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IMaplexOverposterLayerProperties Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > Carto > ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto > Interfaces > IM > IMaplexOverposterLayerProperties Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Carto)  

IMaplexOverposterLayerProperties Interface

Provides access to members that control the placement of labels for a layer.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Name Description
Read/write property AlignLabelToLineDirection Indicates whether to align the label with the label direction so the label may appear upside down.
Read/write property AllowAsymmetricOverrun Indicates whether a label may overrun one side of a polygon feature.
Read/write property BackgroundLabel Indicates whether to place the label first and allow other labels to be placed over it.
Read/write property CanAbbreviateLabel Indicates whether to abbreviate the label using an abbreviation dictionary.
Read/write property CanOverrunFeature Indicates whether to place the label over end of line or over polygon boundary.
Read/write property CanPlaceLabelOutsidePolygon Indicates whether to place a label outside the polygon if it does not fit inside.
Read/write property CanReduceFontSize Indicates whether to reduce the size of the font.
Read/write property CanRemoveOverlappingLabel Indicates whether to remove the label if it overlaps with other labels.
Read/write property CanShiftPointLabel Indicates whether to allow the point label to be shifted upon a fixed position.
Read/write property CanStackLabel Indicates whether to stack the label to obtain a better position.
Read/write property CanTruncateLabel Indicates whether to truncate the label using an algorithm.
Read/write property ConstrainOffset Label constraint options.
Read/write property DictionaryName Name of the abbreviations dictionary referenced by this layer.
Read/write property EnablePointPlacementPriorities Indicates whether to use user-defined point placement priorities.
Read/write property FeatureBuffer Increase buffer around a point feature to stop labels from being placed too close to the feature.
Read/write property FeatureType The feature type for labeling.
Read/write property FeatureWeight Feature weight controls which features may be overlapped and to what extent.
Read/write property FontHeightReductionLimit The font may be reduced in height until this limit is reached.
Read/write property FontHeightReductionStep This is the step interval for font height reduction.
Read/write property FontWidthReductionLimit The font may be reduced in width until this limit is reached.
Read/write property FontWidthReductionStep This is the step interval for font width reduction.
Read/write property GraticuleAlignment Indicates whether to enable graticule alignment.
Read/write property IsStreetPlacement Indicates whether to enable street placement techniques.
Read/write property LabelBuffer Increase buffer to stop labels from being placed too close to each other.
Read/write property LabelPriority Label prority controls approximate placement order.
Read/write property LabelStackingProperties The label stacking properties for a layer.
Read/write property LandParcelPlacement Indicates whether to place the label within land parcel polygon avoiding building footprint.
Read/write property LinePlacementMethod Line placement options.
Read/write property MaximumCharacterSpacing The character spacing may be increased upto this limit.
Read/write property MaximumLabelOverrun Maximum distance that a label is allowed to overrun the end of its feature.
Read/write property MaximumWordSpacing The word spacing may be increased upto this limit.
Read/write property MinimumEndOfStreetClearance Minimum clearance between street label and street end.
Read/write property MinimumRepetitionInterval Interval that must elapse before label is repeated.
Read/write property MinimumSizeForLabeling Specifies a minimum size of a line or area feature for it to be labeled.
Read/write property NeverRemoveLabel Indicates whether to not remove the label if no position is found.
Read/write property OffsetAlongLineProperties The offset along line properties for a layer.
Read/write property PointPlacementMethod Point placement options.
Read/write property PointPlacementPriorities Controls placement of label around point fetaure.
Read/write property PolygonBoundaryWeight Feature Weight for the boundary of the polygon.
Read/write property PolygonPlacementMethod Polygon placement options.
Read/write property PreferHorizontalPlacement Indicates if there is a preference to place the label horizontally.
Read/write property PreferredEndOfStreetClearance Preferred clearance between street label and street end.
Read/write property PrimaryOffset Primary offset between label and symbol.
Read/write property PrimaryOffsetUnit The primary offset is interpreted to be in this unit.
Read/write property RepeatLabel Indicates whether to enable the repetition of label along line feature.
Read/write property RotationProperties The label rotation properties for a layer.
Read/write property SecondaryOffset Secondary offset between label and symbol.
Read/write property SpreadCharacters Indicates whether to spread label characters along line feature.
Read/write property SpreadWords Indicates whether to spread words along line feature.
Read/write property ThinDuplicateLabels Indicates whether to remove duplicate labels that lie within a specified distance of each other.
Read/write property ThinningDistance Distance used to control the thinning of duplicate labels.

CoClasses that implement IMaplexOverposterLayerProperties

CoClasses and Classes Description
MaplexOverposterLayerProperties Properties that specify the label placement rules per layer.