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INAODCostMatrix Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
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ArcObjects Library Reference (NetworkAnalyst)  

INAODCostMatrix Interface

Provides access to the OD cost matrix object.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server. Requires Network Analyst Extension.


This interface is new at ArcGIS 9.3.


Name Description
Read-only property AreOriginsIdenticalToDestinations Indicates if the origin set is identical to the destination set, i.e. that every origin network location also exists as a destination network location.
Read-only property CostAttributeNames The names of the network cost attributes.
Read-only property DefaultValue The value returned for un-populated matrix enteries.
Read-only property DestinationCount The number of destination locations.
Read-only property DestinationIndexByRank For a given origin, retrieves the index of the populated destination for a given rank. The index is returned only if the HasRankingAttribute is true.
Method FindDestinationIndex Finds the destination corresponding to the given network location.
Method FindOriginIndex Finds the origin corresponding to the given network location.
Read-only property HasRankingAttribute Indicates if the matrix has an attribute for ranking values.
Read-only property IsPopulated Indicates if the matrix entry for given origin, destination index is populated.
Read-only property IsSymmetric Indicates if the matrix has symmetric values.
Read-only property NetworkDatasetName The name of the network dataset.
Read-only property OriginCount The number of origin locations.
Read-only property PopulatedDestinationCount For a given origin, retrieves the number of destinations with populated matrix values.
Method QueryPopulatedDestinationIndices For a given origin, retrieves the indices of populated destinations.
Method QueryRankedDestinationIndices For a given origin, retrieves the indices of the populated destinations in increasing rank.
Method QueryValues Retrieves the cost values of all cost attributes for the given origin and destination.
Read-only property RankingAttributeIndex The index of the cost attribute used to rank the populated destinations for each origin.
Read-only property Value Retrieves the cost value for a given origin and destination. The attribute index is with respect to the array of cost attribute names returned by CostAttributeNames.

CoClasses that implement INAODCostMatrix

CoClasses and Classes Description
NAODCostMatrixResult Contains an origin-destination cost matrix.


The INAODCostMatrix interface provides access to origin-destination cost information associated with a set of NALocation instances.