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This document is archived and information here might be outdated. Recommended version. |
The ArcMapUI library provides user interfaces components specific to the ArcMap application.
Interface | Description |
IAddDataDialog | Provides access to members that control the Add Data Dialog. |
IAddDataDialog2 | Provides access to members that control the Add Data Dialog. |
IAddLayersOperation | Provides access to members that control the Add layers operation. |
IAggregateOptions | Provides access to members that allows you to specify the types of aggregation that will be applied to all numeric fields during an aggregate spatial join. |
IAIAProperties | Provides access to members that control AIA window properties. |
IAnnotateFeaturesCallback | Provides access to members for the annotate selected features callback. |
IAnnotateSelectedFeatures | Provides access to members that control the annotate selected features. |
IApplicationWindows | Provides access to members that control the DataWindow Container. |
IBasicDocument | Provides access to members that control the Basic Document. |
IBasicDocument2 | Provides additional access to members that control the Basic Document. |
IBasicDocumentDefaultSymbols | Provides access to members that control Default basic symbols for the document. |
IChangeLayout | Provides access to members that control changing the document's layout. |
IClipboardFormat | Provides access to members that control the ClipBoard Format. |
IClipboardFormat2 | Provides access to members that control the ClipBoard Format. |
IContentsView | Provides access to members that control table of contents views. |
IContentsView2 | Provides access to members that control the table of contents views of GMx. |
IContentsView3 | |
IContentsViewEdit | Provides access to members that control Contents View Edit. |
IContentsViewSelection | Provides access to members that control table of contents views. |
IDataConnectionCallback | Provides access to members that control Callback from data connection property page. |
IDataConnectionCallback2 | Provides more access to members that control Callback from data connection property page. |
IDataConnectionPropertyPage | Provides access to members that control the Data connection property page. |
IDataConnectionPropertyPage2 | Provides access to members that control the Data connection property page. |
IDataGraphTWizard | Provides access to members that control the data graph wizard. |
IDataGraphWindow2 | Provides access to members that control the DataGraph Window. |
IDatasetFilter | Provides access to members that control the Filter for dataset inclusion. |
IDataWindow | Provides access to members that control popup windows that show map data. |
IDataWindow2 | Provides access to members that control popup windows that show map data. |
IDataWindowEvents | Provides access to events that occur in a data window. |
IDataWindowFactory | Provides access to members that control the Factory for creating floating windows. |
IDissolveUI | Provides access to members that dissolve features by a common attribute value. |
IDissolveUIAdmin | Provides access to alternative members that dissolve features by a common attribute value. |
IDocumentDefaultSymbols | Provides access to members that control Default Symbols for the document. |
IDocumentEvents | Provides access to events that occur in ArcMap. |
IDocumentEventsDisp | Provides access to events that occur in ArcMap. |
IEnumPrinterNames | Provides access to an enumeration of all the Printers. |
IEnumTableProperties | Provides access to an enumeration of table properties. |
IFindCallBack | Provides access to members that control the results in a custom find dialog page. |
IFinder | Provides access to IFinder interface for the MxFind routine. Implement this interface to create a custom find dialog page. |
IFindPanelEvents | Provides access to events that control communication from find pages to the main find form. |
IFindWindow | Provides access to members that control the Find Window. Allows you to search for features/addresses/etc. Deprecated. Please consider using the IFind interface in the Carto library instead. |
IFindWindow2 | Provides access to additional control of the Find Window. Deprecated. Please consider using the IFind interface in the Carto library instead. |
IGenericWindow | Provides access to members that control a data window with a particular hWnd. |
IGNetExtension | Provides access to members that control the Geography Network Extension. |
IGpsExtension | Provides access to GPS Extension properties. |
IGpsPositionDialog | Provides access to members that control GPS position dialog. |
IGroupLayersOperation | Provides access to members that control the Group layers operation. |
IHistoryViewerWindow | Provides access to members of HistoryViewerWindow. |
IJoinData | Provides access to members that join a feature class or a table to a layer/standalone table in ArcMap. |
