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INAServerVRPParams Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > NetworkAnalyst > ESRI.ArcGIS.NetworkAnalyst > Interfaces > IN > INAServerVRPParams Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (NetworkAnalyst)  

INAServerVRPParams Interface

Deprecated as of 10.0. Provides access to properties that specify the Vehicle Routing Problem solver settings and return parameters used during network analysis with NAServer.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server. Requires Network Analyst Extension.


Name Description
Read/write property Barriers RecordSet or array of PropertySets representing Barriers loaded as network locations during analysis.
Read/write property Breaks RecordSet or array of PropertySets representing Breaks loaded as network locations during analysis.
Read/write property Depots RecordSet or array of PropertySets representing Depots loaded as network locations during analysis.
Read/write property DirectionsLanguage Language to use when computing directions.
Read/write property DirectionsLengthUnits Length units to use when computing directions.
Read/write property DirectionsOutputType Type of directions to generate.
Read/write property DirectionsStyleName Name of the directions style to use when generating directions.
Read/write property DirectionsTimeAttributeName Name of network attribute to use for the drive time when computing directions.
Read/write property ImageDescription ImageDescription used when generating the MapImage returned with the analysis results.
Read/write property MapDescription MapDescription used when generating the MapImage returned with the analysis results.
Read/write property MaxSnapTolerance Maximum search tolerance used when attempting to load network locations.
Read/write property NAClassCandidateFieldMaps Array of NAClassCandidateFieldMaps .
Read/write property NALayerName Network analysis layer name.
Read/write property OrderPairs RecordSet or array of PropertySets representing Order Pairs loaded as network locations during analysis.
Read/write property Orders RecordSet or array of PropertySets representing Orders loaded as network locations during analysis.
Read/write property OutputSpatialReference Spatial reference of the geometries returned with the analysis results.
Read/write property PolygonBarriers RecordSet or array of PropertySets representing Polygon Barriers loaded as collections of network locations during analysis.
Read/write property PolylineBarriers RecordSet or array of PropertySets representing Polyline Barriers loaded as collections of network locations during analysis.
Read/write property ReturnBarriers Indicates if the output barriers recordset should be returned with the analysis results.
Read/write property ReturnBreaks Indicates if the output Breaks recordset should be returned with the analysis results.
Read/write property ReturnCompactDirections Indicates if compact directions should be generated and returned with the analysis results.
Read/write property ReturnDepots Indicates if the output Depots recordset should be returned with the analysis results.
Read/write property ReturnDepotVisits Indicates if the output Depot Visits recordset should be returned with the analysis results.
Read/write property ReturnMap Indicates if a MapImage should be generated and returned with the analysis results.
Read/write property ReturnOrderPairs Indicates if the output OrderPairs recordset should be returned with the analysis results.
Read/write property ReturnOrders Indicates if the output Orders recordset should be returned with the analysis results.
Read/write property ReturnPolygonBarriers Indicates if the output polygon barriers recordset should be returned with the analysis results.
Read/write property ReturnPolylineBarriers Indicates if the output polyline barriers recordset should be returned with the analysis results.
Read/write property ReturnRouteRenewals Indicates if the output Route Renewals recordset should be returned with the analysis results.
Read/write property ReturnRoutes Indicates if the output Routes recordset should be returned with the analysis results.
Read/write property ReturnRouteSeedPoints Indicates if the Route Seed Points recordset should be returned with the analysis results.
Read/write property ReturnRouteZones Indicates if the Route Zones recordset should be returned with the analysis results.
Read/write property ReturnSpecialties Indicates if the Specialties recordset should be returned with the analysis results.
Read/write property RouteRenewals RecordSet or array of PropertySets representing Route Renewals loaded as network locations during analysis.
Read/write property Routes RecordSet or array of PropertySets representing Routes loaded as network locations during analysis.
Read/write property RouteSeedPoints RecordSet or array of PropertySets representing Route Seed Points loaded as network locations during analysis.
Read/write property RouteZones RecordSet or array of PropertySets representing Route Zones loaded as network locations during analysis.
Read/write property SnapTolerance Minimum search tolerance used when attempting to load network locations.
Read/write property SnapToleranceUnits Length units of the SnapTolerance and MaxSnapTolerance.
Read/write property Specialties RecordSet or array of PropertySets representing Specialties loaded as network locations during analysis.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
INAServerSolverParams Deprecated as of 10.0. Provides access to properties that specify the solver settings and return parameters used during network analysis with NAServer.

CoClasses that implement INAServerVRPParams

CoClasses and Classes Description
NAServerVRPParams Deprecated as of 10.0. A container for the Vehicle Routing Problem solver settings and return parameters used by NAServer.


At version 10.1, ArcGIS for Server no longer supports performing network analysis via local connections using the GISServer and GISClient APIs. Use the SOAP or REST API instead.

INAServerVRPParams provides methods to set input parameters on an NAServerVRPParams object that is then used by the Solve method on INAServer to perform vehicle routing problem analysis.