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GeoDatabaseDistributed Library Contents (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
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ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabaseDistributed)  

GeoDatabaseDistributed Library Contents

The GeoDatabaseDistributed library contains the objects required to perform, checkout / checkin to support distributed GeoDatabase.


Interface Description
ICheckIn Provides access to members that perform a check in.
ICheckIn2 Provides access to members that perform a check in.
ICheckInDataSynchronizer Provides access to members that synchronize changes from a check-out geodatabase or delta database with the master geodatabase.
ICheckInDataSynchronizer2 Provides access to members that synchronize changes from a check-out geodatabase or delta database with the master geodatabase.
ICheckOut Provides access to members that perform a check out.
IDataChanges Provides access to members that return information needed to check in or import edits.
IDataChanges2 Provides access to return the model type of the edits in the check-out.
IDataChanges3 Provides access to members that get data changes from a check-out or replica.
IDataChangesExt Provides access to members that get data changes from a check-out or replica.
IDataChangesInfo Provides access to the set of changed IDs for a class.
IDataExtraction Provides access to members that extract schema and/or data from one geodatabase to another geodatabase.
IDeltaDataChanges Provides access to members that identify a data changes object based on a delta container.
IDeltaDataChanges2 Provides access to members that identify a data changes object based on a delta container.
IDeltaDataChangesInit Provides access to members that initialize a DeltaDataChanges object.
IDeltaDataChangesInit2 Provides access to members that initialize a DeltaDataChanges object with the ability to access its file content randomly.
IDeltaDataChangesRelease Provides access to members that return the release version of the geodatabase from which the edits originated.
IEnumModifiedClassInfo Provides access to members that enumerate modified classes with edits to check in or import.
IEnumSchemaChange Provides access to the replica schema changes.
IEnumTableDataChanges Provides access to the TablesDataChanges objects.
IExportDataChanges Provides access to members that export edits from versions or a check-out geodatabase to a delta file.
IExportDataChanges2 Provides access to members that export edits from a version or from a check-out, one way or two way replica to a data changes file.
IExportSchema Provides access to members that export schema from a replica.
IGdbSchemaCreator Provides access to members that support geodatabase schema creation.
IGdbXmlExport Provides access to members that support exporting a geodatabase to XML.
IGdbXmlExportEvents Provides access to callback events when exporting geodatabase to XML.
IGdbXmlImport Provides access to members that support importing a geodatabase from XML.
IGDSData Provides access to methods supported by a GDSReplicaData object.
IGDSData2 Provides access to methods supported by a GDSReplicaData object.
IGDSExportOptions Provides access to methods that control replica export.
IGDSQueryResultPortion Provides access to elements of a result portion.
IGeoDataServer Provides access to methods supported by a GeoDataServer Object.
IGeoDataServer2 Provides access to methods supported by a GeoDataServer Object.
IGeoDataServerInit Provides access to members that support initializing a GeoDataServer.
IGeoDataServerObjects Provides access to fine grained objects that are part of a GeoDataServer.
IImportDataChanges Provides access to members that import edits or check in from a delta file to a geodatabase.
IImportDataChanges2 Provides access to members that import edits or check in from a delta file to a geodatabase.
IImportDataChanges3 Provides access to members that import edits or check in from a delta file to a geodatabase.
IImportSchema Provides access to members that import schema changes to a replica.
IModifiedClassInfo Provides access to members that return information about feature classes and tables with edits.
IOperationProgress Provides access to members that monitor the progress of an operation such as exporting geodatabase to XML.
IReplicaDataChanges Provides access to members that identify a data changes object based on a replica.
IReplicaDataChangesInit Provides access to members that initialize a Replica DataChanges object.
IReplicaDataChangesInit2 Provides access to members that initialize a multi-generation Replica DataChanges object.
IReplicaMessageHandler Provides access to members that return information about a replica data change message.
IReplicaProgress Provides access to members that monitor the progress of a check-out.
IReplicasExporter Provides access to export replicas description in a geodatabase.
IReplicationAgent Provides access to replica operations.
IReplicationAgent2 Provides access to replica operations.
IReplicationAgentCancelControl Provides access to methods that control how cancellation of methods in the replication agent.
IReplicaValidation Provides access to members that validate a check-out.
IReplicaValidation2 Provides access to members that validate a replica.
ISchemaChangeInfo Provides access to the replica schema change info.
ISchemaChanges Provides access to the replica schema changes.
ISchemaChangesInit Provides access to members that initialize schema changes of a replica.
ITableDataChangesInfo Provides access to members that initialize a TableDataChanges object.
ITablesDataChanges Provides access to members that initialize a TablesDataChanges object.
IVersionDataChangesInit Provides access to members that initialize a VersionDataChanges object.
IWFSServer Provides access to the available WFS Server properties and methods.
IXMLDocumentVersion Provides access to members that control the version of the XML documents being generated.

