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ICheckOutUIPropertiesEdit Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > GeoDatabaseDistributedUI > ESRI.ArcGIS.GeoDatabaseDistributedUI > Interfaces > IC > ICheckOutUIPropertiesEdit Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabaseDistributedUI)  

ICheckOutUIPropertiesEdit Interface

Provides access to members that set the check-out wizard properties. Note: the ICheckOutUIPropertiesEdit interface has been superseded byICheckOutUIPropertiesEdit2. Please consider using the more recent version.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop.


Name Description
Write-only property COCurrentExtent The current view extent of the ArcMap document.
Read-only property COCurrentExtent The current view extent of the ArcMap document.
Write-only property CODescription The data and filters that define a check-out.
Read-only property CODescription The data and filters that define a check-out.
Write-only property COMXDocumentLocation The path to and name of an ArcMap document.
Read-only property COMXDocumentLocation The path to and name of an ArcMap document.
Write-only property COName The name of a check-out.
Read-only property COName The name of a check-out.
Write-only property COPostCheckOutOption The post check-out options for a ArcMap document.
Read-only property COPostCheckOutOption The post check-out options for a ArcMap document.
Write-only property COQueryGeometry The spatial extent of a check-out.
Read-only property COQueryGeometry The spatial extent of a check-out.
Write-only property CORelatedObjects Indicates if a check-out will include related data.
Read-only property CORelatedObjects Indicates if a check out will include related data.
Write-only property COReuseSchema Indicates if the schema in a check-out geodatabase is to be re-used.
Read-only property COReuseSchema Indicates if the schema in a check-out geodatabase is to be re-used.
Read-only property COSchemaOnly Indicates if a check-out will be schema-only.
Write-only property COSchemaOnly Indicates if a check-out will be schema-only.
Write-only property COSelectedGraphic The currently selected graphic.
Read-only property COSelectedGraphic The currently selected graphic.
Read-only property COSourceData The datasetnames in the master geodatabase to check out.
Write-only property COSourceData The datasetnames in the master geodatabase to check out.
Read-only property COSourceWorkspace The Workspace of the master geodatabase.
Write-only property COSourceWorkspace The Workspace of the master geodatabase.
Read-only property COSpatialConstraint The type of spatial constraint for a check-out.
Write-only property COSpatialConstraint The type of spatial constraint for a check-out.
Read-only property COSpatialRelation The spatial filter for a check-out.
Write-only property COSpatialRelation The spatial filter for a check-out.
Write-only property COWorkspaceName The WorkspaceName of a check-out geodatabase.
Read-only property COWorkspaceName The WorkspaceName of a check-out geodatabase.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
ICheckOutUIProperties Provides access to members that return the check-out wizard properties.

CoClasses that implement ICheckOutUIPropertiesEdit

CoClasses and Classes Description
CheckOutUI The check out wizard.