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Import the data changes for a replica.
[Visual Basic .NET] Public Function ImportReplicaDataChanges ( _ ByVal sourceType As esriGDSReplicaImportSource, _ ByVal reconcilePolicy As esriReplicaReconcilePolicyType, _ ByVal columnLevel As Boolean, _ ByVal data As IGDSData _ ) As Boolean
[C#] public bool ImportReplicaDataChanges ( esriGDSReplicaImportSource sourceType, esriReplicaReconcilePolicyType reconcilePolicy, bool columnLevel, IGDSData data );
HRESULT ImportReplicaDataChanges(
esriGDSReplicaImportSource sourceType,
esriReplicaReconcilePolicyType reconcilePolicy,
VARIANT_BOOL columnLevel,
IGDSData* data
Parameters sourceType [in]
sourceType is a parameter of type esriGDSReplicaImportSource reconcilePolicy [in]
reconcilePolicy is a parameter of type esriReplicaReconcilePolicyType columnLevel [in]
columnLevel is a parameter of type bool data [in]
data is a parameter of type IGDSData*
The ImportReplicaDataChanges method is used to import replica data change messages. Use this method when synchronizing replicas in a disconnected environment. To synchronize replicas in a connected environment, see IReplicationAgent::SynchronizeReplica.
This method should be used in conjunction with the IGeoDataServer::ExportReplicaDataChanges method to complete the transfer to data from one replica to it's relative. Note that this method can only be executed for replicas that are data receivers. See IGPReplica::ReplicaState for more information.
The sourcetype defines the file format used to store the changes.
The reconcilePolicy parameter uses the esriReplicaReconilePolicyType enumeration to define how conflicts will be resolved when the changes are imported. When importing to a replica, changes are first applied to a synchronization version. For 2 way and 1 way replicas, this version is always reconciled and posted with the replica version. For check-out replicas, you can also choose whether or not to reconcile and post. The following describes the meaning of each enumeration:
esriReplicaDetectConflicts -If conflicts occur, the reconcile process is aborted and you must reconcile and post manually after sycnhronization is completed.
esriReplicaResolveConflictsInFavorOfImportedChanges - Automatically resolve conflicts in favor of the changes being imported.
esriReplicaResolveConflictsInFavorOfDatabaseChanges - Automatically resolve conflicts in favor of the database importing the changes.
esriReplicaResolveConflictsNone - This enumeration has meaning for check-out replicas only. It indicates that a reconcile and post should not be applied during synchronization.
The columnLevel parameter defines whether or not to use column level conflict detection. If true, conflicts occur only when specific column values differ. If false, any change to any values in each row can cause a conflict.
The data parameter takes a reference to an GDSData object which is the source of the data changes. See the GDSData coclass for more information.
The method returns TRUE if conflicts were detected. It returns FALSE if no conflicts were detected.
The How to synchronize a data change message in a disconnected environment topic shows how to use this method.