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IExportFileDialog.DoModal Method (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (OutputUI)  

IExportFileDialog.DoModal Method

Displays Export Dialog.

[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Function DoModal ( _
    ByVal pMapPixelBounds As IEnvelope, _
    ByVal pVisiblePixelBounds As IEnvelope, _
    ByVal pMapExtent As IEnvelope, _
    ByVal dPixelBoundsResolution As Double _
) As Boolean
public bool DoModal (
    IEnvelope pMapPixelBounds,
    IEnvelope pVisiblePixelBounds,
    IEnvelope pMapExtent,
    double dPixelBoundsResolution

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop.


Assign a valid value to IExportFileDialog::DocumentName before calling the DoModal method.

The pMapPixelBounds parameter should be assigned an envelope representing the height and width of the output image in pixels.

The pVisiblePixelBounds parameter will be used in determining if the dialog's "Clip Output to Graphics Extent" checkbox control will be visible.  When exporting from a PageLayout object, you will typically assign an envelope representing height and width of the Page in page units.  When exporting from a Map object, assign null to the pVisiblePixelBounds parameter.

The pMapExtent parameter will be used in determining if the dialog's "Write World File" and "Write GeoTIFF Tags" checkbox controls will be enabled.  When exporting from a PageLayout object, assign null to the pMapExtent parameter.  When exporting from a Map object, assign an envelope representing the map extent in world units.  If the user selects a image export object, the ExportFileDialog object will assign the pMapExtent envelope to the export object's IWorldFileSettings::MapExtent property.

The dPixelBoundsResolution parameter should be a double representing the resolution at which pMapPixelBounds was calculated

See Also

IExportFileDialog Interface