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Fires when the user releases a mouse button while over the MapControl.
[Visual Basic .NET] Public Event OnMouseUp As OnMouseUpEventHandler
[C#] public event OnMouseUpEventHandler OnMouseUp
long button,
long shift,
long X,
long Y,
double mapX,
double mapY
Parameters button [in]
button is a parameter of type long shift [in]
shift is a parameter of type long X [in]
X is a parameter of type long Y [in]
Y is a parameter of type long mapX [in]
mapX is a parameter of type double mapY [in]
mapY is a parameter of type double
The OnMouseUp event is triggered when the user releases a mouse button on the MapControl. Use the event to specify actions that will occur when a given mouse button is released.
button specifies which mouse button was pressed. 1 for the left mouse button, 2 for the right mouse button, and 4 for the middle mouse button.
shift specifies an integer corresponding to the state of the SHIFT (bit 0), CTRL (bit 1) and ALT (bit 2) keys. When none, some or all of these keys are pressed none, some or all the bits get set. These bits correspond to the values 1, 2, and 4, respectively. For example, if both SHIFT and ALT were pressed, ShiftState would return 5.
x is the X coordinate, in device units, where the mouse button was pressed referenced against the origin (0, 0) of the MapControl (the top left hand corner).
y is the Y coordinate, in device units, where the mouse button was pressed referenced against the origin (0, 0) of the MapControl (the top left hand corner).
mapX is the X coordinate, in map units, where the mouse button was pressed referenced against the origin (bottom left hand corner) of the IMapControl2::Map. The values returned are in IMapControl2::MapUnits.
mapY is the Y coordinate, in map units, where the mouse button was pressed referenced against the origin (bottom left hand corner) of the IMapControl2::Map. The values returned are in IMapControl2::MapUnits
Use the win32 SetCapture function to continue receiving mouse events (until the mouse is released) when the mouse is moved outside the control's display area. The win32 ReleaseCapture function releases the mouse.