IJoinData2 | Provides access to members that join a feature class or a table to a layer/standalone table in ArcMap. |
IJoinPages | Provides access to members that control which pages are shown. |
ILayerEffectsEnvironment | Provides access to members that control the Layer Effects Environment. |
ILayerEffectsEnvironment2 | Provides access to members that control the Layer Effects Environment. |
ILayerEffectsEnvironment3 | Provides access to members that control the Layer Effects Environment. |
ILensWindow | Provides access to members that control the Lens Window. |
IMapInsetWindow | Provides access to members that control the Map Inset Window. |
IMensurationResult | Provides access to members that control mensuration result. |
IMetadataViewWindow | Provides access to members setting the Metadata View Window. |
IMetadataViewWindow2 | Provides access to members setting the Metadata View Window. |
IMetadataViewWindow3 | Provides access to members setting the Metadata View Window. |
IModelessQueryAttributes | Provides access to members that control the Modeless Attribute query window. |
IMoveLayersOperation | Provides access to members that control the Move layer operation. |
IMoveMapsOperation | Provides access to members that control the Move maps operation. |
IMxApplication | Provides access to members that control the Mx Application. |
IMxApplication2 | Provides access to members that control the Mx Application. |
IMxApplication3 | Provides access to members that control the Mx Application. |
IMxDocument | Provides access to members that control the Mx Document. |
IMxDocumentDropTarget | Provides access to members that control the MxDocument Drop Target. |
INewDocumentDialog | Provides access to members that control the new document dialog. |
IOverviewWindow | Provides access to members that control the Overview Window. |
IPageIndexControl | Data Driven Page Control interface. |
IPixelInspectionWindow | Provides access to members that control the PixelInspection Window. |
IQueryAttributes | Provides access to members that control the Attribute query window. |
IRasterDockWin | |
IReferenceScaleOperation | Provides access to members that control the Reference Scale Operation. |
IRelateData | Provides access to members that relate a class or a table to a layer. |
IRelateData2 | Provides access to members that join a feature class or a table to a layer/standalone table in ArcMap. |
IRemoveLayerOperation | Provides access to members that control the Remove layer operation. |
IRemoveLayerOperation2 | Provides access to members that control the Remove layer operation. |
IRemoveLayersOperation | Provides access to members that control the Remove layers operation. |
IReportUnitFormat | Provides access to report unit formatting. |
IReportUnitFormat2 | Provides access to report unit formatting. |
ISelectFeaturesOperation | Provides access to members that control the Select Features operation. |
ISpatialJoin | Provides access to members that join the attributes of feature classes based on the spatial relationships of the features. |
IStartupDialog | Provides access to members that control the Startup Dialog. |
IStartupDialog2 | Provides access to more members that control the Startup Dialog. |
IStartupDialog3 | Provides access to more members that control the Startup Dialog. |
IStartupDialogSettings | Provides access to members that contorl the behavior of the Getting Started window. |
ISummarizeUI | Provides access to members that summarize a table by an attribute. |
ITableDockWindowAdmin | Provides access to the table docking window. |
ITableFrame | Provides access to members that control table frames. |
ITableProperties | Provides access to members that control Table properties, for Layers and Tables in ArcMap. |
ITableProperty | Provides access to members that control Table window properties. |
ITableProperty2 | Provides access to members that control Linked table window properties. |
ITableProperty3 | Provides access to members that control Linked table window properties. |
ITableWindow | Provides access to members that display table window in ArcMap. This interface intergrates ITableView with ArcMap's events and selections. |
ITableWindow2 | Provides access to members that extend ITableWindow functionality to work with ILayers. |
ITableWindow3 | Provides access to members that extend ITableWindow functionality to work with dockable tables. |
ITinHistogram | Provides access to members that create a Histogram from TIN data values. |
IUngroupLayerOperation | Provides access to members that control the Ungroup layers operation. |
IViewCommand | Provides access to members that control view commands. |
IViewCommandToolbars | Provides access to members that control view commands which have toolbars associated with them. |
CoClass or Class | Description |
AddDataDialog | Add Data Dialog. |
AddLayersOperation | Add Layers Operation. |
