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Type of the geometry stored in the edit sketch.
[Visual Basic .NET] Public Property GeometryType As esriGeometryType
[C#] public esriGeometryType GeometryType {get; set;}
HRESULT get_GeometryType(
esriGeometryType* geomType
HRESULT put_GeometryType(
esriGeometryType geomType
Parameters geomType [out, retval]
geomType is a parameter of type esriGeometryType* geomType [in]
geomType is a parameter of type esriGeometryType
Use this property in conjunction with the IEngineEditSketch::Geometry property to manage the geometry inside the edit sketch. Setting GeometryType automatically initializes the IEngineEditSketch::Geometry property and vice versa. For example, if you set the GeometryType to esriGeometryPolygon, a new empty Polygon object will be created.
Valid esriGeometryType constants used by IEngineEditSketch are: esriGeometryPoint, esriGeometryMultipoint, esriGeometryPolyline, esriGeometryPolygon and esriGeometryNull.