CoClasses and Classes

CoClass or Class Description
CheckIn Checks in changes from a check-out geodatabase or a delta database to a master geodatabase.
CheckInDataSynchronizer Synchronizes changes from a check-out with the master geodatabase.
CheckOut Checks out data from a master geodatabase to a check-out geodatabase.
CheckOutDataChanges The information needed to perform a check in from a check-out database.
DataChanges The edits in check-outs, modified rows in versions or edits in a delta file.
DataChangesExporter Exports edits in a check-out geodatabase or modified rows in versions to a delta file.
DataChangesImporter Imports edits or checks in from a delta file to a geodatabase.
DataExtraction Extracts data from one geodatabase to another geodatabase.
DeltaDataChanges The information needed to check in from a delta file or import edits from a delta file.
GdbExporter Esri Geodatabase Exporter object.
GdbImporter Esri Geodatabase Importer object.
GdbSchemaCreator Esri Geodatabase Schema Creator object.
GDSData An object that transports GeoDataServer data.
GDSExportOptions An object used to specify GeoDataServer export options.
GDSQueryResultPortion An object used to return results of queries made against a GeoDataServer.
GeoDataServer The GeoDataServer component provides programmatic access to a geodatabase.
GeoDataServerConfigurationFactory GeoDataServer Configuration Factory Class.
GeoDataServerIP The internet proxy for the geodata server.
GeoDataServerLP The lan proxy for the geodata server.
GeoDataServerObjectDescription A class that describes the proxies for the geodata server.
OperationProgress Helper coclass for working with the nondefault outbound IOperationProgress interface in VB.
ReplicaMessageHandler The ReplicaMessageHandler object.
ReplicaProgress Helper coclass for working with the nondefault outbound IReplicaProgress interface in VB.
ReplicaSchemaExporter Esri Replica Schema Exporter object.
ReplicaSchemaImporter Esri Replica Schema Importer object.
ReplicasExporter Esri Replicas Exporter object.
ReplicationAgent A class used to perform replica operations.
ReplicationDataChanges The replicadatachanges object.
ReplicaValidator Validates a check-out with the master geodatabase.
SchemaChangeInfo Esri Schema Change Info object.
SchemaChanges Esri Schema Changes object.
TableDataChangesInfo The information needed to export changes.
TablesDataChanges The information needed to export changes.
VersionDataChanges The information needed to export modified rows in versions to a delta file.
WFSServer The WFS Server Object Extension.


Enumeration Description
esriCheckInSourceType Indicates the source of the data to be checked in.
esriDataChangeType Types of data changes.
esriDisconnectedEditingError Disconnected editing error codes.
esriExportDataChangesOption Options to specify the type of delta file to create.
esriExportGenerationsOption Options to specify the content of the data exported.
esriGDSExportFormat GeoDataServer data export types.
esriGDSImportFormat GeoDataServer data import formats.
esriGDSReplicaImportSource Replica data import source type.
esriGDSTransportType GeoDataServer data transfer formats.
esriGeoDataServerErrors GeoDataServer Object Error Codes.
esriGeoDataServerMessageCodeEnum GeoDataServer message codes.
esriOperationProgress Operation progress types.
esriReExportGenerationsOption Options to specify the content of the data to be re-exported.
esriReplicaMessageType The replica message type.
esriReplicaProgress Replica progress types.
esriReplicaSynchronizeDirection Get the possible replica synchronization direction.
esriReplicationAgentReconcilePolicy ReplicationAgent reconcile policy types for replica synchronization.
esriSchemaChangeType Esri Schema change types.
esriWFSHttpVerb HTTP modes of WFSServer.
esriWFSServerMessageCodeEnum WFSServer return message codes.