AddQueryTableDialog | Add Query table dialog. |
AnnotateSelectedFeatures | Display annotate selected features dialog. |
AppDisplay | Esri Display. |
AVImageThemeImporter | A mechanism for importing image themes from Arc View 3.x into ArcGIS. |
BAImageInsetWindow | Window to display BAImageInsets. |
BasemapSubLayerRasterLayerContextAnalyzer | A coclass for Basemap Sub Layer which is a RasterLayer context analyzer. |
BmpClipboardFormat | BMP Clipboard Format. |
ColorCorrectionDockWin | The Color Correction Tools Dockable Window. |
ColorCorrectionWindowCommand | Opens Color Correction Window |
DataConnectionCallback | DataConnectionCallback. |
DataConnectionPropertyPage | Data Connection Property Page. |
DataGraphMxDocumentDropTarget | Supports data graph drag-and-drop functionality in ArcMap. |
DataGraphTCreateScatterplotMatrix | Dialog in creating data scatterplot matrix graph. |
DataGraphTWizard | Wizard in creating data graph. |
DataGraphWindow | Window in hosting and displaying data graph. |
DataViewPropertyPage | Property page for Data view properties. |
DocumentEvents | Helper coclass for working with the nondefault outbound IDocumentEvents interface in VB. |
DocumentPropertyPage | Property page for Document general properties. |
ElementEditVerticesOperation | Command for editing an elements vertices. |
ElementNewOperation | Command for adding new maps to a layout. |
ElementSelection | Maintains the the graphic element selection. |
EnhMetaFileClipboardFormat | Enhanced Metafile Clipboard Format(EMF). |
ExcludeUnselectedFeaturesCommand | Adds all unselected features in all layers to the layer's exclusion set, so those feature will not draw. |
FindFeatures | Provides access to FindFeatures. Create a class with this interface (and add to category) for custom find dialog page. |
FindWindowUI | Window to display Find dialog in. Deprecated. Please consider using the IFind interface in the Carto library instead. |
GenericWindow | User data windows. |
GettingStartedSettings | Getting Started Settings |
GettingStartedWindow | Getting Started Window |
GNetCommandHandler | GNet Command Handler. |
GNetExtension | GNet Extension. |
GpsExtension | The GPS extension object. |
GpsLogFilter | The GPS Log Filter. |
GpsPositionDialog | Display GPS Position information. |
GroupLayerContextAnalyzer | Group Layer Context Analyzer. |
GroupLayersOperation | Group Layer Operation. |
HistoryViewerWindow | History Viewer Window |
IdentifyWindow | Esri map identify window. |
IdentifyWindowCommand | Command to open the Identify Window. |
ImageAnalysisWindowCommand | Command to open the Image Analysis Window. |
ImageInsetWindow | Window to display ImageInsets. |
ImageServerLayerContextAnalyzer | A coclass for ImageServerLayer context analyzer. |
IMSFeatureLayerSymbology | Defines the symbology for an IMS feature layer. |
IMSLayerFactory | IMS Layer Factory. |
IMSLayersPropertyPage | IMS Map Layers property page. |
IMSMapLayerSourcePropertyPage | IMS Map Layer source property page. |
IMSPropsPropertyPage | IMS properties property page. |
IMSSubLayerContextAnalyzer | IMS SubLayer Context Analyzer. |
JoinData | Join Data dialog. |
JoinRelatePage | Join and Relate property page. |
LasDatasetGxBrowserFactory | The LasDataset GX Browser Factory is used to help look for LasDatasets. |
LasDatasetIdentifyObject | Provides programmatic access to LasDataset layer identify object. |
LayerEffectsEnvironment | Singleton instance of the Layer Effects Environment. |
LayersClipboardFormat | Esri Layers Clipboard format. |
LayerSelectionContextMenu | Layer Selection Context Menu. |
LayoutViewPropertyPage | Property page for Layout view properties. |
MapDocumentPropPage | Property page for Document properties. |
MapGridsPropertyPage | Property page for Map grid properties. |
MapIlluminationPropertyPage | Property page for Map illumination properties. |
MapInsetPropertyPage | Property page for magnifier window. |
MapInsetWindow | Window to display MapInsets. |
MapInsetWindowFactory | Factory to generate a MapInset window. |
MapPropertyPage | Property page for Map general properties. |
Maps | Helper for working with the IMaps interface. |
MapServerIdentifyObject | Provides programmatic access to a map server identify object. |
MapServerLayerAdvancedPropertyPage | Property page for showing a map server layer's advanced properties. |
MapServerLayerCachePropertyPage | Property page for showing a map server layer's local cache properties. |
MapServerLayerSourcePropertyPage | Property page for showing a map server layer's source information. |
MapServerSublayersPropertyPage | Property page for showing a map server layer's sublayer information. |
MapViewCommandsContextAnalyzer | Map View Commands Context Analyzer. |
MapViewCommandsContextMenu | Map View Commands Context Menu. |
MapViewCommandsMenuItems | Map View Commands Menu Items. |
MapViewerWindowFactory | Factory to generate a Viewer Window. |
MensurationDockWin | The Mensuration Result Dockable Window. |
