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IIdentify Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > Carto > ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto > Interfaces > II > IIdentify Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Carto)  

IIdentify Interface

Provides access to members that identify features. Note: the IIdentify interface has been superseded byIIdentify2. Please consider using the more recent version.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Name Description
Method Identify Identifies objects at the specified location.

CoClasses that implement IIdentify

CoClasses and Classes Description
BasemapLayer Layer containing a Basemap.
BasemapSubLayer Wrapper for layers in the basemap.
CadAnnotationLayer An Esri Cad annotation layer.
CadastralFabricLayer Cadastral Fabric Layer Object.
CadastralFabricSubLayer Cadastral Fabric Feature Layer Object.
CadFeatureLayer Esri CAD Feature Layer class.
CadLayer Esri CAD Layer class.
ChartRenderer A chart renderer used to draw pie, bar, and stacked bar chart symbols.
CoverageAnnotationLayer An Esri coverage annotation layer.
DimensionLayer A collection of properties for a dimension layer.
FDOGraphicsLayer A collection of properties for an annotation layer (feature data object graphics layer).
FeatureLayer A collection of features and their visual representation.
GdbRasterCatalogLayer Geodabase RasterCatalog source and display options.
GlobeServerLayer (esriGlobeCore) Provides programmatic access to a globe server layer.
GroupLayer A collection of layers that behaves like a single layer.
ImageServerLayer Image server layer source and display options.
IMSMapLayer A container for the display and manipulation of IMS layers.
IMSSubFeatureLayer A collection of IMS features as a sublayer of an IMSMapLayer.
JoinedPointLayer (esriCadastralUI) Layer object that represents Joined Points.
LasDatasetLayer The Terrain Layer class.
MapServerIdentifySublayer Provides programmatic access to a map server sublayer with Identify capability.
MapServerLayer Provides programmatic access to a map server layer.
MapServerQuerySublayer Provides programmatic access to a map server sublayer with Find and Identify capability.
MosaicLayer The layer implementation of the Mosaic Dataset.
NALayer (esriNetworkAnalyst) The layer for defining, solving, and viewing network analysis results.
NetworkLayer Esri Network Layer CoClass.
PacketJoinedLayer (esriCadastralUI) Layer object that represents a packet of Joined Parcels, Lines, Points, Control Points, LinePoints and Text.
ProcessLayer (esriGeoprocessing) A collection of process layers that behaves like a single layer.
RasterCatalogLayer Raster catalog source and display options.
RasterClassifyColorRampRenderer A renderer with a color ramp for rasters with classified values.
RasterColormapRenderer A raster colormap renderer.
RasterDiscreteColorRenderer A raster discrete color renderer.
RasterLayer Raster layer source and display options.
RasterRGBRenderer A true-color RGB renderer.
RasterStretchColorRampRenderer A renderer with a color ramp for rasters with continuous values.
RasterUniqueValueRenderer A renderer for rasters with unique values.
RepresentationRenderer A renderer that draws features using representation information stored in the layer�s data source.
SchematicLayer (esriSchematic) A Schematic layer object.
SearchResultsLayer (esriCatalog) A layer that lets you preview a search result in the Geography tab. This object is not supported on ArcGIS version 10.1. or later.
TemporalFeatureLayer (esriTrackingAnalyst) Defines the coclass IDL parameters and attributes of the TemporalFeatureLayer COM object.
TerrainLayer The Terrain Layer class.
TinLayer The TIN Layer class.
WCSLayer WCS layer source and display options.
WMSGroupLayer A container for the display of WMS group layers.
WMSLayer A container for the display of WMS sub layers.
WMSMapLayer A container for the display and manipulation of WMS layers.


The IIdentify interface can be used to identify features at the specified location. When this interface is on a map layer, the Identify method returns an array of FeatureIdentifyObject objects.

On a FeatureIdentifyObject, you can do a QI to the IIdentifyObj interface to get more information about the identified feature. The IIdentifyObj interface returns the window handle, layer, and name of the feature; it has methods to flash the feature in the display and to display a context menu at the Identify location.

See Also

FeatureIdentifyObject Class | IIdentifyObj Interface | IFeatureIdentifyObj Interface

.NET Samples

Time Series Graph tool add-in (Code Files: TimeSeriesGraph)