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Array of global turn delay categories in this evaluator.
[Visual Basic .NET] Public Property TurnDelayCategories As IArray
[C#] public IArray TurnDelayCategories {get; set;}
HRESULT get_TurnDelayCategories(
IArray** categories
HRESULT putref_TurnDelayCategories(
IArray* categories
Parameters categories [out, retval]
categories is a parameter of type IArray** categories [in]
categories is a parameter of type IArray*
The TurnDelayCategories is an array of NetworkGlobalTurnDelayCategory objects that define the classification of turn types for this evaluator. Each category is defined by the turning angle, the road category for the starting and finishing road of the turn, and the road category for any other crossroads at that intersection. For each category, a travel time, measured in seconds, is specified.