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IEngineInkEnvironment Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > Controls > ESRI ArcGIS Controls > Interfaces > IE > IEngineInkEnvironment Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Controls)  

IEngineInkEnvironment Interface

Provides access to members that control the EngineInkEnvironment singleton.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.


The IEngineInkEnvironment interface manages the state of ink collection and the ink sketch.


Name Description
Read/write property AlwaysShowAlternates Indicates if the alternates dialog will always be shown when performing text recognition.
Read/write property AutoRecognizeInkGraphics Indicates whether to attempt to recognize newly created InkGraphics as text.
Method Clear Deletes any active ink from the screen.
Read/write property GeneralizeInk Indicates whether the Ink should be generalized.
Read-only property InkCollectionMode Indicates if the extension is collecting ink.
Read-only property InkCollector The internal ink collecting object.
Read-only property InkGeometry The current Ink sketch as a geometry.
Read/write property MapNavigationGesturesEnabled Indicates whether the map navigation gestures should be enabled.
Read/write property OnlyEraseActiveInkSketch Indicates if only the active ink sketch may be erased.
Read/write property PressureSensitiveStylus Indicates if the ink stylus is pressure-sensitive.
Read/write property ProjectInkGraphicGeometry Indicates whether to project an InkGraphic's Geometry.
Read/write property ScratchoutEnabled Indicates whether the scratch-out gesture should be enabled.
Method Start Starts obtaining ink from the stylus.
Method Stop Stops obtaining ink from the stylus.
Read/write property ToolCommitDelay The auto commit delay interval in seconds.
Read/write property ToolCommitType The ink tool commit type.

CoClasses that implement IEngineInkEnvironment

CoClasses and Classes Description
EngineInkEnvironment A singleton object representing Engine ink environment.

.NET Samples

Committing ink sketches using the controls ink commands (Code Files: InkSketchCommit)