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IMosaicFunction3 Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > DataSourcesRaster > ESRI.ArcGIS.DataSourcesRaster > Interfaces > IM > IMosaicFunction3 Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (DataSourcesRaster)  

IMosaicFunction3 Interface

Provides access to members that control mosaic function.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Name Description
Read/write property ApplyColorCorrection Indicates if color correction needs to be applied.
Read/write property Ascending Indicates whether the ascending flag of OrderBy.
Read/write property BackgroundRaster The background raster.
Read/write property BlendingWidth The blending width for Blend mosaic operator.
Read/write property BlendingWidth2 The blending width for Blend mosaic operator.
Read/write property BlendingWidthUnits The units associated with the blending width for Blend mosaic operator.
Read-only property Catalog The catalog.
Read/write property CellsizeFieldName The native raster cellsize field name.
Read/write property ClipToBoundary Indicates if the mosaic dataset will be clipped to its boundary.
Read/write property ClipToFootprint Indicates if individual images will be clipped to their footprints.
Method ConstructQueryExpression Constructs a query expression (WHERE clause).
Read/write property DefinitionExpression The definition expression on the source catalog.
Read/write property DefinitionFIDs The definition selection set on the source catalog.
Read/write property DefinitionGeometry The definition (spatial selection) geometry on the source catalog.
Read/write property DrawFootprint Indicates if to draw footprints.
Read/write property FIDs The current selection set on the source catalog.
Read/write property FootprintMayContainNoData Indicates whether the footprint geometry associated with each raster may contain NoData pixels. Setting this property to false while clipping to fooptrint enables the system to assume that only valid pixels exist within a raster's footprint towards optimizing
Read/write property FootprintSymbol The symbol used to draw footprints.
Method IsVisible Checks if a given pixel size is visible.
Method LockCellsize Locks LOD at a given cellsize.
Read/write property LockRasterFieldName The lock raster ID field name in the source catalog.
Read/write property LockRasterID The lock raster ID.
Read/write property LODFieldName The LOD field name.
Read/write property LODInfos The current mosaic LOD information.
Read-only property MaxCellsizeFieldIndex The maximum cellsize field index.
Read/write property MaxCellsizeFieldName The maximum cellsize field name.
Read/write property MaximumVisibleCellsize The maximum visible cellsize.
Read/write property MaxMosaicImageCount The maximum number of rasters used per request.
Read-only property MinCellsizeFieldIndex The minimum cellsize field index.
Read/write property MinCellsizeFieldName The minimum cellsize field name.
Read/write property MosaicMethod The mosaic method.
Read/write property MosaicOperator The current mosaic operator.
Read/write property MosaicOperatorType The current mosaic operator type.
Read/write property OrderByBaseValue The Order By base value.
Read/write property OrderByFieldName The Order By field on the source catalog.
Read-only property RasterFieldIndex The raster field index.
Read/write property RasterFieldName The raster field name in the source catalog.
Method Search Searches the catalog using current mosaic rules.
Method UnlockCellsize Unlocks LOD from the locked cellsize.
Read/write property Viewpoint The view point.
Read/write property WhereClause The SQL selection where clause expression.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IMosaicFunction2 Provides access to members that control mosaic function.
IMosaicFunction Provides access to members that control mosaic function.

CoClasses that implement IMosaicFunction3

CoClasses and Classes Description
MosaicFunction A class for a raster mosaic function.