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ICadastralCogoImporter Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > Cadastral > ESRI.ArcGIS.Cadastral > Interfaces > IC > ICadastralCogoImporter Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Cadastral)  

ICadastralCogoImporter Interface

Provides access to cadastral fabric Cogo feature class data importer.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop.


Name Description
Read/write property AccuracyCategory Accuracy category set on lines and parcels. Default 3.
Read/write property AngleUnit Angle unit in input COGO feature class. Default: DMS.
Read/write property CogoFieldName COGO field name.
Read-only property CogoFieldType COGO required field type.
Read/write property ControlPointTolerance Control Point Snapping tolerance. Default 0.1 in units of source data's projection.
Read/write property DirectionType Direction type in input COGO feature class. Default: esriQuadBearing.
Read/write property DirectionUnits Units for direction fields (other than angle). Default: DMS.
Read/write property InversedAccuracyCategory Accuracy category set on lines and parcels when a line is calculated from stored geometry (inversed). Default 6.
Read/write property PlanName BSTR value that the parcel's plan name is set to. Default: Import Source name.
Read/write property RadialPointTolerance Radial Point Snapping tolerance. Default 0.5 in units of source data's projection.
Write-only property SkipParcel COGO Parcel that gets skipped (ie, for road parcels). Default=0.

CoClasses that implement ICadastralCogoImporter

CoClasses and Classes Description
CadastralCogoImporter Cadastral Fabric Cogo Data Importer object.


Provides access to members that contain custom methods for importing a COGO coverage into a cadastral fabric.