This document is archived and information here might be outdated. Recommended version. |
Provides access to cadastral fabric Cogo feature class data importer.
Name | Description | |
AccuracyCategory | Accuracy category set on lines and parcels. Default 3. | |
AngleUnit | Angle unit in input COGO feature class. Default: DMS. | |
CogoFieldName | COGO field name. | |
CogoFieldType | COGO required field type. | |
ControlPointTolerance | Control Point Snapping tolerance. Default 0.1 in units of source data's projection. | |
DirectionType | Direction type in input COGO feature class. Default: esriQuadBearing. | |
DirectionUnits | Units for direction fields (other than angle). Default: DMS. | |
InversedAccuracyCategory | Accuracy category set on lines and parcels when a line is calculated from stored geometry (inversed). Default 6. | |
PlanName | BSTR value that the parcel's plan name is set to. Default: Import Source name. | |
RadialPointTolerance | Radial Point Snapping tolerance. Default 0.5 in units of source data's projection. | |
SkipParcel | COGO Parcel that gets skipped (ie, for road parcels). Default=0. |
CoClasses and Classes | Description |
CadastralCogoImporter | Cadastral Fabric Cogo Data Importer object. |
Provides access to members that contain custom methods for importing a COGO coverage into a cadastral fabric.