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IMosaicDatasetOperation2 Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > DataSourcesRaster > ESRI.ArcGIS.DataSourcesRaster > Interfaces > IM > IMosaicDatasetOperation2 Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (DataSourcesRaster)  

IMosaicDatasetOperation2 Interface

Provides access to additional moasaic dataset operations.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Name Description
Method AddNewerRasters Re-crawls all data source paths associated with selected catalog items for newer data sources and adds these new items to the mosaic dataset.
Method AddRasters Adds raster datasets to the mosaic dataset.
Method Analyze Analyzes the mosaic dataset for errors.
Method BuildBoundary Builds the boundary geometry of the mosaic dataset using selected catalog items.
Method BuildFootprints Rebuilds footprint geometry of selected catalog items.
Method BuildSeamlines Builds seamline geometry of selected catalog items.
Method CalculateCellSizeRanges Calculates cell size ranges that control visibility of selected catalog items.
Method ComputeDirtyArea Computes a polygon that defines a region containing mosaic dataset items newer than a specified point in time.
Read-only property DefaultCacheWorkspace The default workspace for storing cached datasets associated with the mosaic dataset.
Read-only property DefaultOverviewWorkspace The default workspace for storing overview raster dataset associated with the mosaic dataset.
Method DefineNoData Applies a mask with specified NoData values on selected catalog items.
Method DefineOverviews Defines a new (or refreshes an existing) overview tiling scheme.
Method DeleteMosaicDataset Deletes the mosaic dataset.
Method GenerateOverviews Generates overview images corresponding to selected catalog items.
Method GetCellSizeLevels Returns the cell size levels associated with the specified raster type instance. An 'instanceID' value of -1 indicates a request for cell size levels associated with the mosaic dataset.
Method ImportGeometry Imports external geometry into the mosaic dataset.
Method IsStale Indicates whether the specified row is stale. An item is stale primarily when the data source referenced by the row has changed since the last time the item was created or synchronized. Other examples of stale items include those with null, zero, or a negative
Method MergeItems Combines selected items into one or more new mosaic dataset items.
Method PrepareSchema Creates all mosaic dataset side-tables and their relationships. Also creates all auxiliary fields in the mosaic catalog based on the collection of raster type name objects.
Method QuerySpatialIndex Returns the spatial index and grid sizes of the mosaic catalog.
Read-only property RecommendedRasterType Returns a raster type object recommended as a possible default for this mosaic dataset.
Method RemoveItems Removes selected catalog items.
Method RepairManagedOverviews Repairs the managed overview paths for mosaic datasets that have been moved.
Method RepairReferencedSideTables Repairs a referenced mosaic dataset to point to the spcecified target mosaic dataset or raster catalog.
Method ReplacePaths Replaces paths associated with the raster datasets and the data sources of selected catalog items.
Method ResetSpatialIndex Resets spatial index on the mosaic catalog. Creates a new spatial index if none is found.
Method Search Returns a search cursor with mosaic dataset items matching all specified criteria.
Method SplitMergedItems Creates new mosaic dataset items based on the constituent parts of a previously merged item.
Method Synchronize Rebuilds selected catalog items and synchronizes them with the corresponding data source.
Method UpdateBoundary Updates the boundary associated with the mosaic dataset to be the specified geometry.
Method UpdateCellSizeLevels Stores the cell size levels associated with the specified raster type instance ID. An 'instanceID' value of -1 indicates that cell size levels associated with the mosaic dataset is being updated.
Method UpdateTimeStamp Updates the time stamp value of selected catalog items.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IMosaicDatasetOperation Provides access to moasaic dataset operations.

CoClasses that implement IMosaicDatasetOperation2

CoClasses and Classes Description
MosaicDataset A mosaic dataset object.