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IAGAnimationTrackKeyframes Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > Animation > ESRI.ArcGIS.Animation > Interfaces > IA > IAGAnimationTrackKeyframes Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Animation)  

IAGAnimationTrackKeyframes Interface

Provides access to animation tracks that support keyframes.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Name Description
Read/write property ActiveProperties The combination of active properties for the track.
Method CreateKeyframe Creates a new keyframe of the appropriate type and inserts it. If the index is -1, it is added last.
Read/write property EvenTimeStamps Indicates whether to distribute time stamps evenly in the interval 0-1.
Method FindKeyframe Finds a keyframe by name.
Method InsertKeyframe Inserts a new keyframe. If the index is -1, it is added last.
Read/write property IsActiveProperty Indicates if an animation property is active.
Read-only property Keyframe The keyframe with the given index in the track.
Read-only property KeyframeCount The number of keyframes defined in the track.
Read-only property LastInterpolatedKeyframe The last keyframe that was interpolated in the track.
Method MoveKeyframe Moves the keyframe with the given index, inserting it with a different index.
Method RemoveAllKeyframes Removes all the keyframes.
Method RemoveKeyframe Removes the keyframe with the given index.
Method ResetTimeStamps Redistributes the time stamps in the interval [0,1].
Method RestoreObjectProperties Restores the saved properties of the attached object specified.
Method SaveObjectProperties Internally saves the properties of the attached object specified.
Method SortKeyframes Sorts the keyframes in ascending time order.

CoClasses that implement IAGAnimationTrackKeyframes

CoClasses and Classes Description
AGAnimationTrack The Animation Track coclass.
AnimationTrack (esri3DAnalyst) The Animation Track coclass.


This interface provides properties and methods for managing keyframes associated with the track.

.NET Snippets

Create Animation by Interpolating Between Two Keyframes

.NET Samples

Visualizing the camera path while animating (Code Files: VisualizeCameraPath) | Move a graphic along a path in ArcMap (Code Files: AnimationUtils MapGraphicKeyframe)

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