MetadataViewWindow | MetadataViewWindow class used to display the metadata of selected layer's data source. |
MetaFileClipboardFormat | Windows Metafile Clipboard Format (WMF). |
MosaicDatasetExtension | The extension of the mosaic layer. |
MoveLayersOperation | Move Layers Operation. |
MoveMapsOperation | Move Maps Operation. |
MxDocument | Esri Mx Document. |
MxStatusBar | MxStatusBar object. |
NetCDFFeaturePropertyPage | The NetCDF Feature Property Page. |
NetCDFRasterPropertyPage | The NetCDF Raster Property Page. |
NetCDFTablePropertyPage | The NetCDF Table Property Page. |
NetworkLayerFactory | |
NewDocumentDialog | New Document Dialog |
OleFrame | The OLE frame. |
OpenTableCommand | Global Command that opens the table(s) associated to the current selection in the TOC. |
OverviewPropertyPage | Property page for Overview window properties. |
OverviewWindow | Window to display Overviews. |
OverviewWindowFactory | Factory to generate an Overview window. |
PageIndexExtentPropPage | Extent property page for data driven pages. |
PageIndexGeneralPropPage | General property page for data driven pages. |
PixelInspectionDockWin | The Pixel Inspection Dockable Window. |
ProgressAnimation | ProgressAnimation object. |
ProgressBar | ProgressBar object. |
ProgressDialog | Progress dialog object. |
PublishAntiAliasingPage | Publishing UI - Anti Aliasing Property Page. |
PublishDestinationPage | Publishing UI - Destination Property Page. |
PublishOptionsPage | Global Publishing UI Option Property Page. |
QueryAttributes | Display query attribute dialog in Mx. |
RasterBasemapLayerContextAnalyzer | A coclass for Raster Basemap Layer context analyzer. |
RasterCatalogGxBrowserFactory | The Raster Catalog GX Browser Factory. |
RasterGxBrowserFactory | The Raster GX Browser Factory is used to help look for rasters on disk. |
RasterLayerContextAnalyzer | A coclass for RasterLayer context analyzer. |
RasterTableShowMultiItem | A coclass shows multi-item menu of a RasterTable. |
RasterToolExtension | The extension of raster tool. |
RasterToolsDockWin | The Raster Tools Dockable Window. |
ReferenceScaleOperation | Reference Scale Operation. |
RelateData | Relate Data dialog. |
RemoveLayerOperation | Remove Layer Operation. |
RemoveLayersOperation | Remove Layers Operation. |
ReportSelection | Captures selection change, and reports this on the status bar. |
RestoreExcludedFeaturesCommand | Removes features from all layers' exclusion sets. |
RotateOperation | Operation for handling rotation. |
SelectByCommonValueTool | Tool for selecting features by a common attribute value. |
SelectFeaturesOperation | Select Features Operation. |
SpatialJoin | Spatial Join two feature classes. |
SummarizeUI | Window to display the summarize dialog in ArcMap. |
TableContextMenuArrange | Arrange table windows context menu. |
TableContextMenuArrangeItems | Arrange table windows context menu items. |
TableDockWindow | Table dock window |
TableProperties | Table window properties. |
TableProperty | Table window property. |
TableWindow | Window to display Tables in ArcMap. |
TemplateStartupDialog | Startup dialog that lets you choose a template. |
TerrainGxBrowserFactory | The Terrain GX Browser Factory is used to help look for Terrains. |
TextClipboardFormat | Text Clipboard Format. |
TimeSliderWindowCommand | Command to open the Time Slider Window. |
TinGxBrowserFactory | The TIN GX Browser Factory is used to help look for TINs on disk. |
TinHistogram | TIN histogram of data values. |
TOCCatalogView | Esri TOC Catalog View. |
TOCDisplayView | Esri TOC Display View. |
TOCDockableWindow | Esri TOC Dockable Window. |
TOCGeneralPropertyPage | Property page for Table Of Contents window general properties. |
TOCLegendDisplayView | |
TOCLegendSelectionView | |
TOCPatchesPropertyPage | Property page for Table Of Contents window patch properties. |
TOCSelectionView | Esri TOC Selection View. |
UngroupLayerOperation | Ungroup Layer Operation. |
WMSCustomParameters | Property page for showing a WMS layer's custom parameters properties. |
WMSIdentifyObject | Provides programmatic access to a WMS map layer factory. |
WMSLayerAdvancedPropertyPage | Property page for showing a map server layer's advanced properties. |
WMSLayerSourcePropertyPage | Property page for showing a map server layer's source information. |
WMSLayerStylePropertyPage | Property page for showing wms sub layer's properties. |
WMSMapLayerFactory | Provides programmatic access to a WMS map layer factory. |
WMSSublayersPropertyPage | Property page for showing a map server layer's sublayer information. |
Enumeration | Description |
esriDCType | The type of data we are getting or putting from the DataConnection property page. |
esriMxCustomizationEvent | Mx customization event types. |
esriMxDefaultColorTypes | Default properties Identifiers. |
esriMxDlgIDs | Dialog Identifiers. |
esriTinHistogramType | The TIN Histogram Types. |