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The associated network dataset.
[Visual Basic .NET] Public ReadOnly Property NetworkDataset As INetworkDataset
[C#] public INetworkDataset NetworkDataset {get;}
HRESULT get_NetworkDataset(
INetworkDataset** NetworkDataset
Parameters NetworkDataset [out, retval]
NetworkDataset is a parameter of type INetworkDataset**
NetworkDataset returns the NetworkDataset that the NAContext is referencing.
The NetworkDataset is only available after the NAContext has been bound to a NetworkDataset using INAContextEdit::Bind.
This illustrates how you can get the NetworkDataset from the NAContext after it has been bound.
public void CreateContextAndGetNetworkDatasetBackOut(INetworkDataset networkDataset)
INASolver naSolver=new NARouteSolver() as INASolver;
IDENetworkDataset deNetworkDataset=((IDatasetComponent)networkDataset).DataElement as IDENetworkDataset;
INAContext context=naSolver.CreateContext(deNetworkDataset, naSolver.DisplayName) as INAContext;
INAContextEdit contextEdit=(INAContextEdit)context;
contextEdit.Bind(networkDataset, new GPMessagesClass());
INetworkDataset networkDatasetFromContext=context.NetworkDataset;