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ICreateMosaicDatasetParameters Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > DataSourcesRaster > ESRI.ArcGIS.DataSourcesRaster > Interfaces > IC > ICreateMosaicDatasetParameters Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (DataSourcesRaster)  

ICreateMosaicDatasetParameters Interface

Provides access to members that control mosaic dataset creation parameters.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


This interface provides access to parameters that control the creation of a new Mosaic Dataset or a referenced Mosaic Dataset.


Name Description
Read/write property BandCount The number of bands in the mosaic dataset.
Read/write property DefinitionFIDs The definition selection set on the source catalog.
Read/write property DefinitionGeometry The definition (spatial selection) geometry on the source catalog.
Read/write property LODFieldName The name of the field that contains scale values for items in the mosaic dataset.
Read/write property LODInfos The levels of detail associated with the mosaic dataset.
Read/write property MaxCellsizeFieldName The name of the field that contains maximum visible cell-size values for items in the mosaic dataset.
Read/write property MaximumVisibleCellsize The cell-size value above which no mosaicking occurs.
Read/write property MinCellsizeFieldName The name of the field that contains minimum visible cell-size values for items in the mosaic dataset.
Read/write property PixelType The pixel-type of the mosaic dataset.

CoClasses that implement ICreateMosaicDatasetParameters

CoClasses and Classes Description
CreateMosaicDatasetParameters An object that controls how a mosaic dataset is created.

.NET Samples

Create a custom raster type (Code Files: TestThumbnailBuilder) | Create a custom raster type from the ground up for DMCII data (Code Files: TestDMCIIRasterType) | Create a Mosaic dataset (Code Files: CreateMosaicDataset)

.NET Related Topics

DataSourcesRaster | How to create a Mosaic dataset | How to create a referenced mosaic dataset