local math function. |
MathFunctionArguments | A class for math function arguments. |
MBImport | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst MBImport object. |
PathDistanceHorizontalFactor | Path distance horizontal function object. |
PathDistanceVerticalFactor | Path distance vertical function object. |
RasterConditionalOp | A mechanism for performing conditional operations on rasters. |
RasterDensityOp | A mechanism for performing density operations on rasters. |
RasterDistanceOp | A mechanism for performing distance operations on rasters. |
RasterExtractionOp | A mechanism for performing operations that extract cells from rasters. |
RasterGeneralizeOp | A mechanism for performing simplifying operations on rasters. |
RasterGroundwaterOp | A mechanism for performing groundwater operations on rasters. |
RasterHydrologyOp | A mechanism for performing hydrological operations on rasters. |
RasterLocalOp | A mechanism for performing local operations on rasters. |
RasterMapAlgebraOp | A mechanism for performing MapAlgebra operations on rasters. |
RasterMathOps | A mechanism for performing mathematical operations on rasters. |
RasterMultivariateOp | A mechanism for performing multivariate operations on rasters. |
RasterNeighborhoodOp | A mechanism for performing neighbourhood operations on rasters. |
RasterZonalOp | A mechanism for performing zonal operations on rasters. |
WeightedOverlayFunction | The weighted overlay function. |
WeightedOverlayFunctionArguments | The weighted overlay function arguments. |
WeightedSumFunction | The weighted sum raster function. |
WeightedSumFunctionArguments | The weighted sum function arguments. |
Enumeration | Description |
esriGeoAnalysisAPrioriEnum | A Priori Probability Types in Spatial Analyst. |
esriGeoAnalysisAreaUnitsEnum | Area Units Types in Spatial Analyst. |
esriGeoAnalysisFunctionEnum | The operations supported by the LocalFunction, MathFunction and ConditionalFunction classes |
esriGeoAnalysisPathEnum | Cost path types in Spatial Analyst. |
esriGeoAnalysisSortEnum | Zone sorting types in Spatial Analyst. |
esriGeoAnalysisStreamOrderEnum | Stream ordering method types in Spatial Analyst. |
esriGeoAnalysisZonalGeometryEnum | Zonal geometry types in Spatial Analyst. |
esriGPSANeighborhoodTextEnum | Text types of SetAsText/GetAsText for irregular and weight neighborhhods. |
esriGPSARemapTypeEnum | Remap types in geo-processing. |
esriGPSATopoTypeEnum | TopoFeature layer types in geo-processing. |
esriPathDistanceHorizontalEnum | Path Distance Horizontal Factor Types. |
esriPathDistanceVerticalEnum | Path Distance Vertical Factor Types. |
esriRasterRadiusEnum | Text types of Raster Radia. |
esriSAFuzzyFunctionEnum | Types of Fuzzy Function. |
esriSAFuzzyHedgeEnum | Types of Fuzzy Hedge. |
esriSAFuzzyOverlayEnum | Types of Fuzzy Overlay. |
esriSATransformationFunctionEnum | Types of Transformation Function. |
esriSolarAnalysisAreaEnum | AAAAA. |
esriSolarDeffuseModelEnum | AAAAA. |
esriSolarDirectModelEnum | AAAAA. |
esriSolarSlopeAspectEnum | AAAAA. |
esriSolarTimeConfigEnum | AAAAA. |